Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

How powerful of a computer/GPU do you have to have to be a folder? My setup is rather archaic by today's blazing standards (AMD 4400+ 64bit X2 processor, 4 GB Ram, GeForce 7800GT 256 MB), but it is idle quite often, and if it can be somewhat productive I'd be more than willing to use it for that.
How powerful of a computer/GPU do you have to have to be a folder? My setup is rather archaic by today's blazing standards (AMD 4400+ 64bit X2 processor, 4 GB Ram, GeForce 7800GT 256 MB), but it is idle quite often, and if it can be somewhat productive I'd be more than willing to use it for that.
I would try the single (classic) CPU client and the Nvidia GPU client. See how your system handles the load. Folding@home - Guide
Had a very short power outage at the office today. When everything booted back up, I had three machines showing messages like this at each checkpoint:

Making 1D domain decomposition 1 x 1 x 4
Warning: application requested read/write mode for file work/wudata_00.trr
Correct checkpointing is not guaranteed
Warning: application requested read/write mode for file work/wudata_00.xtc
Correct checkpointing is not guaranteed
Warning: application requested read/write mode for file work/wudata_00.edr
Correct checkpointing is not guaranteed
starting mdrun '22860 system in water'
11250000 steps, 22500.0 ps (continuing from step 11000000, 22000.0 ps).
Warning: application requested read/write mode for file work/wudata_00.cpt
Correct checkpointing is not guaranteed
[17:31:04] heckPointSave: saving tpr and cptfile hash:
[17:31:04] 0 2000418215 2991627953
[17:31:04] 1 3420735923 2416243110
[17:31:04] 2 47576164 3303827246
[17:31:04] 3 953576643 744906108
[17:31:04] 4 3398015156 431588434
[17:31:08] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps (1%)

The machine that gave this particular message successfully completed a WU while giving the same message. Anyone seen this before?
How powerful of a computer/GPU do you have to have to be a folder? My setup is rather archaic by today's blazing standards (AMD 4400+ 64bit X2 processor, 4 GB Ram, GeForce 7800GT 256 MB), but it is idle quite often, and if it can be somewhat productive I'd be more than willing to use it for that.
The "weakest" system I have is a 2.33 GHz Athlon XP+ with an ATI HD3870 card in the AGP slot. When I ran the box as a CPU client, I saw maybe 7 or 8 pph. When I installed the ATI card with the GPU2 client, that jumped to about 70 - 75 pph. The card was a little over $120 (it was supposed to be $100 with a NewEgg $20 rebate, but their rebate firm declared bankruptcy so I never saw the $20).

If you have an AGP slot, that's about the best you can do, I think. A Power Search at NewEgg for AGP and an nVidia GPU capable of Folding turns up zip. There are a number of ATI 3650, 3850, and 4670 cards for AGP, however.

If you've got a PCI-e card, now you're talking: $75 (after rebate) will get you a 9800 GT card from PNY. I have a 9800 GTX+ card that is on a 2.8 GHz P4 box that is Folding at 252 pph right now.
According to the guides, my GPU isn't compatible since it's a 7 series. Oh well..
Might that entice you to spend a little money? ;)
Will try to get a little more in over night tonight, but going to be gone the next few days (not gonna keep the computer plugged in while we are away). Hopefully I don't fall back down the list too far ;)
Is anyone else really starting to wonder about plazz? Sure we could use his folders again, but I'm starting to just wonder in general about the guy. I really hope he's ok.


No worries. I turn off my home units too when I am out of town. Many of use turn stuff in the summer in general.
Is anyone else really starting to wonder about plazz? Sure we could use his folders again, but I'm starting to just wonder in general about the guy. I really hope he's ok.

Those folders were at his work correct? I hope he went on vacation and was not layed off.
I don't think so, at least some of the pics I saw looked like a home setting. Maybe some at work like me, I'm about 50/50 split.
Is anyone else really starting to wonder about plazz? Sure we could use his folders again, but I'm starting to just wonder in general about the guy. I really hope he's ok.
I don't know if Scott or one of the Mods could provide any more information short of knowing what IP address(s) he might have used. Since he was Folding at work (not encouraged by Stanford unless permission is granted) and those Folders disappeared at the same time as Plazz did, it looks really suspicious.

Supposedly, his girlfriend got on his account and posted a couple of posts that people were puzzled by. I never saw the original posts, so I don't know what they said. After he vanished shortly afterward, I started to wonder if he got "found out" and had to shut everything down. I don't know. Maybe it was really his mom and Plazzman is 8 and had his school's computers Folding! :D

It's really odd that he hasn't managed to check in almost a month later. He most be going through SatelliteGuys withdrawal something fierce!
Just over a day until we overtake Beefysworld. About three days until we have our first 10 Million Point SatGuy. :D
Wow! It doesn't seem like it was all that long ago that SatelliteGuys.US Folding Team passed 10,000,000 points, and now Scorpion.sting is almost there all by himself! Go, Scorpy!
Yeah, the girlfriend comments from earlier. I never read them either. One thing to have to shut some folders down, another to completely disappear.
Well, we passed Beefysworld and got passed by bitGAMER yesterday. So, no net gain on the position chart.:( We are getting ready to pass in about 3 days. We should be able to hold onto that position (#103).:D

Scorpion.sting should hit 10 Million Points sometime on Friday.:D
Oh no.! It looks like the Scorpion is offline.:eek: I hope the Plazz Effect isn't spreading.;)
My thoughts, exactly! :)
Maybe another team looking to ice the competition by taking out our two most productive Folders? ;)

Then again, Logansport is only 75 minutes away from Avon... and Scorpy was the only one of us to read and respond to Plazz's girlfriends's posts... Hmmm...

Oh, dear! :eek: South Bend is only another 80 minutes from Logansport! :eek: And Kalamazoo, MI is only 90 minutes from here! Heads up, SatinKzo, she's coming for us!!!

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Dang man, time to break out the lawgivers, stock up on water and supplies to withstand the siege. There's gonna be a TV miniseries on this chick. The Folding Murders.
Just a thought, but Scott might consider offering an incentive for those that fold a certain amount of points for the team. Maybe a month of Pub membership for X points folded. Many other sites do this and it helps science, the team and the individual gets a little something out of it as well. I was folding for my team before they offered incentives, but it was nice to get the incentive for the effort when they added it. An incentive from SatelliteGuys might convince others as well as myself to put a couple of machines toward folding for satguys when we are members of other teams as well.
Hey! I just noticed! I should break into the top 1,000 individual Folders this weekend! SatinKzo is not too far from making the Top 900 Folders, too!

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