New FTA service with 20 english channels

Please reply by conversation.
Well said! Ironsides :).I do think that free DBS needs to improve its public relations with the public.If they are really serious about making this work then I'm surprised they don't keep the heart and soul of the FTA world better informed on what is going on.They seem to communicate somewhat like the PR man on RTV's face book!Just alittle info to get your attention without many facts and figures behind it.
Well said! Ironsides :).I do think that free DBS needs to improve its public relations with the public.If they are really serious about making this work then I'm surprised they don't keep the heart and soul of the FTA world better informed on what is going on.They seem to communicate somewhat like the PR man on RTV's face book!Just alittle info to get your attention without many facts and figures behind it.
Kind of reminds me of this "crook" I got suckered into working for. He was trying to inflate his penny stock, so he'd make a call to AOL and then issue a press release that they were in negotiations with AOL to purchase advertising. Stock would go up until he couldn't support the lie anymore.

I'm still waiting for something tangible to come from all of this (Freedbs)....the other thing finally imploded on itself.
My understanding of the situation is that they will initially be viewable with most fta and "fta" boxes. Moving forward they may transition to offering pay channels or channels that require a better box. This does not necessarily mean that free or mpeg2 channels will end. Offering dishes and receivers also does not mean that you must use their dish, box or installer only that they may offer them.

In six months there have been nearly 30 news updates. That is a lot. Info has been sparse recently though. Hopefully they have been busy making progress.

I continue to believe that posting discouraging, critical, and negative comments about a project which might provide free channels to us is profoundly stupid.
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I have to reply

I have to say this, normally I would let it pass...People from all over the world with all types of backgrounds come to this site to post their opinions. Those opinions can be negative or positive in nature, some agree and some disagree on our threads.

Personally I haven't really seen anything that I can consider negative or critical concerning FDBS. What I have seen is people asking for more information and from that I gather they are concerned for this business.

Several very good ideas have been passed around on this thread that would help FDBS. Some of those ideas or opinions could have been perceived as negative or being critical if that is what we're looking for. However, ideas and opinions are how problems are solved and nothing is profoundly stupid about solving a problem or issue.

Have a nice day! :)
Well if Free DBS was a proposed business which was to benefit from the audience of "Millions of FTAers" they should have indeed taken notice of the many valid criticisms and given some real updates not stupid chit chat.
I have said it before and i will say it again. FreeDBS is already old when they have not even launched. It is just going around circles and pulling a string on our hopes and patience.
Sorry for the negative statements but i am just being honest. How can a company do all types of test on the ground for something that is suppose to be in the air.
Yes in the original postings they mentioned the PPV services for those who would need that. Again if my memory serves me they mentioned Mpeg4 but the way I read it would be after they saw some success. The first postings made it clear they planned to use the FTA receivers already out in the publics hands.

I did read again as with me getting older the memory is the first to go...:D This the words they have in their press release area.....

After the board meeting today we have decided that we will support the MPEG-2 format for at least a year. Our first option was MPEG-4 due to the 20 channel capability. We will be going to MPEG-4 in the future ,This is more cost effective to us.

Now if that don't say that they were planning MPEG4 frpm the beginning, I don't know what does. As for the "complaints" go, they had a board meeting and discussed the MPEG2 issue. Input from this board and others along with E-mails sent to them asking about their service is what triggered that. Maybe my word of "complaints" was too much. But to me there are two types of complaints. First there is the "I am ticked off because" line. Then there is the "I hope this certian thing is covered" kind of complaint. Either one can be delivered in different ways. Directly or indirectly. By using simple logic, board of directors do not talk about things that are not a problem. They meet to come up with answers to problems.

