New FTA service with 20 english channels

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As I early mentioned I guess they will finally will go end using MPEG 4/HD so probably most of the FTA users out there will MPEG 2 boxes will need to do an update and as a result someone will end making money$$$$$$$$$$$$
But there are already MPEG4 boxes on the market, at least one of them with card slots, so they still have no excuse for not broadcasting.
I have read this thread for over 30 pages untill my eyes turned red, and I still did not found out in what satellite these particular free channels will be showing. I have a great interest in what these people are trying to accomplish. I wish them all the best on their intention and endever. For what I read so far, it seems that their intentions are good, I just wish that this comes true.
Mpeg 4 is progress.....I know there are alot of Mpeg 2 only receivers out there, but this is 2010! It's time to upgrade. Keep in mind that Mpeg 4 will one day be a thing of the past like everything else.
I have read this thread for over 30 pages untill my eyes turned red, and I still did not found out in what satellite these particular free channels will be showing.

we dont know yet. All that has been said from them is "between 80 & 100 degrees"
As I early mentioned I guess they will finally will go end using MPEG 4/HD so probably most of the FTA users out there will MPEG 2 boxes will need to do an update and as a result someone will end making money$$$$$$$$$$$$
ofcourse some one will be making money, I think that is why they have a dealer page on their web site!
They never said that no one would be making money, they just said that the service would be free, Glory star has been mentioned here, I think they sell boxes there by making money, but from what I understand their service is free, and you don't need one of their boxes to view it.
But there are already MPEG4 boxes on the market, at least one of them with card slots, so they still have no excuse for not broadcasting.
Absolutely right there are plenty of suitable HD receivers with cards/cams on the market . But if they seriously really want to get up and running with maximum audience they should start with MPEG2.
Despite great advice from many here they still seem to be talking like 5th graders and making no real progress whatsoever.
Whilst I would dearly like this scheme to work I am beginning to lose confidence in their ability to pull it off.
I was thinking for a while that Dish Network / Directv would have been smart by implementing such a service as this which would attract people to their purchase stations as well along with getting paid to air stations that are ad supported. Heck, I would have even thought they would have made their own channels / content if they would do something such as this. This company by having a card in the slot will allow them to offer cheap programming to those that want to support FTA. Those that purchase their own receivers to receive FTA programming means there was no cost involved in acquiring that customer if they were to becoming a paying customer of purchased channels requiring a card.
Though a previous statement indicated a sat position between 80 & 100, a more recent statement and/or corrections about Glorystar may indicate a sat posiontion of 97 or 101 degrees west. This is just personal speculation!

Sadly, I haven't used my motorized dish kit since I hooked up my 40+ft antenna tower(33 channels w/o moving rotor...yet). So my dish is pretty much waiting on this possible service.
I hope they don't decide to limit the pay channels by "marrying" to only one specific receiver.
FreeDBS....PAY channels.....hmm. :rolleyes: Sounds like when ..or IF... this thing gets off the ground, it'll be more of the same ol' DBS we have now. :mad:
this is getting

This is getting to be old before it even gets started...

I had thought the whole idea was to take advantage of the FTA receivers that are currently out here without the need of purchasing yet another receiver. I supported the whole notion of someone trying to have some decent FTA satellite programming.

This just seems like more of the same old same old and before it is over will be yet one more pay service one way or another. Purchase our receiver, purchase our PPV..blah blah blah and more blah..

I seriously doubt we ever see it take light of day as a real FTA service....I hope I am wrong and wish they would consider how many receivers are already out here and just wanting some decent FTA programming...
For pity sakes. Go back and read all the pages in this thread. Nothing appears to have changed in what they have proposed from the beginning. A year hasn't passed yet. Wait.
That would be entirely against their business model, at least their current one, which is make the up-front costs as low as possible for the customer, in exchange for long term monetary commitments. A good deal of their growth has been becuase of that model. If they began selling recevers at their normal price, the takeup would drop.

