Comments from a newbie to FTA

This V9 Prime receiver is great, but I can't figure out why it's scanning feeds out of range like all these H 19999 feeds. k4otl does your unit do this?

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Yes I get similar TPs scanning in, I just figured they were data and thought nothing of it. I use a Geosatpro Standard PLL LNB on 99W and 101W, which is what locks WPR. Additional news, I manually entered in the "Liberty" mux that's SR 370, it's a bit more reliable, probably a function of being closer to the nearest 1 Mhz.
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The other thing I wonder about with this box is it's data usage.. it uploaded 27MB of data somewhere earlier today. Where? What is it uploading? For now, I've disconnected it from the internet.

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Glad you like it! I got an Amiko Mini 4K in the mail this week and I think the v9 wins the cake, definitely better remote. I need to get used to the Amiko but I switched back for now. As far as data usage, idk, I don't have it connected to the internet (not much in my house is), looks like I won't ever if that's the case. Maybe it's "calling home"?
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When it comes to low symbol rates and narrow signals the accuracy of the LNBF is the name of the game. Check out this thread where a member tested several LNB models including the Maverick, a Geosatpro, and more. And the LNBF that performed the best was the Edision Sl-2

Here's a stupid question. I just replaced the Edison with my old GeoSat PLL Standard, what's the LNB Freq ?
Nevermind, I had it set to 10750 (as it should be) but the markings on the housing are so deteriorated that they are hard to read. Need to adjust it. I'm on G16 and the only TP I'm able to get (signal comes in & out) 12096 (InfoWars).
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I'm just going by Lyngsat. They appear to be circular tps on a similar frequency mapping as the Dish tps on other satellites. Not unbelievable that strong pay TV signals are bleeding over from 101W to 99W. All encrypted (Videoguard) of course. Maybe don't lock since they are too weak.

Here's what I see looking at 101W using a circular LNB. I'm not sure why I can't lock.

View attachment 179048

I have used a 10750 MHz local oscillator setting with a conventional Ku-band LNBF, and it can quite often receive the lower end of the DBS frequencies (12224 upwards) in a blind scan. Unless in the first part of your above pictured scan, you used 10750 on a regular Ku-band LNBF to scan the first 20 channels, and then connected a DBS LNBF with 11250 local oscillator to then scan 12443 frequency in a second scan.
I have used a 10750 MHz local oscillator setting with a conventional Ku-band LNBF, and it can quite often receive the lower end of the DBS frequencies (12224 upwards) in a blind scan. Unless in the first part of your above pictured scan, you used 10750 on a regular Ku-band LNBF to scan the first 20 channels, and then connected a DBS LNBF with 11250 local oscillator to then scan 12443 frequency in a second scan.
I have an Invacom QPH-031. So I can scan linear or circular tps using the same dish. I use Port 1 on the linear side of the LNB most of the time. But if I switch over to Port 2 then I can scan circular tps. Channels 1 - 20 above were scanned in on previous scans using the linear side.
Yep, to China. I just worry what the message is 😆
I replaced my dead Edision OS Mio with an Octagon SF8008. After I ordered it I found out that it uses a Hauwei SOC and had instant buyer's remorse. Hauwei is not a trusted Chinese company. Needless to say, I have not let it connect to the internet.

I could put my network tap (a hardware device) on it to watch when it phones home to China, but decided not to bother.

Anyone want to buy an Octagon SF8008 with only a few hours of use?
I replaced my dead Edision OS Mio with an Octagon SF8008. After I ordered it I found out that it uses a Hauwei SOC and had instant buyer's remorse. Hauwei is not a trusted Chinese company. Needless to say, I have not let it connect to the internet.

I could put my network tap (a hardware device) on it to watch when it phones home to China, but decided not to bother.

Anyone want to buy an Octagon SF8008 with only a few hours of use?
I would be very interested in the 8008 if it were the dual dvb tuner verson. But thinkin' I'll hold out for the next incantation that addresses low symbol rates as EB mentioned over on legit.
Of course the average Joe should be concerned with anything that calls home in their Internet setup.
Dig into your router. I'm sure you'll find ways to block a device from Internet access. One way or another. Debbie Harry -esque.

Paranoia. There we go again. I stress this again. My Edision Os Mio 4k is only a satellite receiver. I leave the other crud like Kodi and whatever the various images advertised as either included or supported.
Mine is connected with an Ethernet cable. I see no WAN traffic from it at all. All traffic being able to be seen from within my router's management interface and cable modem management interface. That's a good thing, huh?

Here's hint. Takes 5 minutes. Testing included. If Slap the receiver on a VLAN. There are ways to keep packets inside of your LAN.
I didn't test it. Might work. Give it a static IP. Don't give it a gateway or DNS. Ya never know.

Politics aside. Not actually owning your own company 100% and under watch of Mr. Big.
I might think of China as our NSA.

Screenshot 2025-02-23 at 10-07-12 ASUS Wireless Router RT-AC68P - Network Services Filter.png

Saw a big dish on Classic Concentration

It's That Time Of Year - Sun Outages
