NFL 2013 Off-season discussion thread

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The jacksonville jagaurs have not had a winning season in forever it seems, they have not sold out the stadium more than a game or two in forever, they have 0 reason NOT to pick up Tebow. I mean the Jags have been ran by "football experts" and made the "football smart moves" for how long and have nothing to show for it. Time to shut up the experts, bring in Tebow, get some record season ticket sales, record season attendance numbers, record jeresy/merchanidse sales for the franchise and then ya know what if it didnt work out what did you lose? Absolutely nothing. You are going to suck anyway next year, you won 4 games last year and are set to be lucky if you win that many again this year. You would have to be an idiot not to pick him up. You are not a play off team anyway (remember neither was Denver when they let him start) it seemed to work out ok for them.

Even if he is a novelty for your team in Jacksonville at least you will get FAR more benefit than loss. Heck worst case scenerio he sucks and you lose every game but a couple (you did that last year with your star qb who you threw everything behind) But at least you filled the seats, and made money to spend next year in free agency and get a good draft position.
The jacksonville jagaurs have not had a winning season in forever it seems, they have not sold out the stadium more than a game or two in forever, they have 0 reason NOT to pick up Tebow. I mean the Jags have been ran by "football experts" and made the "football smart moves" for how long and have nothing to show for it. Time to shut up the experts, bring in Tebow, get some record season ticket sales, record season attendance numbers, record jeresy/merchanidse sales for the franchise and then ya know what if it didnt work out what did you lose? Absolutely nothing. You are going to suck anyway next year, you won 4 games last year and are set to be lucky if you win that many again this year. You would have to be an idiot not to pick him up. You are not a play off team anyway (remember neither was Denver when they let him start) it seemed to work out ok for them.

Even if he is a novelty for your team in Jacksonville at least you will get FAR more benefit than loss. Heck worst case scenerio he sucks and you lose every game but a couple (you did that last year with your star qb who you threw everything behind) But at least you filled the seats, and made money to spend next year in free agency and get a good draft position.

Sorry.... But Everyone knows that WINNING cures all and Tebow is not a QB you can depend on to win games. IF the Jags were to sign him, there would be the early buzz, but then he will have to show he can win games and he will not have the Denver defense to bail him out like they did MANY times when he was in Denver.

Don't get me wrong, I REALLY like this kid. But fact remains, he is NOT a good NFL QB.

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Sorry.... But Everyone knows that WINNING cures all and Tebow is not a QB you can depend on to win games. IF the Jags were to sign him, there would be the early buzz, but then he will have to show he can win games and he will not have the Denver defense to bail him out like they did MANY times when he was in Denver.

Don't get me wrong, I REALLY like this kid. But fact remains, he is NOT a good NFL QB.

Posted Using The New SatelliteGuys Reader App!

The old Denver Defense saved him story.. They did a great job Saving orton to didnt they...

Of course the saying goes, Defense wins games and that can be said for any team. So dont think I am saying that Tebow won those games alone.. But fact remains Denver was not winning anything before Tebow was starting..

Tebow as bad horrible as his passing numbers where when he started in denver, he still was not the worst QB in the league (number wise) that year. In fact his numbers were in line with some qbs who are todays super stars, rookie numbers.

Tebow did what he did in Denver because they molded the offense for him and controlled the game. Washington is doing the same thing to RG3. And Seatlle with Wilson. they are Molding the offense to the QBs specialties. Put Tebow in a true spread option system with offensive weapons that a spread option needs very fast RB for the outside, a tough rb for the inside and 2 wide outs who can go deep reliably, and Jacksonville would have a very formidable offense.

Of course you over looked the point i made though. About Jacksonville not winning anyway. They have sucked for years and will still suck next year. They lose nothing by giving Tebow a chance. They only benefit. By making money. sure if they bring in Tebow and he falls on his face, well then you dont renew him for the next year. But at least you have a season with seats full, which you would not otherwise, because well you are not going to do anything to fix this team this off season.
The old Denver Defense saved him story.. They did a great job Saving orton to didnt they...

Of course the saying goes, Defense wins games and that can be said for any team. So dont think I am saying that Tebow won those games alone.. But fact remains Denver was not winning anything before Tebow was starting..

