I am admitting defeat!
Well, I just spent another 2 hours outside, and I cannot even get any of the echostar birds. The satellite finder meter is screaming and I am getting a good signal, but the receiver shows nothing. I have gone over everyones notes and tips, and have started from scratch (mount on up 4 times now). I must thorw in the towel. I thought for sure I could get one of the echostars for sure, but I can't get anything. A local satellite insatller charges $45. I had to explain to him what a ku satellite dish was. So, I think I will just cut my losses and forget about it. Is there anyway to check the lnb to see if it is working? Thanks for any ideas. If anyone wants to buy a new Fortec FTA system or parts of it, let me know. Thanks
Well, I just spent another 2 hours outside, and I cannot even get any of the echostar birds. The satellite finder meter is screaming and I am getting a good signal, but the receiver shows nothing. I have gone over everyones notes and tips, and have started from scratch (mount on up 4 times now). I must thorw in the towel. I thought for sure I could get one of the echostars for sure, but I can't get anything. A local satellite insatller charges $45. I had to explain to him what a ku satellite dish was. So, I think I will just cut my losses and forget about it. Is there anyway to check the lnb to see if it is working? Thanks for any ideas. If anyone wants to buy a new Fortec FTA system or parts of it, let me know. Thanks