Hopper Poll

Upgrade yes or no

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 29, 2010
Ok based on what we have learned about the Hopper this week I wanted to start a poll to see how many satguys members have either been convinced to upgrade or have now decided Hopper isn't for them.

Its a cool piece of technology with some sweet features,that said after considering the fee structure my family will most likely not upgrade.
I just saw two post where is was mentioned that Hoppers can't see each other. Haven't found the source on this, but if true, then I will wait. I already have HD going to all three of my TVs, so the whole-home DVR sharing with six tuners is what got me excited to upgrade.
I was more important for them to get it out in a configuration that MOST customers will use it in instead of delaying it for a configuration that most people WONT use.

We here at SatelliteGuys are against the norm and want it all, and want it now! :D
I was more important for them to get it out in a configuration that MOST customers will use it in instead of delaying it for a configuration that most people WONT use.

We here at SatelliteGuys are against the norm and want it all, and want it now! :D

I agree that a multi Hopper set-up won't be common. However, I am disappointed that E* decided to just get it out the door rather than get it right. The 922 debacle comes to mind.
The fees wouldn't be quite so bad if they had working ready to go out the door ota tuners and they could or would allow for the mixing of Hoppers with Vips.I'm kind if hoping that maybe Dish will pay attention to the feedback and work on some of the mentioned improvements.
I was ready until it was the same unfair deal for existing subs compared to new ones. All I need, that I don't have, is HD on the master bedroom TV. I'll use my $99 to buy a 211k now.

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I'm also a little disappointed that it's $99 unless you're a "Plan A" customer (what does that mean anyway? How do you know what plan you are?) - that being said, $99 up front for the 3rd tuner and HD in 2 additional rooms is worth it for me.
$99 is worth it. I know you dont work for free and neither do the installaers who will have to come out to your house, rewire it so that it works with Hopper and joey, upgrade / replace and dishes or switches that need changing out etc.

Money well spent in my book! :D
$99 is worth it. I know you dont work for free and neither do the installaers who will have to come out to your house, rewire it so that it works with Hopper and joey, upgrade / replace and dishes or switches that need changing out etc.

Money well spent in my book! :D

That makes no sense since new customers get free install and a free hooper and joey, so your saying that installers will not get paid on new customers install?

plus the$99.00 is for the equipment not for the install which is free so the poor installer does not get paid.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I was more important for them to get it out in a configuration that MOST customers will use it in instead of delaying it for a configuration that most people WONT use.

We here at SatelliteGuys are against the norm and want it all, and want it now! :D

Dang skippy!!!!

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That makes no sense since new customers get free install and a free hooper and joey, so your saying that installers will not get paid on new customers install?
Thats why DISH has to recoop the costs over two years. I have not seen any sign yet that an existing customer needs to agree to a new 2 year contract.

plus the$99.00 is for the equipment not for the install which is free so the poor installer does not get paid.
No it helps cover some of the costs but not all.

Do you think all that equipment (hell just a 2TB 7200 RPM drive) costs $99?
No savings for me and no OTA make me indifferent. I want to get hopper and 2 joeys cause its new stuff but real need isn't there. Anxious to read all about it when they come out.

Hopper installation availability?

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