New FTA service with 20 english channels

Please reply by conversation.
I agree. I see this on the Dish Network posts about wanting additional HD channels. Then when Dish Network turns on 20 plus additional HD channels people complain that certain channels were not added. :rolleyes:

It is a sad fact I guess that some people are just never happy about anything. They always want more. Oh well, life goes on. Have a great day!
I wonder how many sat services all of the nay sayers have started. Well lets hear it. How many have you people started. Unless you have actually started a sat service from scratch, you have no business getting down on these people that are trying to do us a service. Have any of you nay sayers paid any money to the DBS people? NO! So give it a break already. If your unhappy, SO WHAT? They don't owe anyone anything. I guess some people don't have any manners as shown by some of these posts. If you have an opinion about the service, then post it. However you people don't need to run the guy through the mill. I have even made a post about how I feel this is going on too long. But I did not attack the people at the service. I wouldn't blame Wayno for not giving anymore updates for the way some of the people have treated him in their posts.
Wayno, I will apoligize for those here that have no idea what it takes to start a sat service. Some people just care about themselves and nobody else so they take out frustrations on others. That said, I sincerely hope that something can get going soon. However things do take time. I would just like to see something so these people can shut up. I see way too much in the way of personal attacks and that is not good. By the way, I bought a MPEG4 receiver a couple years ago. I saw that one comming and set myself up for the future. ;) Anyway Wayno thanks for what you are attempting to do. Even if there are others that only have negative things to say. Funny, I don't see anyone talking about how long the free Canadian sat service is taking. Things that make you go hmmmm. Well I have ranted long enough. Have a great day!


i've kept quiet about this for a while, but i need to say a few things.
if i was going to start a satellite company and wanted to go mpeg 4, guess what, i would go mpeg 4 to hell with anyone who didn't like it.
so they are saying, hey, we are going to put some tv channels up here, if you want to watch them, you can buy a receiver and we will let you receive our signal in the clear. (pretty D--- nice of them if you ask me, even if it doesn't work out, (which i think it will))
so we have to buy a receiver if we want to watch satellite tv?
wow who would have guessed it!!!
didnt we all buy receivers at one point in time without a guarantee of getting a single channel (with the exception of Glorystar programming, of course)
heres a newsflash ELECTRONICS CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things get smaller, more powerful, and have more features.
how many of you people are still using a 486 computer with 8 megs of ram, a 512mb hard drive, windows 95 and a 14.4kbps dial up connection???
NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
a system like that wouldn't even be powerful enough to use this forum.
well guess what, mpeg 2 receivers are heading the way of the old 486
yes, there is still a lot of mpeg 2, but there will be less and less as time goes on.
fact of life, deal with it.
all i have are mpeg 2 receivers right now, but i knew before i even bought them that someday they would be obsolete and i would need to replace them.
if you enjoy this hobby, and you want to continue with it, you will need a new receiver in the future anyway.
if not, and you are just here to see what you can get for free, enjoy that.
no one here owes anyone here a D--- thing.
several of the posts here remind me of the "IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW" commercials.
these people are at least trying to get us something for free.
how often does that happen in this day and age?
be thankful for what you do have, and if more shows up, accept it graciously.
if you don't have the courtesy or patience, ignore this thread, the Freedbs website, and don't watch the channels if this does happen, simple as that.
@ deeann, i'm not trying to be hostile, but didn't you leave this site after going to the rtv facebook page and complaining about them removing a channel that was a duplicate of one they already had at a different time slot and adding a new channel?
you intentionally just about ruined a couple channels for everyone.
i have read tons of your posts not once have i heard a single encouraging or helpful thing from you.
have you ever done anything good at all for the fta community?
every post seems to be about you complaining about something or asking for some kind of help.
now you are doing it again.
not all of life is bad, your cup is what you make of it, it can be half full or half empty.
it will never be completely full or completely empty.
i'm sorry if anything i've said bothers or offended any of you, or sounds too negative, but my wife just had a miscarriage with severe complications and my nerves were already shot, and after reading all the posts in this thread since we went to the hospital i just needed to vent a little
and mods, if this post needs to be moderated, i'm sorry and understand completely.

p.s. for those of you out there that believe in God, please pray for my wife.

