Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Well dagnabit!! What good are those new cards going to do you with that kind of behavior?? :rolleyes:;):D

Thanks out to Voyager6 and JRP for the congrats also... Thanks Guy's

Fold ON...!!! Plazz

Well, if I ever do get my new cards *sigh*

I actually think the snag was due to windows 7 that I am running on that system. Seems to need another one of my vbscript watchdogs to keep an eye on the process and see if it hangs. Had that problem in the past on the GPU1 cores on the x1950 card I had. I think I have it under my thumb now.
Thanks, everyone, and Welcome to the 4,000,000 Point Club, Plazzman! Too bad you won't be staying long (;)), but make sure the way is clear ahead. SatinKzo and I will be hanging here for a couple of months, so we'll try to leave some good beer and fresh snacks before moving on.

Looking at the Milestones, I see that Tawhite needs a shout-out for reaching 500,000 points! Also, jacobm69 reached his first 100,000 points this week. The Team is on fire!
The SatGuys need only 270,557 points by 5/31 to reach 5,000,000 points for the month of May. We have been averaging 176,700 ppd this week. :D
Thanks all for the welcome to the 4 Mil club. I'm sure I will be around for awhile at least, the next one is a ways away. :eek:

Glad SatinKzo got his new cards and best wishes getting them put in and running.

I added the old 3850's to the mix at work, Just could not let them sit there collecting dust could I?? :D So I have added two more units to the folding farm.

Congrats out to Tawhite for reaching 500,000 points! and jacobm69 for reaching his first 100,000 points this week. The Team is smoking...!!!:up

Fold ON..!!!! Plazz
Got the 2 new 9800's up and running. Kind of confusing at first on win 7 as they were running, but the little baloon for status kept saying Working 0/0, but the logs were showing completion percentages. Oddly, after restarting once, the info baloons now work.
Congrats out to Tawhite for reaching 500,000 points! and jacobm69 for reaching his first 100,000 points this week. The Team is smoking...!!!:up

Looking at the Milestones, I see that Tawhite needs a shout-out for reaching 500,000 points! Also, jacobm69 reached his first 100,000 points this week. The Team is on fire!

Thanks guys....never thought i would get there but the new 285 is helping out a bunch:)
Got the 2 new 9800's up and running. Kind of confusing at first on win 7 as they were running, but the little baloon for status kept saying Working 0/0, but the logs were showing completion percentages. Oddly, after restarting once, the info baloons now work.

Well don't feel to bad with the one re boot.. I added the 2 ATI 3850's to my main dell folder at work 2 quad core machine... Took 8 Re - boot's and 10 different try's at environment variables just to get the 2 of them running somewhat stable. They are averaging less than 1500 PPD a piece overclocked..:rolleyes: Obviously the reason I made the switch to Nvidia cards... ;)

Fold ON...!!! Plazz
Plazzman, congratulations to the new #2 Folder on the SatelliteGuys.US Team! You've worked hard (and so have your clients) to reach this point. Fold On, Plazzman!

And, Team? We passed 5,000,000 points for May, baby! Way to Fold!
yes, congrats plazz. I just realized you passed me.

Foxbat is all over the stats. 5mil month is great and it is definately a team effort. Great job everyone for sure.


Where is my stats line and sig?
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Plazzman, congratulations to the new #2 Folder on the SatelliteGuys.US Team! You've worked hard (and so have your clients) to reach this point. Fold On, Plazzman!

And, Team? We passed 5,000,000 points for May, baby! Way to Fold!

yes, congrats plazz. I just realized you passed me.

Foxbat is all over the stats. 5mil month is great and it is definately a team effort. Great job everyone for sure.

Thanks guy's for the congrats!!! Yes it has been some work keeping the farm going not to mention the heat and the electrical bill :eek: :D

It has also been a great TEAM effort as we are doing better than I think any of us would have ever Imagined!!:up GO TEAM!!!

Fold ON!!! Plazz

Where is my stats line and sig?
Yeah, that's weird. Your other posts still have your EOC Stats. You must have clicked on the "Show your signature" button under submit causing it to clear.

I was within 12,000 or so points of passing you, too, SatinKzo, but now I don't have a chance. I can see your new GPU clients are contributing nicely already:


  • SatinKzo_production_hour.php.png
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yeah, must have got click happy or something.

Yeah, my GPU's are running nicely. Got 2 9800's in my computer and I threw the 8800 in my wife's PC. I don't know why, but my wifes PC with Vista the 8800 is producing much better than when it was in my PC. Both PC's are dual cores over 3ghz with 4gb ram.

Glad I got em going since I had to loan out one of my SMP's at work for the next 2 weeks.
Ah, don't look now, but SatelliteGuys.US just went past 46,000,000 points! Maybe the next time I mention it, it will be when we hit 50,000,000...
5,253,975 points in May. WTG SatGuys Folding Team.:D
We averaged just under 169.5K ppd. It looks like we can move up 4 spots in the next two weeks.:up