New FTA service with 20 english channels

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I gotta say, it would be a whole lot more sensible for these guys to just stick with web streaming and quit making noise about satellite broadcasting until or unless they're fully prepared to actually do it.
Considering Hulu has had a stable customer base of around 40 million viewers for the last couple of years and they are about to make people pay for a lot of their content, there is an opportunity about to develop there as well. I'm guessing Hulu is about to shoot themselves in the foot.
If they go web streaming...great...but what about those who have dial up or no internet connection? If they go web streaming only, they will be missing a golden opportunity to show such a service is viable.

If freedbs is able to start up on satellite like they say they could open the door for other services as well. But more importantly, and in this economy...this could be finally bring the concept of FTA to the masses and make FTA a household name. This could lead to new retail outlets as well. Imagine being able to go to a store near your house and buy a new dish or a new FTA receiver. Perhaps some of us could even start our own businesses installing FTA .

If they decide to go with streaming only....none of what I mentioned will ever happen...
Considering Hulu has had a stable customer base of around 40 million viewers for the last couple of years and they are about to make people pay for a lot of their content, there is an opportunity about to develop there as well. I'm guessing Hulu is about to shoot themselves in the foot.
I would't bet on that, as I read it they are starting a premium service that will braodcast current programming in HD from atleast 3 of the major networks, if they would pull in CBS I might think about it. You will be able to stream it through your iphone, ipod touch, and ipad, if you have any of the new game consoles like XBox you can stream it to your TV, I have been streaming Hulu to my TV through my xbox for a few months now, not the premium service just Hulu, I have quite enjoyed it.
There is a discussion of Hulu Plus in another thread. We could discuss it there. The one we're in is pretty long already.

There are video samples on their "channels" page. Setting up a good streaming site would be a major undertaking and just a distraction from their original goal. If streaming would help them test before paying for satellite time then I'd say go for it. Otherwise concentrate on the original goal.

I think the hunting channel is the owners' priority. If they had to choose 3 channels to test broadcast now, which would you like to see? I would vote for Sci Fi, Funny Bone and Golden Age Tv. If they could broadcast just a few channels to start it might be fun to have a different channel each day of the week, so channel 01 is Sci Fi today but tomorrow 01 is Cowboy.
Streaming?....Screw that! Plus they would have to change their name.....uh all that I think of with those three lil letters is SATELLITE TV.

Personally I've come to the conclusion that the 15 minutes of fame has turned into 6 months. As much as I'd like to see such a venture implemented, the Faith-o-Meter for these guys doing it is below 'E'.

There will be some that will no doubt take exception to my conclusion, and remark that I'm dis'ing these guys. "Dont bitch it's gonna be free"...yadi, yadi......

I dont maliciously attack, nor do I coddle, I just call it like I see it. Six months is plenty of time to implement SOMETHING beyond lip service. Anyone who cant see that is blinded by wishful thinking.

None of the psuedo "specs" ever matched up with "Real World" FTA applications, and there were several technical contradictions in the sparse amount that was released. I know I'm not the only one that caught that.

We have a game here in Texas called Bullsh*t, which basically lets some ol' boy carry on with some outlandish tale until someone calls "Bullsh*t" at which time he either has to provide proof or shut the hell up.

In all sincerity I would love to see something like this come to pass. I'm sure the community would embrace and support the fundamental concepts that were presented. I dont see that happening with this bunch. More likely there will be another 80 something pages of posts in this thread on it's one year anniversary, and they will still be "almost ready" to roll it out..........that's a pretty good 15 minute run.............
We have the same game here in Idaho...

...and I'm glad someone finally called BS on FreeDBS.

So how about it FreeDBS?

When will your broadcasts begin?

How many channels?

Which satellite and transponder?

Ok, Yes, we know what satellite we are going on. No, we do not know when yet. Our media is not complete. Not enough of the correct media to go up. It does not pass the program manager,
It does not pass investors. There are a lot of people working to make this happen , including a receiver manufacture out of Great Brittan. We appreciate your ideas and thank you for your help.
WOW a receiver manufacture out of Great Brittan? I have over 20 FTA receivers know i have to buy one out from G Brittan . My next receive will be a SatHawk PVR800 .
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I wonder how many sat services all of the nay sayers have started. Well lets hear it. How many have you people started. Unless you have actually started a sat service from scratch, you have no business getting down on these people that are trying to do us a service. Have any of you nay sayers paid any money to the DBS people? NO! So give it a break already. If your unhappy, SO WHAT? They don't owe anyone anything. I guess some people don't have any manners as shown by some of these posts. If you have an opinion about the service, then post it. However you people don't need to run the guy through the mill. I have even made a post about how I feel this is going on too long. But I did not attack the people at the service. I wouldn't blame Wayno for not giving anymore updates for the way some of the people have treated him in their posts.
Wayno, I will apoligize for those here that have no idea what it takes to start a sat service. Some people just care about themselves and nobody else so they take out frustrations on others. That said, I sincerely hope that something can get going soon. However things do take time. I would just like to see something so these people can shut up. I see way too much in the way of personal attacks and that is not good. By the way, I bought a MPEG4 receiver a couple years ago. I saw that one comming and set myself up for the future. ;) Anyway Wayno thanks for what you are attempting to do. Even if there are others that only have negative things to say. Funny, I don't see anyone talking about how long the free Canadian sat service is taking. Things that make you go hmmmm. Well I have ranted long enough. Have a great day!
WOW a receiver manufacture out of Great Brittan? I have over 20 FTA receivers know i have to buy one out from G Brittan . My next receive will be a SatHawk PVR800 .