sorry to rant,
Denny, I too, and my family, will be praying for you and your wife.:angel:
Oh...and I'm not on a 14.4 dial-up connection, mine usually hits about 40.2! :eek:
God Bless , Denny, your post puts 'watching tv' into perspective. There ARE more important things to think about. Hope your wife recovers very soon!
Sorry to hear for your loss Denny... I will certainly pray for you and you wife. I know what you are going through my wife miscarried at 6 months in 2002.
:facepalm I considered not wasting any further effort on this but apparently there are some misconceptions..........
(( Again you are not reading correctly or imagining things. They never said that! They said at first they were going to be mpeg2 then migrate to MPEG4 in a year or so... Why do you insist on spreading outright lies??? )))
I'm not the one with the perception problem, nor am I spreading anything, including lies or bullsh*t. NOTE: Usually NOT a good idea to infer someone is a liar....
The initial (VERY FIRST) statement was that a service was to be launched to bring "back to service" the glut of DVB receivers AND DISHES that were not being used for "FTA" anymore.....We all know what that "FTA" means......

AND DISHES.....when queried about that, the 1st response was yes the 18-20" DN/DTV dish. After being "called" on it and I'm sure some hurry up research into legal FTA requirements, the re-released specs were modified to say 30" but more if you want the best signal. (Well DUH Homer! Why was an 18-20" ever even considered viable for non DBS reception?) I never got then, or have seen since, the polarization question answered. Remember?....there were numerous posts speculating about which DBS (circular) bird it could be? Like Charlie is going to Believe me, I payed very close attention to this topic as it gives key indications of where it would not be (Echo birds), and to the technical savvy of those making the statements.
Then the suggestions from posters migrated to MPEG4 and why not do that with all it's benifits...........and suddenly it's all about MPEG4...........then once it was realized that that is inconsistant with the original scope, that was retracted for the current "in a year or so" position. (why didnt they have the technical expertise to know that before jumping on the MPEG4 wagon to begin with?)

Now, let's move to all the "closed contract" announcements ..........well, not a lot to say except if a contract is closed then a finite timetable is established. Who believes that anyone would sign a contract that contains a "When we get around to it" clause...........:deal:

((Lets see you do better at starting up a business. "Seeing" a business start don't count. Every business is different. Some require more time than others.))))
True, I have never started a business from scratch of the magnitude that this venture would require (clearly neither have they....) however, I have been associated with intimate details of intra-business commerce and structure, and I can tell you that this line is FAR from what would be necessary to upstart anything, much less maintain any standing in the business community.

There are more people than you sir. In my area I can't get cable so should I slam the cable company? The attitude you are displaying is garbage not the efforts to stream as you like to say is garbage.
And again I say who cares about streaming anything here? Is this not a SATELLITE FORUM? The only context that has any bearing here for it to highlight that there is NO satellite signal, yet they are giving more that due consideration to an alternative distribution medium. Even factoring in that this area is thankfully very broad regarding OT posts, anything beyond that technically belongs at A/V forums or some other place besides FTA, especially considering the nature of this thread.

My choice of adjective describing my personal opinion of the "In your Facebook, Tweet this, Gotta have my U-BOOB fix, chatcrap, Skyper mentality of the garden variety HS "surfer" may have been a bit coarse. Streaming A/V over IP vs via satellite got lumped into that group. It's like OMG, like turn that crap off and get a life, fur sure........totally.....

((((Then why you making a huluwanabe post???))))

Uh, I didnt. I reiterate, I am not the one with the perception problem....

((This post proves that you are complaining and biatching so why deny it??)))

Is English you 1st language? I feel certain that I made it clear that I have no complaint or gripe that the service doesnt exist, I am simply pointing out why, In my opinion that is has not come to pass....AKA calling BULLSH*T. I cant even say "I 'hope' I'm wrong" because I just dont believe it anymore. I'd love to be wrong about it, that would be great. I've clearly stated that as well. I just dont believe it and refuse to pussyfoot around when discussing it. If it comes to pass great, I'd love it, and would be tempted to support some premium extras, yet with the business model I've seen to date I cant see going there. In the plainest language I can find to express this, If this is indeed not a "15 minutes of Fame" that has well run it's course, I do not believe these guys have a friggin clue what they are doing. One could say "Time will Tell" yet 6 months hasnt told anything......Well then again maybe it has...........:rolleyes:

Now to this..........
I never brought up your post........... So why you commin down hard on me?

I'm pretty sure my post could be categorized as a "Naysayer" so you did in fact reference my post.

It is obvious that you have a problem with what they are trying to do.

I believe I've covered this in every post I made, but for the sake of posterity, I embrace any and all unencrypted satellite transmissions (well, maybe not and appreciate the ability to have the option to partake of the content at my leisure.

