Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

It's amazing how much the GPU is kicking my CPU's butt. Figured out (man am I slow) how to run the GPU client. Getting a performance on ranging from 330-360ns/day right now. 4 hours in and I'm at 15900000/20000000 on my current protein.

I guess 61C isn't too hot for my GPU - other temps: system Temp 29, cpu 44, vreg 44.
Wow, you've cracked the SatGuys Top Twenty already.:D
:D Well, I didn't realize how crazy strong that GPU was until I really unleased it. I think that it's finally starting to burn in as well, because before I left for work it was about 5c less than it was yesterday (same ambient room temp)...

edit: W00Tness - Just cracked the top 100!
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My daily average took a hit when I took my son to college and my core2duo with nvidia 9800gtx+ got shutoff. I came home and turned that back on and started folding on the core2quad with 9800gtx+ and Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. My average should be looking good in a few more days with the 12K a day I'm pushing out on two machines. Seems to fold more reliably and faster on Windows 7.
think my machine is tired... gonna take the night off. should be ready to continue the ascent tomorrow. :D
dmendenjr, welcome to the Team! Sorry I didn't say "Hi" earlier. Your rig is quite a nice collection of Folding power.

It's a tough decision to leave a computer on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some machines aren't built to take full-time, 100% CPU load. I've been impressed that my systems have held up so far. One of them was a "rescue dog" that I got from work after some of the caps on the mother board swelled. It's been Folding with the CPU client, then after the GPU2 client was announced, with an ATI HD3870 card. That took it from 90 points per day to just over 1,800 ppd.

Errr, I see that my ATI HD4850 card is EUE again. :mad: 'cuse me while I reboot my workstation...
I keep hoping one of these new posts will announce the return of Plazz. We could sure use his points. Hope everything is OK with him.
I keep hoping one of these new posts will announce the return of Plazz. We could sure use his points. Hope everything is OK with him.
Yes, his accounts here and on the Folding Forum have not been accessed since mid-morning August 13th. Stanford does not show anyone using "Plazzman" submitting WUs since the same time period (they show his last WU at 2009-08-13 08:10:59 PDT).

Maybe Scott could sleuth him out, but short of scanning the Avon, IN newspaper (if there is such a thing) it may be a case of involuntary Internet withdrawal caused by lack of significant other support.

Let's go to the Police Blotter for Avon, Indiana for Thursday, August 13th:
Hendricks County Flyer said:
Police blotter for Aug. 13, 2009

Avon Police Department
Thursday, August 13, 2009

At 11:03 a.m., fraud at 6550 E US 36
At 1:34 p.m., threat at 6750 E US 36
At 4:18 p.m., theft at 886 Weeping Way Ln
At 4:43 p.m., property damage accident at E US 36/N SR 267
At 4:56 p.m., 911 call at 6990 E 100 N
At 6:24 p.m., harassment at 7615 Foxtail Cr
At 7:20 p.m., narcotic at Shiloh/36
At 10:44 p.m., theft in progress at 7990 E US 36
I think we can dismiss the threat at 1:34pm as it's probably related to the fraud call at 11:03am (2 blocks away).

I hope Plazzman has a sense of humor as he reads all these posts about us speculating on his situation. I hope all is well with him, and may he make a speedy return to SatelliteGuys.US!
That was weird...

I was cranking out steady points from my two workhorses and then zeroes were showing up instead of points online for the last couple days. Now the points are back and my shortage seems to be back into the point count.

I found an article today showing a study of points per watt. The PS3 is the worst, ATIs are not a lot better, and the best producers are the GX260 cards. SMP vs GPU measurements are made too. Interesting read for sure.

Seeking The Best Performance per Watt for Folding@Home | Hardware Secrets
I've seen where Stanford's servers get "constipated" on certain classes of WUs. They get accepted, but the results may not show up for a few days. Then, WAM! Big PPD for that day.

Regarding the power consumption for Folding: My Mac Mini uses about 35W out of the wall and generates 1,359.55 points per day. Using their calculation methods, I generate 1,616 Points/KWh, better than any of their test rigs. I guess the way to go is to shut down all my ATI servers and keep an eye peeled for the Core 2 Duo Mac Mini refurbs at Apple...
Regarding the power consumption for Folding: My Mac Mini uses about 35W out of the wall and generates 1,359.55 points per day. Using their calculation methods, I generate 1,616 Points/KWh, better than any of their test rigs. I guess the way to go is to shut down all my ATI servers and keep an eye peeled for the Core 2 Duo Mac Mini refurbs at Apple...

That's excellent!

Yeah, the test was by no means complete but it does serve to show that you may not be using the most effective rig to fold. Sometimes you have to go with what you have though. Not everyone can afford to just setup a folding machine.
I've been trying to think of ways to add some more folders to the team here at work, just don't have any spares available. Maybe I need to justify some GPU's for my systems.
Forgot to fire up the folding when I was home at dinner; but working 13 hours tomorrow think the computer will too ;)

3.5 days until I hit "50" overall... Guess rising through the ranks will slow up after that.
It would be nice if we had more active folders on the team. I guess satellite guys are not computer guys. I made the mistake of looking at some stats over on the folding pages and the leading team has 1029 active folders and one folder on that team has 14million more points than our whole team! :O
I think we're doing quite well considering this is a side interest of a select few home satellite mavens. Extremeoverclocking specializes in people who want to get the most out of their PCs, and a bit more beyond. Folding@Home is a great way for them to demonstrate the size of their "rigs"... :)
It would be nice if we had more active folders on the team. I guess satellite guys are not computer guys. I made the mistake of looking at some stats over on the folding pages and the leading team has 1029 active folders and one folder on that team has 14million more points than our whole team! :O
SatGuys is doing pretty well with just 35 active folders. We have been averaging over 4.5 Million Points per month since May. The stats say we are averaging 4.67K ppd per folder.:D

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