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i have a question for you guys. when i try to use the GPU client,after it's done with a WU i get the message that i passed the deadline or something like that so it discards the WU. this means i need to upgrade my graphics card correct?

You should not have this problem. The only way I see to get this problem is if the client has been off a while (like 2+ weeks) then you turn it back on and it works on the old problem. The GPU does more than one a day, so the couple weeks jobs are usually given should not be an issue.
You should not have this problem. The only way I see to get this problem is if the client has been off a while (like 2+ weeks) then you turn it back on and it works on the old problem. The GPU does more than one a day, so the couple weeks jobs are usually given should not be an issue.
Yeah, what Mike said. I just looked at one of my active GPU clients and it has another 2.2 hours to go, but I have until October 10th to complete this WU:
issue: Fri Sep 25 00:16:16 2009; begin: Fri Sep 25 00:16:19 2009
expect: Fri Sep 25 03:23:55 2009; due: Sat Oct 10 00:16:19 2009 (15 days)
I think the GPU2 client checks the hardware and won't start on a 2000-series (or less) AMD card or a 7000-series (or less) nVidia card. But even if you were able to override the GPU Check and Fold on a lesser GPU, I would think that you should be able to complete a Work Unit in a few days, more than enough time to beat the 15 day limit.
You should not have this problem. The only way I see to get this problem is if the client has been off a while (like 2+ weeks) then you turn it back on and it works on the old problem. The GPU does more than one a day, so the couple weeks jobs are usually given should not be an issue.
thanks mike. i'll try again.
Woo-Hoo! SatelliteGuys.US has passed 65 Million Points!
Two weeks until we pass D&D Minions for #102.:D If SatGuys can continue our current production (hint, hint - Time to fire up those PS3's), we will continue to climb the ladder and crack the Top 100 in about 2 months.:up
Just a week and a half until we pass D&D Minions for #102.:D
SatGuys is still averaging over a million points per week even without "He who shall not be named". We just hit 66 Million Points and 129K work units.:clap
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Ok time for some smack.....:p I'm tired of hearing about Plazz. He went to another team to eventually be top dog since he couldnt do it here on this team.. Hes gone guys....get over it.:)

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