I am not admitting defeat!

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yeah I know what he means when I set up my first c band system. had all kinds of trouble( mostly operator error) LOL. but that first channel came in I was smiling from ear to ear. telemundo if i remember couldn't uderstand a single word but was tickled to death
Thats how I felt with my C-Band setup. 27 pages worth of a thread :)
Frustrated for weeks and then finally "going up" and gettign it to work
One big thing to remember when you are pointing these KU systems....I thought I was pro from installing dozens of D* and E* systems. The KU system is 10 times as sensitive on picking up the signals. So use VERY VERY VERY fine adjustments when moving around the sky. Always try for the true south or closest true south first. Once you find your reference point in the sky you'll be able to find them all.

FYI... the problem I had with finding G10R was I kept finding Echostar's 121 satellite instead.
Thanks! I plan on going ultra slow and in very small steps - like 1/2" or less. I have a dish 500 mounted about 3 feet away so I will line up the FTA with that, and then go a little farther west than that. :-)
Forget 1/2" its more like 1/16" at a time, KU signals are REALLY that critical when pointing!

1/16" Blind scan............. 1/16" Blind scan Sometimes its a lot faster that way to find a satellite, once you have one you will not be far away from getting them all.
OK, so thats like a little nudge? THat could be alot of my problem too. Now when you say blind scan, are you meaning once I find a satellite that I scan it to see whats on it? Anyway, I was making at least 1/2" to 3/4" adjustments before. Boy I can't wait until tomorrow. I got LOTS of info! THanks to all!!!!!!!!!
I mean you can use Blind scan as a tool to find a satellite, if you are close (1/8") you will get some of the stronger TP's on a satellite, fine tune. Then as above all the rest will fall into place. When you find one mark the pole and elev. with an ink marker, then you will always be able to get back there and start again.

yes.. barely nudge it. If you think you are close to something, do the blind scan. This will search for any DVB signals out there. Once you find something you will be on your way. Start with the true south ones first.

Patience....patience..patience... You can be holding the dish tightening the dish, let go, and notice half your quality is gone. That's how critical the nano-nudges are.
He's just aiming for G10 (fixed dish)

Iafire...yeah, nudge means 1/16" to 1/8" at a time. If you have a low signal, try and "lean" into the dish to see if the signal goes up.....and when you find a signal, maybe make a mark so you remember where that was in case you have signal then it disappears. Then you have a "reference" point
Got it! T-7 hours until I can start this. I am ready! (I hope :-) I know I was moving it prolly more like 1/2" - 1 1/2 " the last times. I gotta remember these are not DSS birds :-) It is sunny out, gonna be between 65-70 today. Perfect day! Thanks all, and good luck to everyone else who is working on their FTA's today :-) Will report back!
Locked in SBS6 @ 949 am EST!!! The trick for me was i was movong the dish more than a 1/4" at a time...Took my time and many deep breaths... Mission accomplished!!
Now i Gotta go to SAMS club my wife want me to go food shopping.. AArgggggggg!!

Thanks guys. Ice, PSB and everyone else!!

More later! (looks like it might rain! :(

Dan.... aka Sharpee
Iceberg said:
He's just aiming for G10 (fixed dish)

Yeah, I know. He just seems to have a problem getting G10R and I will agree it is a bear to get. I was recommending he try his true south first, this should be an easy one to hit(no skew, etc). He can verify his equipment works then try to tackle G10R.
I haven't read through this entire thread, but G5 Transponder 3 is clear analog, so if you can get your hands on any ten to twenty year old analog clunker tuner, you can visually find G5 (I think it is now G-12) transponder 3, which is a religious channel, and then nudge te dish just a dite to the east and up, if you are on the east coast, or a just due east if you are on the west coast
Best tip for finding G10R is to try looking for it on transponder 4. Thats how I found it as I wasnt having luck with Transponder 1.

Once I found it on transponder 4 and tweeked it for the highest signal on transponder 4 then transponder 1 was coming in nicely as well.

Don't aim looking for transponder 1.
Oh Man What A Day!!


Practice makes perfect!! Well, after getting SBS6 and going to Sams Club with my wife. I got home and got back on the roof to see if i could pull in Telstar 12.
Bingo! (The sat i originaly wanted to get) the best quality i could get on the Brazilian channel is 75%, and im very happy. I think most of the fun is looking for feeds. You never know what ya gonna get! Now im gonna look around the flea markets in my area for another dish,(more dishes).
In a few weeks ill get a motor (from PSB of course!). Thats gonna be another challenge i'm sue!

Thanks You Guys could have never done it without all of ya!!

Sharpee :)
By the Way, Thanks for this comment by digiblur, it really got me thinkin!

"The KU system is 10 times as sensitive on picking up the signals. So use VERY VERY VERY fine adjustments when moving around the sky".

The was the key for me. Just nudge a little at a time.

Man i cant waite to order the motor and get 50 more dishes!
I bet we will have some good news from Larry sooner or later! Hang in there man!

Sharpee :)
congrats mr sharpee, idiot that I was, didn't have my dish "perfecty" in-line with my h2h motor, oh well (nothing but like 20 or so hours wondering what was wrong)

So now that you've succeded, don't be an idiot like me when you get your motor!
sharpee said:
By the Way, Thanks for this comment by digiblur, it really got me thinkin!

"The KU system is 10 times as sensitive on picking up the signals. So use VERY VERY VERY fine adjustments when moving around the sky".

The was the key for me. Just nudge a little at a time.

Man i cant waite to order the motor and get 50 more dishes!
I bet we will have some good news from Larry sooner or later! Hang in there man!

Sharpee :)

Glad I could help.... I was also a victim of applying my mad DSS pointing skills to the KU pointing skills. I soon learned some new skills of barely bumping the thing.

You are moving right along. Learn the reciever you have, scan a few satellites, get all the adjustments down pat, then add the motor into the mix.
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