I am not admitting defeat!

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I am admitting defeat!

Well, I just spent another 2 hours outside, and I cannot even get any of the echostar birds. The satellite finder meter is screaming and I am getting a good signal, but the receiver shows nothing. I have gone over everyones notes and tips, and have started from scratch (mount on up 4 times now). I must thorw in the towel. I thought for sure I could get one of the echostars for sure, but I can't get anything. A local satellite insatller charges $45. I had to explain to him what a ku satellite dish was. So, I think I will just cut my losses and forget about it. Is there anyway to check the lnb to see if it is working? Thanks for any ideas. If anyone wants to buy a new Fortec FTA system or parts of it, let me know. Thanks :-)
I usually don't give up on something, But I have hit a roadblock. I found another local place that chares $55 an hour and they acted like they knew what I was talking about :-) What bothers me is, I cannot get any satellite. I should be able to get something.
Oh man…Larry that's not good. Come on, I know you were excited to see G10 and the programs. I'm not letting you throw in the towel that quick : )

You were able to get some signal on the LNB…that proves the LNB is working. The thing with KU digital is you have to be bang on or it won't work and all that happens is frustration. Larry, it took me 3 weeks to get my FTA setup working, and all I was doing was trying to get the audio on ExpressVu. I cussed, hollered and stuff (and it was the dead of winter). I found out it was something really stupid (menu wasn't set up right) so I never got anything. Once I made those adjustments it worked. Same with when I got my first dish

Where is the dish mounted? On the roof?
When you look SW, is there any obstacles that are close (trees, etc)
From what I understand, you have the menu on the Fortec set up properly for G10
Your 100% sure the cable is hooked to the "satellite input" (which is right above the loop out) of the receiver?

Also you have PM

setup is
Fortec Classic
no motor
80cm dish
Sadoun standard LNB

I sent him how the menu is setup in the Fortec so we know that's right.
iafirebuff said:
Well, I just spent another 2 hours outside, and I cannot even get any of the echostar birds. The satellite finder meter is screaming and I am getting a good signal, but the receiver shows nothing. I have gone over everyones notes and tips, and have started from scratch (mount on up 4 times now). I must thorw in the towel. I thought for sure I could get one of the echostars for sure, but I can't get anything. A local satellite insatller charges $45. I had to explain to him what a ku satellite dish was. So, I think I will just cut my losses and forget about it. Is there anyway to check the lnb to see if it is working? Thanks for any ideas. If anyone wants to buy a new Fortec FTA system or parts of it, let me know. Thanks :-)


I am with ICE on this one. No throwing the towel in yet!

Let's go over the facts. If you say that your signal meter is screaming at the dish side, that is your proof that the dish+LNB setup is working and you have signal there. so the rest of it is answering two questions:
1) is the cable from the LNB to the receiver done correctly without any kinks or other problems? You can't imagine how many times the problem is as simple as a loose/bad terminator/F-connector.
2) is the receiver setup correctly?

I'd check the cable this way. Take the meter to the room where you have the reciever and hook it up there. Does it give you a reading? If yes, then you have the signal there and turn your focus to the receiver's settings. I am afraid I can not help you with the receiver as I don't have a Fortec.

If you had to explain to the guy about the Ku, then you know more than him already ;)

Hang in there!
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Could be the cable or it could be because his LNB is sqewed a bit, I had this problem this weekend. Gave the LNB a little turn and WHAM got G10R without any issue. :)
Thanks for all the tips! I will check the cable out. If the cable was bad, would I still be getting power to the sat finder meter?
possibly. Highly unlikely as you had signal before

I would try elevation a little bit (between 30-35).
Perhaps someone mentioned this already, but what about the skew on the lnbf you don't have it turned too much do you. Maybe set it to zero until you find a signal then tweak it.

Its a fixed system and G10 is at +20 skew. if he zeroes it, there won't be any signal


Stupid question…..when you got your system, did you upgrade the LNB or did you get what was in the package?

Is there any numbers on the LNB like a LO 10750 or LO 9750/10600

Here's my thinking…the LNB that comes with the package is a Universal but the upgrade (for free) is a standard. This makes a difference depending on which LNB you have.

Let us know please : )
I can feel your pain it took me a month to get G10....Here's what I did so I hope it helps. I have the Fortec 90U dish, universal lnbf, fortec classic NA and I am feeding it with RG6 Quad. The way I finally got this one in, I hooked up the signal meter and I brought the tv & receiver outside (I was desperate)...I tuned up on Echo9/ia13 at 121W until I got like 97%. There is only one channel on that bird that is ITC (in the clear) it says "congratulations you have a dish 1000 pointed at 121WL" Watching the tv I moved the dish to the right until the picture dropped out...then I started blind scanning...it actually took 3 or 4 scans before I hit G10 moving the dish slightly between each scan. also an FYI when you first get G10 you may see it scanning in "ch1, ch2, ch3, etc....I though this was 121W again because it scans in ch1, ch2, ch3 in banks of 10 and I almost stopped the scan but I waited and I got a few strong TP's. Once I got a signal I put it on that TP and peaked the dish from there...now I get upper 90's on several channels. Also on the skew I have mine at about 4 o'clock (standing in front of the dish).

also make sure the lnbf is all the way back in the holder...I had it close in at first and the signal was weaker....I have 5 of these dishes and they can be frustrating to set up at first but once you get the hang of it, its not too bad.

Hope that helps and if you have any more ?'s just ask
I found out the LNB is standard, so its 10750 LO. IAfire sent me some pictures of his setup (Dish500 and the FTA dish) and I sent him some pointers on how to aim it. LOS is good (there is a tree near him but the elevation will clear it) and the way to skew the LNB.
I already have a system in place with a motorized dish but from there can"t see G10R due to some tres,so I Have tried a couple of times to get it from the roof where there is clear line of sight.G10R is only about 5 deg elevation but i experienced what you described and even though its tough I'm determined to beat a path on the roof trying.

Have you tried it without the inline signal meter? When I was using the signal meter, it kept finding everything but the KU sats.

Point for 105 or 121. Those buggers are screaming! Or set the skew back to zero and hit your true south satellite, IA6. I'm sure Iceberg can give you a TP to check. I'd get one for you but I'd have to pry the viewers off of the dish.
Hang in there on it. It took me 2-3 weeks to get g10 setup. Make sure the dish is plumb (I had a screw loose on my lnb arm which dropped the arm down a bit). Elevation has to be very very close to get g10. Hang in there and you will get it.
Thanks again to all for your encourgement! I would be lost without you all! and Mr. Iceberg - he should be charging me by the hour for all the help he has given me! :-)

I sent you pictures of my G10 setup for elevation and skew. My elevation is suppose to be 30 and in the picture its about 28 1/2

With your elevation at 32 between 30-32 should be the vicinity
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