Yeah, finally got the right drivers. Had to go to the Mobile to go place and got the right driver and inf mod for Vista 64 and FX570. Have 2 clients running now getting about 5-6 hour units worth 492 points. That is actually better than I expected out of a 256 Meg graphics card. Seems weird though as my 2 ATI 3850 with 1 gig of memory each do 193 point wu in about half that time so I would say the Nvidia is definitely getting more points versus wu's. Well any way Go Team!!!
Thanks again Scorp for all the assistance and the link for the beta 7 client!!
No problem. We are doing this for science and also to kick some ass as a team. Also, 256mg card will do alright right now until they get some much bigger wu then you will want a 512 or larger in the future. Happy folding