You have to understand how corporations think. If they're missing out on one, thin, dimes worth of revenue, they'll spend a thousand bucks to prevent a 10 cent loss.Me either and especially for locations like mine that is shielded by terrain in all directions preventing OTA from happening. One would think that the more readily the programming is to access the better their sponsors would like it. I know it's left me with just PBS I can watch nowThere are several stations carrying most of these channels fairly close to here but according to the plots I ran I'd need a tower of 200 feet or more to touch them. If I had internet at my radio site above me I can get 28 channels there no sweat that would be the answer but it's just far enough off the beaten path to get anything.
It doesn't matter than people like us would be willing to pay a modest subscription cost, which wouldn't cost them anything since we provide our own equipment.
I see STB's online all the time with card slots, that could be used for that purpose. Instead, they are unwilling to sell home subscriptions, which wouldn't create a great degree of hassle for them.
I read a post the other day some guy in Canada posted, claiming the receiver he's using (He Didn't Mention The Manufacturer) remedied the problem with the MeTV channels simply by activating the WiFi feature in the receiver.
If that's the case, apparently BISS Key isn't as secure as one would think. I don't know if he was on the up and up or not, because I don't quite understand how hooking it to a Wifi would fix it.
Anyway, I rarely turn my dish on anymore, considering all the free streaming channels available. I also have over 450 DVD's I bought over the years with my favorite shows on them.
I'm seriously considering removing all 8+ dishes next summer since we recently got fiber internet. With half a Gig internet, I'm able to watch anything I want, including UHD channels with speed to burn.