I am not supporting anything either way at the moment simply because there is nothing to support on the sat yet. You can't support something that simply is not there. I also can't understand the criticizim because one can't possibly be constructive in their criticizim when there is nothing there to criticize. At least I don't see a signal yet. As for criticizing the business in general, I don't have all the info to criticize or form an opinion. I am just waiting like everyone else. So to me I see these posts as bashing and being negative. (I would feel the same way about any post praising these guys too since I see no signal or service to praise as of yet.) True opinions can be changed. When people get into a made up mind, it is a train of thought. I will wait till I see some evidence of something before offering an opinion. I simply do not know everything that is going on with FreeDBS to form any opinion weather negative or positive at this point in time. And I don't understand how others can without complete information. Have a great day!
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For me , I am just waiting . If they never launch, it certainly would be a disappointment. But yet I would have not lost any money on the deal. It is not like we gave them money and we are waiting for our product to be delivered.

They should start the operation as soon as they can, perhaps giving us a updated time frame and mention what satellite they plan to be on. The time is right, especially in this economy. I have friends back East who cannot afford cable or satellite and now get very few locals after the digital transition on OTA. They are not alone, there are many out there like them. There is a huge audience out there for the taking, everyday (in my opinion) that freedbs is not in operation...they are not making money.

If more people are aware that there free alternatives to Dish and Direct, Freedbs could be very viable.

I would venture to guess if they successfully launch, perhaps another free dbs company could follow in their steps. Right now the only successful service is Glorystar, they did it right and would be a good model to follow. Lets hope that there will be a announcement from freedbs soon with a launch date and satellite coordinates.

Regarding buying a new receiver to watch freedbs. They need to launch using existing inexpensive FTA receivers and permanently keep some channels that are compatible with those receivers....if anything to keep the point of cost as low as possible.
Perhaps we are too eager, and maybe a little too demanding. They are the ones putting this whole thing together for our benefit. It would be a little presumptive for us to demand that they play by "our rules", especially when we all seem to have different ideas of what "our rules" are.
ummm lol

I certainly haven't meant anything I have said in regards to FDBS as being Critical. I am just looking for what I think most people are and that is more information. "Something to sink our teeth into"

I do not mean to come off as being critical or putting anyone down. I certainly do not mean to start a pissing match over this thread or FDBS. Nor do I intend to knock anyone or imply that anyone is stupid for posting an opinion or idea that MIGHT help these guys out. Nobody's ideas or opinion is stupid and nobodys posts on this thread or any thread is stupid.

As I mentioned early on, this is how problems are solved, by discussing them. It used to be called "Brainstorming" back in my day. Get a group together and look at all possible angles and look over ideas and opinions on how to make something work.

We don't have to agree but it would be nice to stay on topic and not make it personal.

Everything I have read concerning the matter has not come off as being critical but rather people trying give some valid ideas to help the business. It's just in how we all perceive what we read. It boils down to perception and that is all...

As for the Mpeg issue, I don't think I have ever said they did not plan on it from the start. What I said or meant is exactly what is in their own statement...They planned to use it in the Future...Future being the keyword.

Here's what they did...
Add to confusion by listing receivers they planned to make use of. THE LIST IS STILL THERE!
They also added to confusion by stating they planned to grab the millions of FTA folks from Here to there...The above list of receivers using Anyone's Logic says they put that posting up with the intent on using those listed receivers. It would also give almost anyone the idea "HEY I HAVE A RECEIVER THAT WILL WORK WITH THIS SYSTEM AND I DON'T HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING"

Then they come along and post the Mpeg 2 and Mpeg 4 which came days after the origianl posting. That added to confusion and either the original posting should have been removed or updated. Why this issue of Mpeg is even going on is not even important at this stage because as many have mentioned Nothing is up there! The list of receivers pretty much said what they intended on start up anyway...Things change so now they need their own receiver that is all fine and well. But lets remove the list of receivers that included about every FTA receiver in the hobby...Which by looks are Mpeg 2 receivers...but then again that could be on how it was perceived, it makes no mentions of models just Name brands!

"that was my point"


It doesn't matter what they do, it's their business and as I said I have always supported the idea of FTA for North America be it from FDBS or Direct TV or Dishnetwork. I don't care who does it or how they do it any longer. I guess the main thing is it gets done!

