It looks like we can move up 4 spots in the next two weeks.:up
Make that 5 spots if "Karma" ever catches up with team F-T-L .....

It looks like we can move up 4 spots in the next two weeks.:up
We are 9.5 million points from 100th place. At this pace, we may crack the top 100 in about 90 days. Providing that there are no more surprises, i.e. Team FTL. Then there is Hunt-Dis, with 11.8 Million points last month, right on our tail.Can we make the top 100 teams before the end of June?
They currently have 2,595 active users and are averaging over 600K ppd.Make that 5 spots if "Karma" ever catches up with team F-T-L .....![]()
Looks like we made up some ground overnight. This morning's prediction is 134 days.Regarding breaking into the Top 100, Kakao Stats predicts it will take 150 days.
Well, even if you don't beat me to 2mil, you'll pass me soon after. All I have left folding is a quad core, and an XP2500. No more work computers, or high end video cards for me.The race to 2 Million is on! Looks like I may be a day behind but "I'm giving her all she's got Captain ..."![]()
Congrats out to Scorpion.Sting for hitting the 8 million mark!!!!:up
Fold ON..!!! Plazz
Watch your GPU temps. Also make sure that you have the latest NVidia driver.My New(to me) 8800GT is now working on it's first GPU Unit. Are there any bumps in the road I need to watch out for?
Congrats out to Scorpion.Sting for hitting the 8 million mark!!!!:up
Fold ON..!!! Plazz
Wow indeed.! Seems like we were just congratulating him on hitting 7 Million.Wow!
Watch your GPU temps. Also make sure that you have the latest NVidia driver.
If you have RivaTuner, you can set the fan speed to 100%. I set up three levels, 60, 80 and 100, that I kick in as needed.thanks for the info. I downloaded 185.35 (i think) but yes the GPU temp is hot ~70C i'v got a fan directly below it blowing on it.
Yes, indeed! Congratulations to Scorpion.Sting!!!Congrats out to Scorpion.Sting for hitting the 8 million mark!!!!:up
Fold ON..!!! Plazz
... Congrats Cegarret on the new 8800 GT..!!!! :up
Fold ON ...!!! Plazz
I've not got a completed WU out of the 8800 Yetit seems to get to about 5-10% and stops. I was running this along with SMP on a q6600 Quad core. today i'm taking a chance and shut down the SMP and only started trhe GPU on bootup. if it finishes then I hope i'll get more points out of the GPU. otherwise I guess I could try to find another CPU to put it in.
Any Suggestions?
Not sure exactly what you mean. The slider is all the way to the left so I thnk the answer is no.Have you set the GPU client to slightly elevated cpu priority? That should help keep the GPU happy.
When you say stops, does it hang or error ?
if it errors, what message are you getting
Also what WU's is it running, there are reports of some WU's that have problems on certain cards. for example my 8600 gts could not run any 59xx wu's my 8800 gtx is fine,
Are you overclocked at all. do you know what temp the card and cpu are running at ?
my gpu is running at 79c and my cpu's run at about 60c
- might be overheating. check out nvidia system monitor
FYI this is not an unusual config, smp and gpu on a quad core so it must be something unique, we just need to find out what.