Tebow as bad horrible as his passing numbers where when he started in denver, he still was not the worst QB in the league (number wise) that year. In fact his numbers were in line with some qbs who are todays super stars, rookie numbers.

Tebow did what he did in Denver because they molded the offense for him and controlled the game. Washington is doing the same thing to RG3. And Seatlle with Wilson. they are Molding the offense to the QBs specialties. Put Tebow in a true spread option system with offensive weapons that a spread option needs very fast RB for the outside, a tough rb for the inside and 2 wide outs who can go deep reliably, and Jacksonville would have a very formidable offense.

Of course you over looked the point i made though. About Jacksonville not winning anyway. They have sucked for years and will still suck next year. They lose nothing by giving Tebow a chance. They only benefit. By making money. sure if they bring in Tebow and he falls on his face, well then you dont renew him for the next year. But at least you have a season with seats full, which you would not otherwise, because well you are not going to do anything to fix this team this off season.

Like winning curing all wounds, LOSING exposes them as well. That buzz you would get INITALLY, would be gone after losing 3 or 4 or 5 straight games. People will NOT keep coming no matter how loved he is. This is the college football that is driven by alumni...the NFL fan is different. There NO WAY to assure that you are going to get 8 soldout games in Jacksonville.. NONE. Especially if you do not win. And you said it yourself....they will not be that good... HOME OR AWAY.

His popularity will more than backfire because fans will say, 'you borught the circus...a bandaid and not a long term solution'.

AGAIN, he is a VERY well liked guy...but popularity will NOT win games.

And to compare Tebow to RG3 and crazy. Face it, Tebow PEAKED in college....some guys do.
Like winning curing all wounds, LOSING exposes them as well. That buzz you would get INITALLY, would be gone after losing 3 or 4 or 5 straight games. People will NOT keep coming no matter how loved he is. This is the college football that is driven by alumni...the NFL fan is different. There NO WAY to assure that you are going to get 8 soldout games in Jacksonville.. NONE. Especially if you do not win. And you said it yourself....they will not be that good... HOME OR AWAY.

His popularity will more than backfire because fans will say, 'you borught the circus...a bandaid and not a long term solution'.

AGAIN, he is a VERY well liked guy...but popularity will NOT win games.

And to compare Tebow to RG3 and crazy. Face it, Tebow PEAKED in college....some guys do.

the jags are used to losing 4-5 or 8 in a row. But fans will still come see if they at least enjoy the product on the field even if they dont believe they will win them all or make the playoffs etc. I mean look at cub fans. Cubs have had many under 50% win seasons and still fill the stadiums because they at least like what the team puts on the field. if the Jags give the fans Tebow they will at least have some reason to care about the team. As it is, if not for Tebow Jacksonville probably would not ever be brought up in this thread because no one cares.

Tim Tebow did more in Denver than Kyle Orton did and Orton still has a job, why wouldn't Tebow?

Of course I will compare him to RG3 and Wilson. They are all three spread option type QBs. Tebow was the top of the college. But Wilson/RG3 etc did not come out of college and immediately change there entire throwing mechanics. As someone who watched Tebow play 4 years of college ball aside from his release being slow he NEVER had any big accuracy issues. The guy lead the SEC in passing yards (before cam broke his record). He comes out of college and the "experts" tell him he is broken so they try to fix it. What you saw in Denver was him going from one throwing motion to another and not trusting himself and being thrown directly to the wolves mid season. Its not like an RG3 who worked with the first team all off season, had plays and routes built around him from day one. Tebow came into a team built for Orton and then had to adjust along with all the other players who had to adjust to the new qb and system.

Tebows team in Denver was not built around his skills/talents. Yet he still lead them to the play offs and won there first game against the top rated pass defense.. They beat them by PASSING. his highest number of yards passing all season long, when it counted. They lost the next game, got school by Tom Brady.. Find me a team/qb that has not been schooled by Brady before.

Fact is even with a team not built around him for him he was successful, imagine how a team would be if it was built around him. Washington did it with RG3. Look at all the changes they made because they knew they had to adjust to his playing style. Look at Atlanta when Vick was in his prime, they adjusted to him built around him and they did fairly well. Throw Vick on another team who doesnt adjust for him and he fails.

