Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

The FAH Monitor App for iOS has just been updated by Christian Lohmann to v3.0.0 and it includes a huge number of improvements like protein visualization, Folding Slot control, SSH Tuner support, and Stats. There is also an Apple Watch app as well as iPad. I must say, well done!

Here are some examples of the iPhone screens:
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Yeah...but we'll make it back up when the pass that upcoming flock of iSheep in a couple weeks. :D
There. I fixed it for you.

Sadness that we will be grinding away until May 2018 before we hit the Top 50.
When will the Scorpion get back into Folding? SatGuys has pretty much flatlined at 6 Million PPD.
Scott or one of the Staff could tell us, but it appears that Scorpion.sting is no longer a SatelliteGuy. :oldfrown It looks like the last time he checked in was back in April.

In happier news, we will be #51 by this time tomorrow, having left - Team Folding in our silicon dust...

And speaking of Scott, it looks like Microsoft Windows 10 Updates struck again...
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Disappearance - 103 W AMC1/Spaceway 1/DirecTV 10/DirecTV 12

Software Update Coming