However, they could offer both options though.

I was thinking they would take both routes. To those that want a subscription, continue with current business model. To those that want free stations only, the people can buy their own systems at full retail which could allow for future subscribers (without the upfront cost).
initially the statement was made that there are "millions of fta recievers in north america". im not sure if it was freedbs or freehdcanada that made it. either way to choose mpeg4 is cost effective for the uplinker. it may limit the "millions of fta recievers in north america" though. i have some mpeg4 gear i hope will work if they ever get a beam up.

crackt out,.
First they were going to be MPEG4 because of the cost. Only after people complained along with the fact that there are more MPEG2 receivers out there did they take measures to support MPEG2.

Second they have said all along that they would offer PPV and special events that could be subbed to. C'mon people, read all of the statements they have made not just what you want. Have a great day!
I've supported

I have supported FreeDBS from day and one and continue to do so. That being said, in the original statements they had planned to take advantages of the millions of FTA receivers in North America and Canada. If memory serves me they even had a list of receivers they had hoped would work with their services.

Yes in the original postings they mentioned the PPV services for those who would need that. Again if my memory serves me they mentioned Mpeg4 but the way I read it would be after they saw some success. The first postings made it clear they planned to use the FTA receivers already out in the publics hands. Go back and check the list of receivers that was originally posted. I never read anything about complaints from the public that would suggest they use Mpeg 2 receivers on the original plan that came AFTER the original plan. They posted Millions of FTA receivers Across North America and Canada and they saw a huge market for FTA...The Mpeg 2 and Mpeg 4 only came into play when they realized the costs or that was my take on it. That made it clear that perhaps they would need a new receiver and use that as a means to help pay sub costs. Originally they planned to use the FTA receivers out there, then they mentioned maybe purchasing a dish from them and so on...They even mentioned installers at one point...But as I said, originally they planned to use what the public already now we've gone from a totally FTA to a sub by purchasing a receiver and dish. Nothing wrong with that as plans change...Point is it seems like more Blah pay me pay me...Nothing wrong with that either as nothing is free.

I also realize that is hasn't been a year and I give them every benefit of doubt and hope and wish them the greatest success. I think personally if they take advantages of those Millions of Receivers they themselves mentioned they will see success. IF they can get word out they are going to provide programming for the FTA market which in my mind would be HUGE! So far I have not seen a lot of efforts to get that out to the public.

My last post I agree was or appeared to very negitive, but it just seems like more of the same Blah Blah and we are not really seeing anything other than the occasional update.

I would think by now we would start to see some testing on air. If they plan to make a launch in the year time frame they laid out. Testing should be up and on going right now! Nothing as far as I know has been thrown up on air for people to actually see and try to give some inputs to help get things right.

Seems to me they would be taking advantages of this down time and try to get as many of us who own FTA receivers to try and help. Even if they plan to use their own receivers in the future right now would be the best time to get all the bugs worked out.

If they don't start doing something pretty soon that year will be long gone...I've followed this thread from day one and I have also followed the updates on FreeDBS website. Right now I am not to impressed but I do support them and I try to give them the benefits of doubt. I hope and wish them success because their success means perhaps we will have some decent FTA programming whatever the format.

I have read everything they have posted and that includes ALL they have posted. But it just seems like more Blah and not really saying anything. Maybe, I expect to much at this point. I would've expected by now we would be seeing something more just because of their own time lines.

At any rate I wish them much success and hope they actually get it off the ground.
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Untill we see a signal, who knows what they will end up with. If new receivers are needed, then hopefully it will be a generic receiver that can be used for other signals as well. (like the Glorystar system) The card slot, as I read it, is for if you want to view a PPV movie or channel, and hopefully not needed for the free channels.
I didn't read as much commotion when RTV used S2 for their signals. (at least the C-band signals) How many people have upgraded to S2 equipement as a result of that?
I will be happy if I can get their signal on Ku even if I do need to buy a new receiver or PC card.
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