Tebow peaked in college? I'd bet leading a team to the play offs and winning a play off game your rookie starting season is a pretty good first season and most would consider it a higher achievement/peak than winning the BCS (twice)
According to the Boston Herald, Pats TE Rob Gronkowski is going to need a fourth operation to change the plate that's securing the broken bone in his forearm. Depending on what's found and progression, he may need a fifth operation...
the jags are used to losing 4-5 or 8 in a row. But fans will still come see if they at least enjoy the product on the field even if they dont believe they will win them all or make the playoffs etc. I mean look at cub fans. Cubs have had many under 50% win seasons and still fill the stadiums because they at least like what the team puts on the field. if the Jags give the fans Tebow they will at least have some reason to care about the team. As it is, if not for Tebow Jacksonville probably would not ever be brought up in this thread because no one cares.

I lived 3 blocks from Wrigley Field, they did not come for the product. They came because it was nice outside and Tribune Company and the Wrigley family banked on that for DECADES. IF it was 75 and sunny outside, you were assured 35,000+. The ONLY time they have been good were during the Ryne Sandberg days and a couple of years during the Sosa years...and that's about it.

Of course I will compare him to RG3 and Wilson. They are all three spread option type QBs. Tebow was the top of the college. But Wilson/RG3 etc did not come out of college and immediately change there entire throwing mechanics. As someone who watched Tebow play 4 years of college ball aside from his release being slow he NEVER had any big accuracy issues. The guy lead the SEC in passing yards (before cam broke his record). He comes out of college and the "experts" tell him he is broken so they try to fix it. What you saw in Denver was him going from one throwing motion to another and not trusting himself and being thrown directly to the wolves mid season. Its not like an RG3 who worked with the first team all off season, had plays and routes built around him from day one. Tebow came into a team built for Orton and then had to adjust along with all the other players who had to adjust to the new qb and system.

The comparison stops at they are spread QBs...and that's it. Those other two QBs have TWICE the mechanics and are more suited for the NFL game, Tebow is not.

Tebows team in Denver was not built around his skills/talents. Yet he still lead them to the play offs and won there first game against the top rated pass defense.. They beat them by PASSING. his highest number of yards passing all season long, when it counted. They lost the next game, got school by Tom Brady.. Find me a team/qb that has not been schooled by Brady before.

And were completed dominated by a LESSER defense than Pittsburgh.

Tebow peaked in college? I'd bet leading a team to the play offs and winning a play off game your rookie starting season is a pretty good first season and most would consider it a higher achievement/peak than winning the BCS (twice)

IF he was THIS good, they would have NEVER signed, much less entertained the notion of a guy who just came off a possible career ending neck operation with a rumored noodle arm.

Whether you like it or not, those experts in the NFL, especially scouts for teams will know more about football than YOU, ME and ANYONE ELSE in here will ever know. THEY have the inside knowledge on whether he will succeed at the NFL level... it is what it is.
The old Denver Defense saved him story.. They did a great job Saving orton to didnt they...

Of course the saying goes, Defense wins games and that can be said for any team. So dont think I am saying that Tebow won those games alone.. But fact remains Denver was not winning anything before Tebow was starting..

Tebow as bad horrible as his passing numbers where when he started in denver, he still was not the worst QB in the league (number wise) that year. In fact his numbers were in line with some qbs who are todays super stars, rookie numbers.

Tebow did what he did in Denver because they molded the offense for him and controlled the game. Washington is doing the same thing to RG3. And Seatlle with Wilson. they are Molding the offense to the QBs specialties. Put Tebow in a true spread option system with offensive weapons that a spread option needs very fast RB for the outside, a tough rb for the inside and 2 wide outs who can go deep reliably, and Jacksonville would have a very formidable offense.

Of course you over looked the point i made though. About Jacksonville not winning anyway. They have sucked for years and will still suck next year. They lose nothing by giving Tebow a chance. They only benefit. By making money. sure if they bring in Tebow and he falls on his face, well then you dont renew him for the next year. But at least you have a season with seats full, which you would not otherwise, because well you are not going to do anything to fix this team this off season.
Interesting idea.... and I like it ...
However, you don't have enough money to get the players you need to do it and certainly can't do all that in an off season.

