The Dish April 1st New HD Saga (Merged Threads)

I think we all need to be calling or getting online on the live chats. If we don't they will never know that anyone is upset about this and just think no one cares. Sure they don't know and we know that but at least then they know that customers are upset and do care about this other than them thinking customers just don't care and them doing it again in the future.
I wonder why there is a technical problem, I thought BET HD is on Directv
and some cable systems like Comcast so why would there be a problem
giving E* the HD Feed?

BET-HD is NOT on DirecTV, or anywhere else that I am aware of. The AVS chart still lists it as "Coming 1Q '09". I've never seen a press release about it's launch (there was one for Comedy Central).

It's quite possible that it was Viacom that dropped the ball here...they were supposed to launch "by April 1st" and didn't make it.

For whatever reason, DISH's contract may read "We will launch them all when they are all ready."

As for BET-J...It would have a separate contract since it's in the Platinum package. And it's quite clearly a placeholder channel...they are likely just uprezzing the SD feed until the HD feed launches. It seems to me WFN worked the same way.

I'm really starting to think Viacom are the bad guys here.
In one respect Dish is damned if they do and damned if they don't.

The company has to make "coming soon" announcements on channel additions to fight negative churn. If existing customers had no clue new channels were going to be added to their TV service in the weeks ahead it would be easier for competing service providers to lure them into switching. It's a lot easier to stay put and keep using what you have and even easier still if you know that service is going to improve.

The main problem is Dish hangs themselves by being too specific. If they're going to have the balls to put out an announcement of new channels "by April 1" then they really have to deliver by April 1. Their credibility gets shot otherwise. It would have been far safer for them to say "Viacom HD channels - Spring 2009." That would at least give them until mid June to deliver, a more practical target window.
So, were/when do you get approx. 126 922's from, and when can we expect to receive them?
Rey has a contact with E* that hooks him up. Good guy.

Do not worry guys, Rey is for real, and you will get them. You should pm him about the shipping though. I did, and am all set up:up
Dear Charlie,

Do us a favor and make Scott G. your PR guy. You and your cohort Jim have no clue what the majority of Dish customers want; if you do, you certainly are yanking our chains and pissing off a lot of loyal customers with your continued "coming soon" promises.

P.S. Your "Charlie Chats" are a joke. They remind me of those local public service channels on cable where they debate what kind and color of garbage bags should be used for trash pickup.
Dear Dish Customers,
No matter how many HD channels we give you it's never enough. You pat us on the back and thank us one day for adding 5 new HD channels and a month later you threaten to cancel you subscription if you don't get 3 or 4 more. You will never be satisfied so we don't listen to your request and we will add new HD channels at our convenience and say whatever we want. You want to quit Dish and go elsewhere just because a couple HD channels didn't get added in time for whatever, go ahead. Funny how you were all satisfied with SD channels before HD was available.
Rey may be for real, but his money may not be! 130 922s is serious money. Or are we talking leased units?
My understanding is Rey got in on a promotion of some sort with his contact. Up to a certian number of course. We are not there yet.

Maybe I should let Rey explain it, but that is what he told me

Dish 500, dual LNB and South Asian channels

POTS vs VOIP Caller ID Recognized by 722?
