The jacksonville jagaurs have not had a winning season in forever it seems, they have not sold out the stadium more than a game or two in forever, they have 0 reason NOT to pick up Tebow. I mean the Jags have been ran by "football experts" and made the "football smart moves" for how long and have nothing to show for it. Time to shut up the experts, bring in Tebow, get some record season ticket sales, record season attendance numbers, record jeresy/merchanidse sales for the franchise and then ya know what if it didnt work out what did you lose? Absolutely nothing. You are going to suck anyway next year, you won 4 games last year and are set to be lucky if you win that many again this year. You would have to be an idiot not to pick him up. You are not a play off team anyway (remember neither was Denver when they let him start) it seemed to work out ok for them.
Even if he is a novelty for your team in Jacksonville at least you will get FAR more benefit than loss. Heck worst case scenerio he sucks and you lose every game but a couple (you did that last year with your star qb who you threw everything behind) But at least you filled the seats, and made money to spend next year in free agency and get a good draft position.
Even if he is a novelty for your team in Jacksonville at least you will get FAR more benefit than loss. Heck worst case scenerio he sucks and you lose every game but a couple (you did that last year with your star qb who you threw everything behind) But at least you filled the seats, and made money to spend next year in free agency and get a good draft position.