well, been working on it for a little over 2 hours now. Still nothing! No amc4, no g10, no echostars! I tried the blindscan several times, got the pointed rel close to my azimuth - used a string and walked about 10 feet out and got it lined up real good - used that as the start, went to each side of that mark, tried different elevations, etc. I tried with and without a sat finder meter. When I use eithe r of the external meters i have, they cut out. I then meter can be pegged, then it goes quiet and to 0, then without moving anything jumps back up. I am about to have the title changed back again. I do have a very knowledgeable installer that is willing to travel almost 500 miles round trip to help me out, but as much as I would like to meet him and such, I really hate for him to travel all that way if at all possible. He has gone way out of his way to help me. I will leave him unmentioned at this point, not because i am ungratefull, but I don't want him to be overwhelmed with request

My tan is coming along nicely