New FTA service with 20 english channels

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News Release: 7/11/2010

If you are planning to buy a new FTA receiver, We would recommend that you wait 1-2 weeks for our news release before you make a decision. All new mpeg-4 receivers may not work with our "EPG" electronic program guide.
YADI, YADI,....figures.....

I did post my OPINION on the (LIP) service. I did post my opinion (again) on the conflicting vague techno babble initially posted and later "revised releases" that has only been consistent in contradictions. I wont go back and enumerate the consistently inconsistent info, one can do that for themselves, it's only 84 pgs long.............
However, I stand firm in my assertion that if this were a viable venture undertaken by those knowledgeable to succeed at it, we would have seen some MATERIAL indication by now. I have no intention to go out and by a MPEG4/ S2 capable box just to see this service. The whole pretense, as was presented in the beginning was to utilize the orphan

(( Again you are not reading correctly or imagining things. They never said that! They said at first they were going to be mpeg2 then migrate to MPEG4 in a year or so... Why do you insist on spreading outright lies??? )))

DVB boxes and prop up and promote free satellite TV for all, not just a bunch of videophiles that already have those resources or deep pockets and nothing better to spend money on.
DVB-S is a staple and a standard that applies to ALL the Asian build rice boxes. The S2 and MPEG4 (dare I say Turbo FEC?) errata to the standard was a result of corporate greed and the need for the industry to "one-up" so the sheep will drink the Koolaid and spend more money replacing equipment that is otherwise perfectly fine and functional.........say it with me boys and girls.....ATSC, HDTV, and now 3D HDTV..............sheesh! The ability to utilize the lowly, garden variety, commonly available DVB box we all have should be the center of this project getting off the ground (pun intended) .
Should the masses want more and it is within the organization's growth capacity, by all means add the bell and whistles. Be assured that no one will complain about any free channels being in SD.

Believing that a deal was struck, or even in the works for a design/mfg firm to produce a "custom receiver" for an outfit that hasnt put the first uplink milliwatt in the air is a bit hard to swallow.......right? There are several HD capable boxes in service, and they are still buggy or at least quirky to some extent.....and these are from companies that their sole responsibility is to improve their product, utilizing customer feedback and field testing. I see no customer base nor signal to field test in this project.

So many things that are so poorly executed, it makes me liken the actions of the braintrust making the plans and decisions to a bunch of 2nd graders with acute ADD.

((Lets see you do better at starting up a business. "Seeing" a business start don't count. Every business is different. Some require more time than others.))))

I hear references to investors, stockholders and such. Sorry, I cant say "Sign me up", due to DC libs and Wall St, my 101K (formerly known as 401:eek:) I simply cant afford to "invest" in any more "winners" in this "recovery"

Regarding the move to streaming............garbage. As posted that's fine for those with HS but many do not have high speed service and a/v content via satellite is the viable alternative for this group.
So......... who gives an obese rodent's sphincter what an alleged SSP upstart is streaming? (or I guess I should say says they are going to stream)
There are more people than you sir. In my area I can't get cable so should I slam the cable company? The attitude you are displaying is garbage not the efforts to stream as you like to say is garbage.

At the top of my browser is says Satelliteguys, not Huluwanabe Fans.

((((Then why you making a huluwanabe post???))))

I'm not taking pot shots. I didnt put the target on them, they did. I'm not bitching, or complaining.
((This post proves that you are complaining and biatching so why deny it??)))

I'm simply stating what I see as a 6 month, 84 pages long line of BS looks like. Clearly I'm not the only one with this view. I'm sure there are many others that dont speak out for concerns of repercussions or sanctions.

Being politically correct only goes so far. In this day and age it's been way beyond that reasonable threshold for a while, so I curry little favor for those expect or demand it.

To be clear, I'd be very happy to be wrong. All it would take is one reliable channel
with any content that isnt 80% info-mercial or some other commercial based waste of bandwidth. That would go a LOOONG way in proving that this is a real SSP, with real potential and not a bunch of people talking about how good an idea it would be..........

There will be no Kool-Aid drinking here............

I never brought up your post........... So why you commin down hard on me? It is obvious that you have a problem with what they are trying to do. If that is the case, I'm sorry for you. I actually thought your post covered all the bases. I thought you were critical in a civil way. I obviously was wrong in thinking that after reading the above. By the way, what good did your last post do besidea trample on me and slam the freedbs people? Did it help freedbs get closer to transmission?? I did not realize that we are on this earth to prove things to you exclusivly. Nobody has to prove anything to you or anyone else and that sir is a fact of life. End of story. I still fail to see why everyone, ( and now you,) are so up in arms. If it happens it happens. If it don't it don't. No fuzz off my nutz either way. Too bad that evidently not everyone feels that way. Again I ask. Explain what good your remarks are doing the community???? Don't say that it simply opinion. Opinions are like butt holes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Posts like the one that you just made are the explanation of what I was trying to say about negativity and bashing. Thank you for proving my point! Have a great day
The whole pretense, as was presented in the beginning was to utilize the orphan DVB boxes and prop up and promote free satellite TV for all


(And now to add insult to injury, we have this BS about how the EPG will only work with their boxes, despite the fact that EPG already exists in the DVB standard.)
To refresh peoples memory here is a complete list of all the news that was and is on their site as it pertains to us. One must read all of them and not just pick and choose what to read. All I am posting are stuff that relates to us. If you want to see a news release about testing things or things like that, go there yourself. I put in bold the things that people are mistaken about in this thread such as having to buy a MPEG4 receiver.

