The original reason I got into FTA was when I found out about the free audio on ExpressVu. At the time I was a customer and was paying for those radio stations. When I found out I could get them for free, I went and bought an el cheapo (and I do mean El-Cheapo) receiver for the audio.
No blind scan, no motor option, 10 transponder maximum (not 10 satellite, 10 transponder limit, no option to edit channels, etc). Check the review area for "Viacast 2000" receiver.
It took me 3 weeks to get it to work. And much like a lot of us here, it was something simple. I had the LNB LO frequency inputted wrong. This receiver needed to have 3 zeros at the end of the LO so instead of 11250 (for DBS) it was 11250000 and KU was 10750000. That threw me for a loop. Once I fixed that it worked great. Used that receiver for 3 months
Lets see
-Dec 03 got FTA for the free audio ("and that's it" as I posted back then). Viacast 2000 and a line from my subscription ExpressVu setup
Jump 2 1/2 years ahead to now
-6 foot C-Band dish
-3 KU band dishes (3 more in storage)
-2 pizza dishes for 119 & 91 audio
-4 analog receivers
-9 digital receivers currently have (have worked with probably 20+ different receivers)
-lots of switches, cable, etc