If that is the case, I'm sorry for you. I actually thought your post covered all the bases. I thought you were critical in a civil way. I obviously was wrong in thinking that after reading the above. By the way, what good did your last post do besidea trample on me and slam the freedbs people?
Dont feel sorry for me, I'm good. I do not need nor do I seek validation from anyone on any position. (Textbook type A. Comes with the territory) I was not trampling you specifically, just underscoring the content of your post that I predicted would be posted by someone. Would it make you feel better if I held your hands and sang Cum-By-Ya with you? ........did you read this?

Mel said:
There will be some that will no doubt take exception to my conclusion, and remark that I'm dis'ing these guys. "Dont bitch it's gonna be free"...yadi, yadi......

Did it help freedbs get closer to transmission??
I dont think a 23,000 mile long waveguide could get them closer to transmitting an uplink signal...........

I did not realize that we are on this earth to prove things to you exclusivly.
WE?..........are you admitting association? Perhaps that explains your cheerleading tendencies. As for FreeDBS, well yeah, that was kinda the point of my post. :rolleyes:

Nobody has to prove anything to you or anyone else and that sir is a fact of life. End of story. I still fail to see why everyone, ( and now you,) are so up in arms.

Nobody?....End of story? You seem to have a tendency to speak in absolutes on topics that are totally beyond your control......... I am not up in arms about anything, however you seem to be getting very excited over this topic........

If it happens it happens. If it don't it don't.

No fuzz off my nutz either way.

I seldom find fuzz on my if we are talking in the belly button then .....perhaps that is TMI......

Too bad that evidently not everyone feels that way. Again I ask. Explain what good your remarks are doing the community????

Everyone?..... more absolutes?.....What evidence? Feels what way? Truthfully I'm not sure what to make of that statement. It seems out of place.
Good for the community............hmmm.....Enlightenment?

Don't say that it simply opinion. Opinions are like butt holes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

Damn, that's profound! You ever consider giving up your day job and becoming a philosopher?

Posts like the one that you just made are the explanation of what I was trying to say about negativity and bashing.

I really hate that song, but if you REALLY need it...
:angel::luvlove::music:"Cum by Ya My Lord, Cum By Ya.........":ok::heart:up:clap!sadroll:sleeo:river

Would somebody please hurry up and feel the damned love so we can move on!

Thank you for proving my point!

Didnt yo say something about not having to prove anything?

Have a great day

I Always Do!

Now are we CLEAR?:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave
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Prayers for your family from here too Denny. Suffice it to say I can identify with the subject.
Different points in the term, will cause different levels of emotional trauma. Hopefully for your wife (and you and any others in your family) it was at a point with the least emotional impact.
Prayers to you Denny..Wife and I lost our only one before we were married even 5 months. I understand a little of what you are going through..

Re:FreeDBS..I've always been of the opinion that if anything comes of it, great. If not, we havent lost anything..
:facepalm I considered not wasting any further effort on this but apparently there are some misconceptions..........

I'm not the one with the perception problem, nor am I spreading anything, including lies or bullsh*t. NOTE: Usually NOT a good idea to infer someone is a liar....
The initial (VERY FIRST) statement was that a service was to be launched to bring "back to service" the glut of DVB receivers AND DISHES that were not being used for "FTA" anymore.....We all know what that "FTA" means......

AND DISHES.....when queried about that, the 1st response was yes the 18-20" DN/DTV dish. After being "called" on it and I'm sure some hurry up research into legal FTA requirements, the re-released specs were modified to say 30" but more if you want the best signal. (Well DUH Homer! Why was an 18-20" ever even considered viable for non DBS reception?) I never got then, or have seen since, the polarization question answered. Remember?....there were numerous posts speculating about which DBS (circular) bird it could be? Like Charlie is going to Believe me, I payed very close attention to this topic as it gives key indications of where it would not be (Echo birds), and to the technical savvy of those making the statements.
Then the suggestions from posters migrated to MPEG4 and why not do that with all it's benifits...........and suddenly it's all about MPEG4...........then once it was realized that that is inconsistant with the original scope, that was retracted for the current "in a year or so" position. (why didnt they have the technical expertise to know that before jumping on the MPEG4 wagon to begin with?)

Now, let's move to all the "closed contract" announcements ..........well, not a lot to say except if a contract is closed then a finite timetable is established. Who believes that anyone would sign a contract that contains a "When we get around to it" clause...........:deal:

True, I have never started a business from scratch of the magnitude that this venture would require (clearly neither have they....) however, I have been associated with intimate details of intra-business commerce and structure, and I can tell you that this line is FAR from what would be necessary to upstart anything, much less maintain any standing in the business community.