News Release: 1/18/2010

This is a news update from one of the three board members that started this org. We would first offer thanks to the LORD for the help and recommendations of the FTA supporters that have contacted us.

After the board meeting today we have decided that we will support the MPEG-2 format for at least a year. Our first option was MPEG-4 due to the 20 channel capability. We will be going to MPEG-4 in the future ,This is more cost effective to us.

We will have a guide for all channels. Not all Fta"s will work correctly with this guide.

Dish size 30 inches is the nominal size., But I will not rule out a smaller one. If you go much smaller your reception will not be reliable.

We need more stations signed on. We are also starting up some stations with other organizers.

We have been in contact with other Studios and uplinkers that have offered their help. If a deal can be worked out with these people we will have a much larger channel lineup with these studios that are currently on cable and pay satellite.

Ray's Uncle :Retired satellite uplinker has advised us on uplinking issues and is a friend.

He has also put us in contact with other persons that have the same thinking on the FTA / TVRO market.

Our goal is at least 40 channels, with a 100 channel maximum capability.

News Release: 1/24/2010

We have begun importing some of the hundreds of hours of videos we have received, You can view one of the first ones by clicking on the car for the Race Channel. We will add links to other channel provider samples or streams as we receive permission to do so.

News Release: 2/18/2010

The proposed orbital position for our satellite will be between 80 and 100 degrees west.

News Release: 3/2/2010

We have been in contact with the Senior Editor of The Real News Network, (Paul Jay) he has expressed an interest in providing content for our news channel, and requested that we announce this.

Our negotiator for transponder access is still working on our lease contracts at this time. He is working to acquire three of the wider transponders on a satellite between 100 and 80 degrees. We have discussed a target date for operation but will not release this until contracts are complete.

News Release: 3/30/2010

We are now estimating a broadcast date from 3 to 12 months, many of our channels are coming together but the process is slow due to the massive amount of content and limited personnel we have to assemble it..........

News Release: 6/04/2010

We have updated the Cowboy TV and World War channels to make the films selectable by the user. We will change the selections periodically.
Our Technical team has been working with a receiver manufacture to make available to the user an MPEG-4 receiver with card slot to allow purchasing additional channels as an ala-cart service. Freedbs plans to own twelve of the free-to-air channels that will be broadcast under this service.

News Release: 7/11/2010

If you are planning to buy a new FTA receiver, We would recommend that you wait 1-2 weeks for our news release before you make a decision. All new mpeg-4 receivers may not work with our "EPG" electronic program guide.

There you go people. I do not see any reference to having to buy a MPEG4 receiver at the present time. I also do not see any reference to S-2 that some people have inferred. Again I re-iterate, everyone needs to be accurate at what they are saying. Misleading posts made because people are upset and claiming that they are "calling them as they see them" are simply distorting the truth. That then leads to rumors flying about and then more people get the wrong impression. That my friends was the reason for my post a few back. So how about we see some constructive conversation instead of spreading misinformation? If I am out of line for making the last few posts then I apoligize. But some of this is getting a lot of peeps outright upset with the misinformation that is floating about and needs to stop. Bad attitudes never helped anyone. All that does is inflame the community in general. Now let's all Have a great day!

(And now to add insult to injury, we have this BS about how the EPG will only work with their boxes, despite the fact that EPG already exists in the DVB standard.)

Now that my friend is not quite accurate.

Now I must point out that they did not say the epg would only work with their boxes. What they did say was that not all new boxes would work with the epg. So if you were planning on getting one, wait till they give a news release announcing what would work. That is a big difference as compared to what you just said... See how things can get twisted around?
Have a great day!
I have to say something here I am surprised by the way some of the members on here are so up in arms about this whole issue , I can only assume the ones that keep attacking and badmouthing this effort have some money already invested themselves????? . The way I see this is if it happens is great if not oh well .... I would think everyone that understands the FTA hobby is used to having programs come and go and what is there right now might will go away the next second ... I would suggest to the ones complaining and getting up in arms to pay for TV reception ..personally I can live with OTA and whatever I can get FTA .....
EPG may be a standard but trust me, not everyone implements it correctly, many providers (many euro providers as well) implement small changes to enhance the EPG for their liking, this is normal and everyone does it. Take a look through enigma src and you'll see lots of if() statements for certain providers.

