The Dish April 1st New HD Saga (Merged Threads)

Wanna hear something REALLY funny?

I don't give a rat's *butt* about ANY of the channels listed.
I just don't care. They aren't channels I currently watch in SD
They aren't channels I'm likely to watch in HD
They aren't channels I'm interested in at all.

Adding HD just to pad the numbers is of absolutely no interest to me.

Ah, so since you don't care, we shouldn't either. Gotcha.
I care as I do watch stuff on some of those channels. However, I as well as many would like to see Speed in HD more than any of those channels. FX is another one I'd like to see but I don't watch a ton of stuff on it.
Charlie holding the channels hostage because he thinks he can get a better deal.
This assertion was recently used as an explanation of why DIRECTV hasn't added the HBO channels that they promised back in the Spring of 2007. I'll reiterate why the argument makes no sense:

When you are negotiating and your supplier finds out that you have promised to deliver their product to your customers by a date certain, you've given them the sixteen pound bargaining hammer and they will powder your bones with it.
maybe we should all switch to direct.i really love dish DVR's but i am strongly considering switching.
What would that gain someone ? For all intents and purposes, they have a fairly equal number of HD channels, no ? Simply don't listen or believe any "promises" of channel additions and everything ends up the same.
I'm betting it's still the "technical problem" and I bet the technical problem is HD Absolute.

I don't think they can figure out how to give the TurboHD subs the channels, and not the HD Absoluters. It seems some TurboHD customers and HD Absolute customers are getting CMT and Comedy, and some Spike. I'm betting that was a deliberate test, and it failed when the Absolutes saw it.

First, they added Fox News and Fox Buisness, but not to Turbo, expaining they may add it later. They probaby are waitng to figure out how.

Yesterday, they deleted and added 7 TMP channels. My guess is they are playing with the package flags and some engineering boxes.
:up Ding, Ding, Ding!!!
126 - 922's.
Better add me on the list too. But put a little * by my name so that you don't automatically ship me one if the shipping is in the range of $1000-$250.:D

You're the best rey! It's great that your plan has brought out so many new people to post on this forum, even if that's all that happens.

Come on folks - chime in. You KNOW you want one...;)
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This assertion was recently used as an explanation of why DIRECTV hasn't added the HBO channels that they promised back in the Spring of 2007. I'll reiterate why the argument makes no sense:

When you are negotiating and your supplier finds out that you have promised to deliver their product to your customers by a date certain, you've given them the sixteen pound bargaining hammer and they will powder your bones with it.

Well, first of all, when you are negotiating you don't make a promise to deliver anything to your customers. Anyway, saying that Charlie promised to deliver the Viacom channels while negotiations were underway is engaging in unfounded speculation. From everything posted here he didn't make the announcement until negotiations were finished.

Second, why would Charlie worry about not delivering a channel he promised any more than he would taking off a channel he's already offering? Or for that matter what evidence do you have that Charlie would worry about what Viacom (or any other negotiator) says at all?
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I think people should calm down. This is no different than past history with Dish.

Dish has done these tactics for years. Why is it that this one is any different?

I agree its frustrating to be told one thing and then get SOON as the answer yet again but its only TV.

Look on the bright side. If Netflix and Hulu can continue to grow and support ways of getting instant content from the net to your TV we wont need DVRs or Dish in 5 years.
The explanation about HD Absolute doesn't make much sense because of an already obvious difference between what Turbo and Absolute customers are seeing.

From what I can tell, the HD Absolute subs can see Comedy Central and CMT in SD, but they're not seeing Spike. The Turbo subs apparently are seeing all three SD channels (CC, CMT & Spike). That has me thinking the issue is something completely different.
Yeah, you are probably right. But it sounds good. I can't see FoxBusiness News even in Red (in the 9000's range). But I can see FoxNews in red in that range.

How many subscribers have HD Absolute?
All the ones in my house.
Dear Dish Customers,
No matter how many HD channels we give you it's never enough. You pat us on the back and thank us one day for adding 5 new HD channels and a month later you threaten to cancel you subscription if you don't get 3 or 4 more. You will never be satisfied so we don't listen to your request and we will add new HD channels at our convenience and say whatever we want. You want to quit Dish and go elsewhere just because a couple HD channels didn't get added in time for whatever, go ahead. Funny how you were all satisfied with SD channels before HD was available.

Amen brother.

People are getting blown up in wars, starving to death, have no homes, etc., etc., etc. around the world and folks here are bent out of shape 'cause they didn't get a few lousy channels added in HD that they were PROMISED on time.:rolleyes: Give me a break.

Something is very strange with the Viacom/MTV/Showtime agreements. Not to start anything political, but I can not imagine that MTV would agree to HD feeds and not require that LOGO be added and N/Noggin split. (Of course, I could be wrong, because on the other hand, I can not imagine LDS members of the Echostar board accepting LOGO.) The fact that neither LOGO nor the N/Noggin split has been mentioned in conjunction with the new HD channels - doesn't that seem strange? Of course one needs to wonder if the Redstone legal problems have anything to do with any of this. I have no knowledge, it just seems that Redstone is very hands on, I would imagine him personally involved in the contract and he must be quite distracted right now.
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Dear Dish Customers,
No matter how many HD channels we give you it's never enough. You pat us on the back and thank us one day for adding 5 new HD channels and a month later you threaten to cancel you subscription if you don't get 3 or 4 more. You will never be satisfied so we don't listen to your request and we will add new HD channels at our convenience and say whatever we want. You want to quit Dish and go elsewhere just because a couple HD channels didn't get added in time for whatever, go ahead. Funny how you were all satisfied with SD channels before HD was available.
Yes and we were satisfied with cassettes before cds and regular dvd's before blu-ray. The "satisfied with sd before hd" is not a good point. I'm sure dish doesnt want to remain in the stone age;)

Dish 500, dual LNB and South Asian channels

POTS vs VOIP Caller ID Recognized by 722?