As mentioned everyone maybe getting a little ahead and wanting to see something happening. We can all admit it would be nice to at least see a test screen on some bird. But that isn't happening so we have to wait no problem.

That's all the comments I intend to make on this topic...

Don't take anything I have said above as personal it isn't worth anyones time to take things personally. It's just a discussion an nothing more. Back in the day we said "hey it's just business we don't have to agree or like each other" let's just get the job done and move on to the next!

you guys have a nice day
peace to each of you

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I don't think that most of us want to be critical of FreeDBS; we're just anxious. It's like being a kid, and having your parents tell you in March that you are going to get a great present at Christmas.

You go through the whole range of thoughts. First it's "Gimmie gimmie". Then it's "How many months until December". Later it's "I wonder what it is and where it's hidden." After you can't find it you think "It's probably no good anyway." Maybe even "I wish they'd asked me what I wanted". Then you forget about it for a while. Later you remember it and start wishing all over again.

I'm just as guilty as anyone about being over-anxious. I want my FDB, but I guess I'll just have to wait.

I agree that their communication has been spotty as of late. It really would be nice if they would have an open forum where they would take questions, let prospective viewers comment on topics, and address many of our questions and concerns (good or bad). Perhaps they might even consider starting a thread here on SatelliteGuys to do so. I for one would like to extend them the invitation to do so.
My last post I agree was or appeared to very negitive

Personally I haven't really seen anything that I can consider negative

Nor do I intend to knock anyone or imply that anyone is stupid

I've been following this thread for a while. I am anxiously awaiting something we can watch from these guys. Patience is not one of my virtues. I hope they broadcast something soon. I hope that they always have some channels available to mpeg2 boxes because if they do I will use it as a way to introduce others to fta.

Ironsides-I did a search for other threads you post in on the site. YOU are not stupid. YOU are not a jerk. Your posts are generally polite and well thought out.

I think we all want them to start broadcasting free channels as soon as possible to as many people as possible and stay free as long as possible.

So far I have gotten my money's worth.
There are two sides to this. Either launch in MPEG-2 or MPEG-4. Benefit of launching in MPEG-2 is that there are several receivers on the market already supporting this while with MPEG-4 it would be more expensive. MPEG-4 would support more channels though and that is the whole purpose of it. If they are going to MPEG-4 anyways then maybe they should just launch in MPEG-4 especially if they have agreements with enough channels to where they would not have enough room using MPEG-2 to launch them all.
why not both?
broadcast 1 mpeg2 barker channel. pick 1 program from each channel/day and fill the remainder with infomercials for mpeg4 receivers and teasers for programming on the mpeg4 channels
FreeDBS has a new update, Networks removed. Bummer!
Big bummer for those who live out of range of these broadcast towers.
yes, but at least it shows that they are working on this still, and being realistic about it.
i feel a little relieved that they did post this, it shows that they are making an effort still, and also that they were not too skiddish to tell us some bad news, which makes me think that other channels might be working out:up
amc-4 mostly cleared

Greetings all,
I know its all speculation. But AMC-4 had alot of its FTA recently cleared with the launch of the new AMC-4. And AMC-4 is received by most GLORYSTAR installed systems. I am curious with AMC-4 kinda bare right now if it would be the home for that FREEDBS service? Regarding FTA HD or WIDESCREEN, they could use the MPEG-2 DVB format and just use ANAMORPHIC squeeze to send the WIDESCREEN video out (with a slightly higher bitrate) rather than use MPEG-4 for the FREE stuff. If done right, it can look good. And all DVB MPEG-2 receivers would receive it. And the viewer would only have to use the WIDESCREEN mode of their TV for picture size.

They claim they will have 2-million viewers when they launch. That number could be met if it were AMC-4 with all of the GLORYSTAR systems already having access to AMC-4.

The other possibility would be Galaxy 3C at *95 with some of its FTA assets already in place. If their numbers of 2-million is in anyway accurate.
Glorystar has already said those transponders that 3ABN, Hope & LLBN vacated would be used for other channels
Please reply by conversation.