Im not surprised at all when they say they will come out with a list of receivers that will be supported, this is the only smart way todo this, everyone does it. bev/dish/starchoice are the extremes, even globecast and na gospel providers do this. Euro is no different.

use whatever receiver you want, but if you want to guarantee it'll work 100% you'll use one on their list.

If you dont like that, then buy an opensrc receiver and take care of any deficiencies yourself. Thats why I run linux for my dvb usb tuners and dreambox for my irds
EPG may be a standard but trust me, not everyone implements it correctly, many providers (many euro providers as well) implement small changes to enhance the EPG for their liking, this is normal and everyone does it. Take a look through enigma src and you'll see lots of if() statements for certain providers.

There seems infact t be two options in the standard for sending epg. I think dishnet went with the secondary while most euro goes with the primary. And the rest of the sat broadcasters in NA, are doing good to send any EPG. Even the local ATSC epg is a mess. There is a flag they are suposed to set in the stream when there is more info coming then just the show name. KMSB in Tucson does not set that flag for their movie channel and often doesn't set it for the primary channel. Same is true for several others. Also, they are sometimes doing good to get a few hours of any guid data up. But the converter boxes seem to manage to find program discription when it is there regardless of the flag setting.

It's all in the box software. Just because a unit doesn't work now with what is planed, in most, if not all cases it would not be hard to offer an updated firmware to make it work. Given how much trouble they went through, money they spent, and risk they took to provide back channel firmware to decode dish, it seems very unlikely they wouldn't put the little bit of effort needed to make their units legally work with a true fta broadcast.
I agree, if this service does ever see the light of day there will be great incentive for ird manufacturers to correct any deficiencies in their firmware. I can see the big players jumping on the bandwagon pretty quick. some of the smaller fly by night companies maybe not so much, solomend just released a firmware patch so diseqc works, only 8 months after they released the receiver lol.
They ought to talk to the Freesat people and see how that got going. I just left that website, (Freesat,) and looked high and low for info on how long and what was involved to get that going but to no avail. Maybe the freedbs people could get some help from the freesat people. It sure looks like the same thing just more channels (140 of them). Freesat claims that you could get their channels if you already have a setup by simply aiming at their bird. Unfortunatly we in the states can't hit it.
I can only assume the ones that keep attacking and badmouthing this effort have some money already invested themselves?????
Did you mean they have money invested in freedbs or that they have a financial interest in pay tv? I keep wondering where all this negativity is coming from and the only real answer I can think of is they have something (financial?) to lose if freedbs succeeds, that they work for a cable or pay sat company or own stock in one. Otherwise they must take issue with the fact that the promoters are pro-hunting or have a religion and are willing to admit it.

My motivation to be one of their cheerleaders is simple. I like to watch free tv.

I don't understand the misinformation smear campaign, but keep it up guys. The constant discussion, positive or negative is keeping this thread on the front page. There is no such thing as bad press.
I don't see any smear campaign. All I see is healthy skepticism.

I have nothing against amateur efforts. As a matter of fact, I prefer them, because professionals are too often into it only for the money rather than for the quality of the product. I don't see even a concerted amateur effort here however.

Let me offer you an example. There's a group locally trying to put up an independent public radio station. I'm skeptical of their chances of surviving in the long run (although I'd be pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong) because they have a poor frequency assignment, a poor power assignment, a poor transmitter location, and a poor business plan (marketing to liberals in a conservative market). But take note, they actually do HAVE all those things, however poor they are! FreeDBS, on the other hand, only has a lot of wishful thinking, at least as far as they're willing to disclose.
If they had said they were having something made in CHINA that would have been more plausible. Making it in the UK? Um, nope.


IF this happens, I'll put salt and pepper on all my satellite dishes and eat each and every one of them.
If they had said they were having something made in CHINA that would have been more plausible. Making it in the UK? Um, nope.


IF this happens, I'll put salt and pepper on all my satellite dishes and eat each and every one of them.

Hey there.... It has already happened and is going strong. I hope you are hungary..... :D

[URL=""]freesat - Digital satellite TV with free HD for the whole UK[/URL][URL=""]
Thats what I say.

My predictions....

After freedbs launches....some here ...will cry bitch and moan relentlessly about the programming on the service. They will complain here, and then complain on other satellite boards and forums as well. And not one word of gratitude for the FREE TV will ever be heard from them....
My predictions....

After freedbs launches....some here ...will cry bitch and moan relentlessly about the programming on the service. They will complain here, and then complain on other satellite boards and forums as well. And not one word of gratitude for the FREE TV will ever be heard from them....

I agree. I see this on the Dish Network posts about wanting additional HD channels. Then when Dish Network turns on 20 plus additional HD channels people complain that certain channels were not added. :rolleyes:
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