As I early mentioned I guess they will finally will go end using MPEG 4/HD so probably most of the FTA users out there will MPEG 2 boxes will need to do an update and as a result someone will end making money$$$$$$$$$$$$
I have read this thread for over 30 pages untill my eyes turned red, and I still did not found out in what satellite these particular free channels will be showing.
ofcourse some one will be making money, I think that is why they have a dealer page on their web site!As I early mentioned I guess they will finally will go end using MPEG 4/HD so probably most of the FTA users out there will MPEG 2 boxes will need to do an update and as a result someone will end making money$$$$$$$$$$$$
Absolutely right there are plenty of suitable HD receivers with cards/cams on the market . But if they seriously really want to get up and running with maximum audience they should start with MPEG2.But there are already MPEG4 boxes on the market, at least one of them with card slots, so they still have no excuse for not broadcasting.
Well, doesn't THAT speak volumes! -...Our Technical team has been working with a receiver manufacture to make available to the user an MPEG-4 receiver with card slot...
FreeDBS....PAY channels.....hmm.I hope they don't decide to limit the pay channels by "marrying" to only one specific receiver.
That would be entirely against their business model, at least their current one, which is make the up-front costs as low as possible for the customer, in exchange for long term monetary commitments. A good deal of their growth has been becuase of that model. If they began selling recevers at their normal price, the takeup would drop.
However, they could offer both options though.