And again I say who cares about streaming anything here? Is this not a SATELLITE FORUM? The only context that has any bearing here for it to highlight that there is NO satellite signal, yet they are giving more that due consideration to an alternative distribution medium. Even factoring in that this area is thankfully very broad regarding OT posts, anything beyond that technically belongs at A/V forums or some other place besides FTA, especially considering the nature of this thread.

My choice of adjective describing my personal opinion of the "In your Facebook, Tweet this, Gotta have my U-BOOB fix, chatcrap, Skyper mentality of the garden variety HS "surfer" may have been a bit coarse. Streaming A/V over IP vs via satellite got lumped into that group. It's like OMG, like turn that crap off and get a life, fur sure........totally.....

Uh, I didnt. I reiterate, I am not the one with the perception problem....

Is English you 1st language? I feel certain that I made it clear that I have no complaint or gripe that the service doesnt exist, I am simply pointing out why, In my opinion that is has not come to pass....AKA calling BULLSH*T. I cant even say "I 'hope' I'm wrong" because I just dont believe it anymore. I'd love to be wrong about it, that would be great. I've clearly stated that as well. I just dont believe it and refuse to pussyfoot around when discussing it. If it comes to pass great, I'd love it, and would be tempted to support some premium extras, yet with the business model I've seen to date I cant see going there. In the plainest language I can find to express this, If this is indeed not a "15 minutes of Fame" that has well run it's course, I do not believe these guys have a friggin clue what they are doing. One could say "Time will Tell" yet 6 months hasnt told anything......Well then again maybe it has...........:rolleyes:

Now to this..........

I'm pretty sure my post could be categorized as a "Naysayer" so you did in fact reference my post.

I believe I've covered this in every post I made, but for the sake of posterity, I embrace any and all unencrypted satellite transmissions (well, maybe not and appreciate the ability to have the option to partake of the content at my leisure.

Dont feel sorry for me, I'm good. I do not need nor do I seek validation from anyone on any position. (Textbook type A. Comes with the territory) I was not trampling you specifically, just underscoring the content of your post that I predicted would be posted by someone. Would it make you feel better if I held your hands and sang Cum-By-Ya with you? ........did you read this?

I dont think a 23,000 mile long waveguide could get them closer to transmitting an uplink signal...........

WE?..........are you admitting association? Perhaps that explains your cheerleading tendencies. As for FreeDBS, well yeah, that was kinda the point of my post. :rolleyes:

Nobody?....End of story? You seem to have a tendency to speak in absolutes on topics that are totally beyond your control......... I am not up in arms about anything, however you seem to be getting very excited over this topic........


I seldom find fuzz on my if we are talking in the belly button then .....perhaps that is TMI......

Everyone?..... more absolutes?.....What evidence? Feels what way? Truthfully I'm not sure what to make of that statement. It seems out of place.
Good for the community............hmmm.....Enlightenment?

Damn, that's profound! You ever consider giving up your day job and becoming a philosopher?

I really hate that song, but if you REALLY need it...
:angel::luvlove::music:"Cum by Ya My Lord, Cum By Ya.........":ok::heart:up:clap!sadroll:sleeo:river

Would somebody please hurry up and feel the damned love so we can move on!

Didnt yo say something about not having to prove anything?

I Always Do!

Now are we CLEAR?:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave:wave

Well we were clear til the waters just got muddied again by that last post taking everything out of context. Like I said before if things happen they happen. Why is a company like freedbs burning the fuzz off your nutz?

Just to shut you up... You can pee farther than me. You know everything.... You can read the freedbs peoples minds.... You speak nothing but truth.... You walk on water.... I'm not trying to prove anything. But you seem to be trying to prove that you have to continue to beat a dead horse. Go read the news releases that I posted. If you still insist on being ignorant, then so be it. I guess there is one thing I need to do. See if we have an ignore list I can activate. Have a great life.
My apoligy to the forum for all this crap. Now where is the ignore button?

@ Denny.... You are in my prayers. Remember the one in charge never gives us anything that we can't handle. Keep the faith.
NOTE: Usually NOT a good idea to infer someone is a liar....
This is very good advice. Nobody likes being called a liar, directly or otherwise. Let's avoid doing it to Wayne-O as well.

I believe I started the Hulu talk. I also ended it three days ago when I suggested we move it to the appropriate area. If you're just complaining about it being in this thread, please recognize that you're the one still talking about it, and then stop. Anyone who has never gone off topic may throw stones.
Regarding the need to buy a newer STB to get more of the freedbs channels...I don't have issue with that. I been holding back on buying a newer one with HD for awhile. I'll wait for freedbs' statement on what receiver to buy and then take it from there. I have some regular DVB boxes I can give to some friends and relatives to get started in watching Freedbs when they launch..they will have to buy the dish themselves...a see a trip to Columbus Ohio in my future...

