Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Congratulations to the Team!!! We have our first 4,000,000 point month! And congratulations to SatinKzo for reaching the 4,000,000 Point Club!! Did Scorpy leave anything in the mini-fridge when he checked out?
Congratulations to the Team!!! We have our first 4,000,000 point month! And congratulations to SatinKzo for reaching the 4,000,000 Point Club!! Did Scorpy leave anything in the mini-fridge when he checked out?

Ditto here Congrats SatinKzo.!!! And Team..!!!
Hopefully the stuff in the mini fridge isn't spoiled by now.. :D

Fold On..!!! Plazz
Thanks guys, I didn't even realize it was gonna be today.

4mil club is kind of lonely, couple old magzines, skunked beer and old chips. Kind of has that cabin in the woods feel. What's that noise I keep hearing? Oh it's the hum of my cooling fans. :)

Dude, you need two more posts to hit 5,000! It's a little late right now, so you'll proably hit it ono Tuesday.

Geez, I'm still two days out from 4,000,000. I'll try to remember to bring some Blue Moon to re-stock the fridge.
Looks like Team FTL is back at it again...!protest
Yep, it looks like they got their warp core back online.:( 454 "new" users, 3268 active users (with 2,992 coming back online).

I had one machine lock up over the long weekend and the others seemed to have waited a rather long time for new WU's. My PPD is down almost 4K for last week.:(
Congratulations to the Team!!! We have our first 4,000,000 point month! And congratulations to SatinKzo for reaching the 4,000,000 Point Club!! Did Scorpy leave anything in the mini-fridge when he checked out?
Congrats to SatinKzo and to the SatGuys Folding Team.:up:D
Congratulations to steve_white on reaching the 100,000 point mark! It looks like he was one of the original Folders for our Team.

Just another 10,400 points to go... BTW, the Team passed 45,000,000 points! Can we reach 5,000,000 points for one month? EOC seems to think so.

And speaking of EOC, I like the changes that the site made so you can bring up the hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly graphs. Very nice touch!
Congratulations to steve_white on reaching the 100,000 point mark! It looks like he was one of the original Folders for our Team.

Just another 10,400 points to go... BTW, the Team passed 45,000,000 points! Can we reach 5,000,000 points for one month? EOC seems to think so.

And speaking of EOC, I like the changes that the site made so you can bring up the hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly graphs. Very nice touch!
Congrats to steve_white for 100K.:up

We need to average just 125K per day to reach 5M points for May.:D We already have a third of that for today (46991) at the 6am update.

I need to up my production if I am going to be the next SatGuy to reach 2M:eek:
I am still waiting for my new 9800's to come in. Guess that's what I get ordering through work (ah well, I'll take the discount over speedy delivery).

Now to make my next post a good one for my 5k milestone.... who am I kidding it'll probably be a "I agree" or "nice job" post. :)
Boy, I don't know what's happened. It like all my systems hit the brakes. Here it is, almost 10pm, and I show only 8K points on the day. I was hoping that when I came home, I'd be raiding the 4,000,000 Point mini-fridge. Instead, the beer I brought is going skunky...

Well, what do you know? I just checked again and Stanford finally shows me at 4,001,214 points! What's weird is I just looked about fifteen minutes ago and I was 4,000 points shy of four million, but with the same number of Work Units completed. :confused: Huh?

I came across another Folding Statistics site, Here's an example of one of their graphs:

(edit: I swear there was a graph there when I posted this!)


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The stats on the EOC site dont seem quite right either..... If you look at our daily production for today, our work units seemed to hover around 25-40 units per update, then at 3pm they shot up to 474 and then another 221 at 6pm. Thats more work units than we have complete in some 24 hour periods!
Congratulations to Plazzman for being the first (and only) one to hit 1 Million points in a month. :D:up:up
Way to go, Plazzman! Congratulations! It took me almost a year to reach 1,000,000 points, and here you are doing it in a month! :up
Congratulations to Plazzman for being the first (and only) one to hit 1 Million points in a month. :D:up:up

Way to go, Plazzman! Congratulations! It took me almost a year to reach 1,000,000 points, and here you are doing it in a month! :up

A big thank you out to the Sting..!! I still think you are going to hit it this month though. ;):up

Foxbat Congrats on the 4 million mark!!! I to came home from work and had both SMP clients starving for work plus another at work that all had to be restarted last evening. I will bring some fresh chips and a few new magazines when I arrive later this week...:D:up

Just glad we put some fum back in here and got some more intrest generated with some new folders and some old ones comeing back in.. Big Congrats out to the whole Team!!!! :up:up:up

Fold ON...!!! Plazz
Post 5000 sends out a big congrats to Foxbat, Plazz on the milestones. The team has really been picking up lately even as summer approaches. Not sure how long we'll all be able to keep our full setups running ( might have to shut down a couple at home, but the ones at work will keep humming as I have them in the server room so they keep nice and cool).

I think all my client have somehow gotten in a sync where every few days, only a couple are ready up upload.