This is c/p from another legitimate site I frequent:
"I think it is time to spread the word and burst this fantasy bubble elsewhere. Anyone that wants to is welcome to c&p any of this thread to any other site.
*sniff sniff*
I can smell the b.s.
Quote:News Release: 7/01/2010
We are in talks with other corporations and businesses that we are working with to bring this about. We are also categorizing our media.
Due to the number of repetitive e-mails, We have reduced the number of representatives you may contact by email.
I thought they already had a plan. They claim to have secured financing and other stuff long ago. Now they are in talks with "other corporations and businesses"?? Who? The federal and Indiana state public defender's offices? Or more pirate dealers? No legitimate company/business/corporation will have anything to do with a non-existent broadcaster with nothing more than a not so flashy website.
The people at Free-BS have been unwilling to talk to anyone outside their pirate supporters list and select others that will not ask the obvious questions. You would think if they were at all legit they wouldn't hang up on people calling to get information, especially when they could get some legitimacy and publicity. Nope, wasn't (site name removed), someone else tried to contact them for information and interview, got the same response that a pirate would do.
Now Free-BS doesn't want your emails. They don't want you to ask questions. They don't want to, and cannot answer any questions.
Just checked, still no business, non-profit or other registration for Free-BS, it still does not exist. You have to wonder at this point why they can't do a simple step to make them appear somewhat legit. Is it the cost to register? I think that's only $30 - $90. Hmmm, if they can't afford that how will they afford any satellite time?
Is it that they are so incompetent they don't know they are required to do this under Indiana law? They and their "supporters" (pirates) have all seen this thread and the youtube videos calling them out, so they know damn well that they have yet to register anything. If they can't do a basic, how will they manage to do anything at all?
Or is it that they are afraid to register? A business or non-profit registration is for a legitimate business or entity, not for a scam."