New Genie UI now in CE testing

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I followed the procedure above, it did say it was formatting the hard drive, so I lost my settings and recordings, but for me that was ok. about an hour later, everything was working which it was not before, I did this after trying both "CLEARMYBOX" and "CLEARMYBOX 2" Friday night and waiting 24 hours, this did not fix any of the issues I and others are having with the CE builds, but the reset seems to have done the trick in getting stuff working again.

Also to add, immediately after doing this reset I did go back online and send a refresh to my receiver which fixes my loss of 4K channels, and I had to switch "Native" on and than off again in the "DISPLAY" settings to correct my PQ issues.

After doing all of this and waiting about an hour to two hours, the On Demand, Scores, Remote DVR, etc all started working for the first time with the CE build.

Nice, but that's very extreme, something most people probably shouldn't try as it will delete everything, including your recordings, which is something I really don't want to do, at some point though, I will do this, but first I have to pull some of my favorite recordings onto my computer and then do the full reset, because of course this will most likely resolve most issues that have accumulated over time and make everything super fast again, like when you first get your DVR.
My wife hates the new guide . She wants the old one back . I've reset multiple times and still don't have the channel logos . Even did clearmybox. There's so much grey in the guide to.
If you have to do a reset to defaults to get all of that working. They have some serious software issues
My wife hates the new guide . She wants the old one back . I've reset multiple times and still don't have the channel logos . Even did clearmybox. There's so much grey in the guide to.
Don't like grey. They should do the guide just like RAD said and have it look like Comcast's and have black all background with white letters.
Don't like grey. They should do the guide just like RAD said and have it look like Comcast's and have black all background with white letters.
I don't like Comcast's at all. The guide is very nice. Other things need some work
I did clearmybox 2, still no logos or on demand. On the upside, the annoying boop sound when you hit the exit too many times was gone. I reverted back to the NR.
I got a new Sony 4k TV and switched to native on the pq is better and I think even the current guide looks better with native turned on.
I did clearmybox 2, still no logos or on demand. On the upside, the annoying boop sound when you hit the exit too many times was gone. I reverted back to the NR.
I turned the sound off on the effects long ago, but about 6 months ago it started doing it even though it was OFF ....
With the new gui, its now GONE !

I do have logos now.
I turned the sound off on the effects long ago, but about 6 months ago it started doing it even though it was OFF ....
With the new gui, its now GONE !

I do have logos now.
How do the logos look also is the font better to read? Also have they had added another half hour to the guide?
I turned the sound off on the effects long ago, but about 6 months ago it started doing it even though it was OFF ....
With the new gui, its now GONE !

I do have logos now.
Wow. How long did that take
Wow. How long did that take
Don't know as I didn't really think about it till I was reading here, then I checked ... I'll have to keep an eye on it next weekend.

I am connected to the internet and getting the stuff I mentioned and Pandora now works again (I had to re sub it though.)
My On Demand must have started recently ... before I could get the channel 1000, but nothing would populate, or if I went to for example 1242 (USA OD) it would say Not available, but it is today.
How is everyone's on-demand working? I would say mine half works. I have seen the posts where folks say theirs doesn't work but does anyone have this situation?

The main pages are blank, like 1501 is blank with boxes where it looks like posters should be. But I can cue up anything on HBO with the menu on the left. And it is very slow. Same with all VOD channels. They were so colorful and populated on the old guide but now they're boring blank slates. The menus loaded reasonably fast, too. This is would be a great place for pics if we were allowed. I hope my description makes sense.
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