As for Jacksonville picking up Tebow, I'm all for it ... like you said, what do they have to lose ?
the jags are used to losing 4-5 or 8 in a row. But fans will still come see if they at least enjoy the product on the field even if they dont believe they will win them all or make the playoffs etc. I mean look at cub fans. Cubs have had many under 50% win seasons and still fill the stadiums because they at least like what the team puts on the field. if the Jags give the fans Tebow they will at least have some reason to care about the team. As it is, if not for Tebow Jacksonville probably would not ever be brought up in this thread because no one cares.

Tim Tebow did more in Denver than Kyle Orton did and Orton still has a job, why wouldn't Tebow?

Of course I will compare him to RG3 and Wilson. They are all three spread option type QBs. Tebow was the top of the college. But Wilson/RG3 etc did not come out of college and immediately change there entire throwing mechanics. As someone who watched Tebow play 4 years of college ball aside from his release being slow he NEVER had any big accuracy issues. The guy lead the SEC in passing yards (before cam broke his record). He comes out of college and the "experts" tell him he is broken so they try to fix it. What you saw in Denver was him going from one throwing motion to another and not trusting himself and being thrown directly to the wolves mid season. Its not like an RG3 who worked with the first team all off season, had plays and routes built around him from day one. Tebow came into a team built for Orton and then had to adjust along with all the other players who had to adjust to the new qb and system.

Tebows team in Denver was not built around his skills/talents. Yet he still lead them to the play offs and won there first game against the top rated pass defense.. They beat them by PASSING. his highest number of yards passing all season long, when it counted. They lost the next game, got school by Tom Brady.. Find me a team/qb that has not been schooled by Brady before.

Fact is even with a team not built around him for him he was successful, imagine how a team would be if it was built around him. Washington did it with RG3. Look at all the changes they made because they knew they had to adjust to his playing style. Look at Atlanta when Vick was in his prime, they adjusted to him built around him and they did fairly well. Throw Vick on another team who doesnt adjust for him and he fails.

Tebow peaked in college? I'd bet leading a team to the play offs and winning a play off game your rookie starting season is a pretty good first season and most would consider it a higher achievement/peak than winning the BCS (twice)

Wisconsin didn't run the Spread Option when Wilson was there.
Former Lions WR Titus Young, still hasn't learned anything ...

He was Arrested again, this time for suspicion of DUI, they hours later arrested again (thats TWICE in the same day !) for STEALING HIS CAR back from the IMPOUNDING LOT. :facepalm
And were completed dominated by a LESSER defense than Pittsburgh.

Yea and so was most teams that year..

IF he was THIS good, they would have NEVER signed, much less entertained the notion of a guy who just came off a possible career ending neck operation with a rumored noodle arm.

It was Peyton Freaking Manning.. There are about a handful of QBS in the league you do not fire or bench to get Peyton Manning over.

Whether you like it or not, those experts in the NFL, especially scouts for teams will know more about football than YOU, ME and ANYONE ELSE in here will ever know. THEY have the inside knowledge on whether he will succeed at the NFL level... it is what it is.

These NFL Experts that have been running the jags for a very long time seem to be doing a great job..... Ya they have great knowledge on if anyone will succeed thats why a Kurt Warner who is a "different" style QB then your traditional QB got stuck in the AFL before someone finally took a real chance on him. Worked out OK for them...
Insider does have a point about Jacksonville. At this point they're irrelevant, why not try and win some games and at the same time put some butts in the stadium.

That is the point. Its not rather or not Tebow is a great or good NFL qb.. Its what is in the best interest of the Jags. Our opinion on Tebows NFL ability is irrelevant. Because frankly Blaine Gabbart has not got it done and no one at jacksonville has. So football is obviously not a priority there.
Insider does have a point about Jacksonville. At this point they're irrelevant, why not try and win some games and at the same time put some butts in the stadium.

i don't know about winning some games but i understand the jags have nothing to lose here and will get plenty of attention with a move like this.....
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