Who said you had to buy one? Freedbs said a long time ago they wanted to go MPEG4 in order to keep costs down. Then due to people biatchin, they said they would be MPEG2 for a bit then change later. Don't read in to peoples words things that are not said. Doing that only leads to confusion. Have a great day!
My replies in bold:

I wonder how many sat services all of the nay sayers have started.

I haven't started any, but I've seen tons of channels come and go over the years - they launch, run out of money, and are gone in a few months to a year. Having the ability to have a cash flow to keep the transponder lit and acquire programming so it's not the same boring stuff night after night is very important.

I do think it's great they are late or taking longer rather than having already launched because H264 is the way for them to go - they can put 25 SD channels on a single transponder so it keeps their costs down. Had they launched about the time equity went bankrupt, they would most likely be MPEG-2 streams and it would take 2-4 transponders to do what they can currently do with one transponder so quite a savings in expenses there to put towards keeping the service active.

Have any of you nay sayers paid any money to the DBS people?

I subscribe to DISH Network. Even though I'm month to month and not prepaid out a year, I feel confident they won't go belly up on me and leave me without service that I paid for. I am a naysayer in that I certainly wouldn't prepay for freedbs premium content unless I could figure out how the economics work to keep them on the air. If I felt they had enough cash to pay the bills for a long time into the future, I'd feel comfortable prepaying for 3, 6 or 12 months or whatever if I elected to do premium services.
I wonder how many sat services all of the nay sayers have started. Well lets hear it. How many have you people started. Unless you have actually started a sat service from scratch, you have no business getting down on these people that are trying to do us a service. Have any of you nay sayers paid any money to the DBS people? NO! So give it a break already. If your unhappy, SO WHAT? They don't owe anyone anything. I guess some people don't have any manners as shown by some of these posts. If you have an opinion about the service, then post it.
YADI, YADI,....figures.....

I did post my OPINION on the (LIP) service. I did post my opinion (again) on the conflicting vague techno babble initially posted and later "revised releases" that has only been consistent in contradictions. I wont go back and enumerate the consistently inconsistent info, one can do that for themselves, it's only 84 pgs long.............
However, I stand firm in my assertion that if this were a viable venture undertaken by those knowledgeable to succeed at it, we would have seen some MATERIAL indication by now. I have no intention to go out and by a MPEG4/ S2 capable box just to see this service. The whole pretense, as was presented in the beginning was to utilize the orphan DVB boxes and prop up and promote free satellite TV for all, not just a bunch of videophiles that already have those resources or deep pockets and nothing better to spend money on.
DVB-S is a staple and a standard that applies to ALL the Asian build rice boxes. The S2 and MPEG4 (dare I say Turbo FEC?) errata to the standard was a result of corporate greed and the need for the industry to "one-up" so the sheep will drink the Koolaid and spend more money replacing equipment that is otherwise perfectly fine and functional.........say it with me boys and girls.....ATSC, HDTV, and now 3D HDTV..............sheesh! The ability to utilize the lowly, garden variety, commonly available DVB box we all have should be the center of this project getting off the ground (pun intended) .
Should the masses want more and it is within the organization's growth capacity, by all means add the bell and whistles. Be assured that no one will complain about any free channels being in SD.

Believing that a deal was struck, or even in the works for a design/mfg firm to produce a "custom receiver" for an outfit that hasnt put the first uplink milliwatt in the air is a bit hard to swallow.......right? There are several HD capable boxes in service, and they are still buggy or at least quirky to some extent.....and these are from companies that their sole responsibility is to improve their product, utilizing customer feedback and field testing. I see no customer base nor signal to field test in this project.

So many things that are so poorly executed, it makes me liken the actions of the braintrust making the plans and decisions to a bunch of 2nd graders with acute ADD.
I hear references to investors, stockholders and such. Sorry, I cant say "Sign me up", due to DC libs and Wall St, my 101K (formerly known as 401:eek:) I simply cant afford to "invest" in any more "winners" in this "recovery"

Regarding the move to streaming............garbage. As posted that's fine for those with HS but many do not have high speed service and a/v content via satellite is the viable alternative for this group.
So......... who gives an obese rodent's sphincter what an alleged SSP upstart is streaming? (or I guess I should say says they are going to stream)

At the top of my browser is says Satelliteguys, not Huluwanabe Fans.

I'm not taking pot shots. I didnt put the target on them, they did. I'm not bitching, or complaining. I'm simply stating what I see as a 6 month, 84 pages long line of BS looks like. Clearly I'm not the only one with this view. I'm sure there are many others that dont speak out for concerns of repercussions or sanctions.

Being politically correct only goes so far. In this day and age it's been way beyond that reasonable threshold for a while, so I curry little favor for those expect or demand it.

To be clear, I'd be very happy to be wrong. All it would take is one reliable channel
with any content that isnt 80% info-mercial or some other commercial based waste of bandwidth. That would go a LOOONG way in proving that this is a real SSP, with real potential and not a bunch of people talking about how good an idea it would be..........

There will be no Kool-Aid drinking here............
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