Not gonna deny that. Case being, he was not good enough to beat a guy that was struggling big time that the QB position. And in practice(that's right, I am talking about practice), he did not show enough to earn the position.
Was he not good enough to beat him? Or was the coach just to stupid and to stuck on his love of Sanchez to let him even try? Tebow was 6-8 last year in passing, he was like i dunno 100-0 in 3rd down short yard conversions (exaggerating). When they put him in and let him be Tebow he succeded. When they tried to run some dumb wild cat or made him just run up the middle (with no option choice) he either made yards or didnt (just as any rb would).
Point is Rex spent all off season telling us how Sanchez was his guy, they just gave him a bazillion dollar contract, he had way to much pride built up in believing in Sanchez to even the thought of Tebow starting even a single game would of never crossed his mind. Hell even letting Tebow play a full QTR never crossed his mind.
Why? Because if Tebow got in and some how did something... Oh man Rex would never live it down. Kind of like how ol John Elway is feeling. Remember that fiasco? John hated the guy, and when Tebow would pull off some miracle win, Elway would give that little smug clap/cheer. You could tell it was painful for him. Abotu the only time it seemed genuine was when he won that play off game.
Of course when you Have Peyton Manning looking for a team, and you are John Elway no doubt who you go to no matter what. I never once questioned Denvers choice to pick Manning. Its freaking MANNING. But I do question the Jags choice for not grabbing Tebow.. Or any other team in the same boat as the jags,