Looking over the Freesat model in Europe...looks impressive...certainly something like that could be successful here. Would be great if Freesat and Freedbs could team up here in the U.S. I see many opportunities for this to really take off here in the U.S.


i've kept quiet about this for a while, but i need to say a few things.
if i was going to start a satellite company and wanted to go mpeg 4, guess what, i would go mpeg 4 to hell with anyone who didn't like it.
so they are saying, hey, we are going to put some tv channels up here, if you want to watch them, you can buy a receiver and we will let you receive our signal in the clear. (pretty D--- nice of them if you ask me, even if it doesn't work out, (which i think it will))
so we have to buy a receiver if we want to watch satellite tv?
wow who would have guessed it!!!
didnt we all buy receivers at one point in time without a guarantee of getting a single channel (with the exception of Glorystar programming, of course)
heres a newsflash ELECTRONICS CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
things get smaller, more powerful, and have more features.
how many of you people are still using a 486 computer with 8 megs of ram, a 512mb hard drive, windows 95 and a 14.4kbps dial up connection???
NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
a system like that wouldn't even be powerful enough to use this forum.
well guess what, mpeg 2 receivers are heading the way of the old 486
yes, there is still a lot of mpeg 2, but there will be less and less as time goes on.
fact of life, deal with it.
all i have are mpeg 2 receivers right now, but i knew before i even bought them that someday they would be obsolete and i would need to replace them.
if you enjoy this hobby, and you want to continue with it, you will need a new receiver in the future anyway.
if not, and you are just here to see what you can get for free, enjoy that.
no one here owes anyone here a D--- thing.
several of the posts here remind me of the "IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW" commercials.
these people are at least trying to get us something for free.
how often does that happen in this day and age?
be thankful for what you do have, and if more shows up, accept it graciously.
if you don't have the courtesy or patience, ignore this thread, the Freedbs website, and don't watch the channels if this does happen, simple as that.
@ deeann, i'm not trying to be hostile, but didn't you leave this site after going to the rtv facebook page and complaining about them removing a channel that was a duplicate of one they already had at a different time slot and adding a new channel?
you intentionally just about ruined a couple channels for everyone.
i have read tons of your posts not once have i heard a single encouraging or helpful thing from you.
have you ever done anything good at all for the fta community?
every post seems to be about you complaining about something or asking for some kind of help.
now you are doing it again.
not all of life is bad, your cup is what you make of it, it can be half full or half empty.
it will never be completely full or completely empty.
i'm sorry if anything i've said bothers or offended any of you, or sounds too negative, but my wife just had a miscarriage with severe complications and my nerves were already shot, and after reading all the posts in this thread since we went to the hospital i just needed to vent a little
and mods, if this post needs to be moderated, i'm sorry and understand completely.

p.s. for those of you out there that believe in God, please pray for my wife.

sorry to rant,
My sincere heart felt sympathy to you and your wife! Sorry for your loss!:(

I asked a ? a couple of weeks ago because while I was at that site of the Free Sat service I clicked on the FTA Support Tab up top and saw this...

The following are some of the many forums supporting this network. <<<<<<<<<<<<

mod edit: removed most of the links as they go to hack sites

Thought maybe somebody here might have an Insight as to what is going on there. Sorry to have stirred up a Hornet's Nest...! ! :yikes

Maybe it's just Me, but I have been to that site a couple of times, I have searched this thread and I still have not been able to see(find) the proposed Location of the Sat or the proposed Launch-time of the service. Can, will anyone shed any light on this...? :hungry:
Also saw this...

News Release: 7/11/2010

If you are planning to buy a new FTA receiver, We would recommend that you wait 1-2 weeks for our news release before you make a decision. All new mpeg-4 receivers may not work with our "EPG" electronic program guide.



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Thanks Wayne-O

Thanks for the encouraging update, Wayne-O.
It looks like you're playing before a tough crowd tonight.
Wow, all that, and still no answer from FreeBS on the three questions I asked pages ago:

When will your broadcasts begin?

How many channels?

Which satellite and transponder?

Minds that need examining want to know!

Thanks for that lil' tip about the Sat being " between 80-100W", I can easily catch that. and Thanks for the Edit on those links, Thought I had killed them when I clicked the Parse Links Option...

Now Pray Tell, Who is Wayne-O ...

Thanks for the encouraging update, Wayne-O.
It looks like you're playing before a tough crowd tonight.
Please reply by conversation.

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