New Genie UI now in CE testing

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I wish I could but I'm not a member any longer. I'm curious about the HS 17 though but when I called yesterday they said I couldn't get it yet. I guess I'd have to be current member from what I see. Oh well, I'm simply curious as I did love the overall simplicity of their last UI. I'll see it with the rest of the world I guess.
I wish I could but I'm not a member any longer. I'm curious about the HS 17 though but when I called yesterday they said I couldn't get it yet. I guess I'd have to be current member from what I see. Oh well, I'm simply curious as I did love the overall simplicity of their last UI. I'll see it with the rest of the world I guess.
If you have D*, you can always d/l it regardless, theres no signing up for it ... just remember, its beta .
If you want you can sign up for the site that covers it.
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BTW, a small, but convenient troubleshooting feature you may miss with the new UI is the quick ability to check for SWiM and internet connectivity by pressing the dash "-" key on the remote is gone now.

Its been changed to a shortcut to bring up the "Smart Search" menu.

Now you have to navigate all the way into the System info. to check on them.
BTW, a small, but convenient troubleshooting feature you may miss with the new UI is the quick ability to check for SWiM and internet connectivity by pressing the dash "-" key on the remote is gone now.

Its been changed to a shortcut to bring up the "Smart Search" menu.

Now you have to navigate all the way into the System info. to check on them.
Also ... no longer that I have found can you jump ahead or back 12 hrs in the guide .... another thing I really hope they bring back.
Could be just because it's Beta, I hope.
For the 44, 54 and Hs17 yes.
24s and 34s no
Yeah ... the FW Watcher reporting it as "0x0FCF" new in the stream, but when I tried to d/l the old NR 0x0DE1 tried to come down ...

Had to bail out with an RBR...

Maybe try again in about 30 min. when the FW Watcher color code for 0x0FCF turns green ...
I am downloading the 0x0FCF now, I did notice I have an HR54-700, and the firmware watcher is showing the new firmware available to all the HR44's, HS17, and all the HR54's except the HR54-500, I wonder why the 500's are being excluded, download just finished successfully, running self check now.
I like it so far, I see new features being added, I like the "Last Chance" added to the DVR list, and I ran the speed test under "Internet Setup" and it showed me I could watch 4k videos with no issue, I will play with it this weekend, I just did the "CLEARMYBOX 2" going to see how it all looks in the morning.

I have one HR54-700 and two Sony TV's running on an RVU, the nice thing is the new interface is now on all 3 TV's after the update.


1) Live 4K Channel now says, not authorized, but it worked before with no problem.

2) PQ on all 3 of my TV's is noticeably worse after the update. both RVU's are 4K and there are no display settings to change, the HR54-700 does still show HD but PQ on it has also deteriorated although not half as bad as on the RVU's.
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Also ... no longer that I have found can you jump ahead or back 12 hrs in the guide .... another thing I really hope they bring back.
Could be just because it's Beta, I hope.
I'm still able to do that here with the FFW and REW keys ...

It's even marked "+12hrs" preceded by the rewind icon on the right side atop the grid cells of the guide.

Your guide isn't displaying that?
I want an additional hour and a half. The ability to see what is on between 8PM and 11PM without having to scroll forward in half-hour increments.
Yeah, but while that sounds convenient I can see where it creates problems because there really isn't enough screen space available.

Every grid cell (including for the ch. numbers and logos) would have to be reduced about 25% of their present width to make room for another 30 min. cell width. Making it near impossible to fit almost any program titles in the 30 min. cells without abbreviation or producing an active screen crawl for the titles to cycle through.
I'm still able to do that here with the FFW and REW keys ...

It's even marked "+12hrs" preceded by the rewind icon on the right side atop the grid cells of the guide.

Your guide isn't displaying that?
Thanks for the heads up, I'm use to using the Red and Green buttons, and those are not working now.
However, the FFW and Rew are working.
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