Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Plazz, Dont quite understand your last couple posts concerning me but if I offended you I apologize. :confused:

Fold on:)

Sorry Mad Girlfriend ( Is there any other kind..??) got on my account after I crashed last night. My bad should have logged out!!!

That's why they were promptly deleted this morning when I awoke... Sorry for any offense... And none taken here.. By myself at least..!!!.;):up
congrats everyone on the milestones lately. Welcome back to SS. As the summer starts to wind down, hopefully if people had their PS3s and other stuff off they'll starting it up again. I only had a few down days here due to heat, just never got warm this year. Set a record for coldest July on record (something like 120 years of climate data).
Scorpy should be past 9,000,000 points by the 4:00am EDT update! Congratulations!!!
Mike123abc will be hitting 2 Million Points tomorrow. Welcome to the 2M club.:D

Maybe, my production is unstable. I have 4 GPUs running. One flakes out all the time, and if I am not there, it will always find an excuse to stop running every couple days. Not to mention tomorrow is Tuesday, and if MS unleashes a patch it will likely stop all my folders. It never fails that something will happen.
Maybe, my production is unstable. I have 4 GPUs running. One flakes out all the time, and if I am not there, it will always find an excuse to stop running every couple days. Not to mention tomorrow is Tuesday, and if MS unleashes a patch it will likely stop all my folders. It never fails that something will happen.
Change your update option to download only so you can install them on your timetable.
Sorry Mad Girlfriend ( Is there any other kind..??) got on my account after I crashed last night. My bad should have logged out!!!

That's why they were promptly deleted this morning when I awoke... Sorry for any offense... And none taken here.. By myself at least..!!!.;):up
Plazzman (and his Folders) seem to have vanished... Revenge of the Mad Girlfriend?

Disappearance - 103 W AMC1/Spaceway 1/DirecTV 10/DirecTV 12

Software Update Coming
