How can it be? If they've already sold 1/3 to 1/2 the HD DVD player owners a copy, how many more can be interested? How many more HD DVD players will sell this year? Of course, the DVD version will keep selling. And they'll sell a boatload when/if they ever release it on Blu-ray in future years.
Despite claims of PS3 not selling well, it's selling way more than any stand alone players. And the 40GB version preorders are sold out on Amazon, however many that was. The gap between devices that can play Blu-ray, and devices that can play HD DVD, looks to be growing.
For some reason I don't believe SM on BD will be as big a seller as it is expected to be by the BD boys.Spiderman 3 hits the chart the following week...
They will sell a boatload of HD DVD players at xmas given its dropping price.How can it be? If they've already sold 1/3 to 1/2 the HD DVD player owners a copy, how many more can be interested? How many more HD DVD players will sell this year? Of course, the DVD version will keep selling. And they'll sell a boatload when/if they ever release it on Blu-ray in future years.
Despite claims of PS3 not selling well, it's selling way more than any stand alone players. And the 40GB version preorders are sold out on Amazon, however many that was. The gap between devices that can play Blu-ray, and devices that can play HD DVD, looks to be growing.
Goof Grief Joe You sit there and mock Toshiba for their price strategy when the only reason Sony leads anything is because they slapped a BD player in a game system so they could claim victory in player sales.That new $198 price at Walmart is sure going to sell a few HD-DVD players. We will have to see if BD can step up and drop a hammer here and there to counteract Toshiba's moves. Seems like Toshiba is pulling out all the stops to regain momentum and a lead over BD. They needed to do something and they have. You can now buy the cheepee A2 at Walmart and pick up Transformers on HD-DVD. I guess you guys are looking for a one-trick poney to ride and that 'I will beat you to the cellar first' by Toshiba has been tossed. Hope this does the trick because if BD continues to hold the lead and continues to bear down on that standalone lead then don't look for anyone else to jump in the back seat of HD-DVD's car cause after showing your skivies there is no where else to drop to.
BTW, is there anyone here interested in purchasing the Toshiba A30? Seems making money on HD-DVD is not in their game plan. Well, M$ is still surving after 5 years and no money made on the XBOX360 -- Heck, they put themselves in a $2 billion dollar hole by manufacturing a defective product -- admit it -- and still people buy it. Shows Americans will buy anything if they think the price is right. We are going to be easy pickin's for the Chinese!
Really? Or do you just post any negative dribble you can get ahold of as fact? As you did in your "Transformers only sold 115,000 copies" thread?Note that the figures may be subject to change. It appears Transformers in HD DVD may have only sold 90,000 in the first week. See another thread I have started on this for details.
Looks like BOTH sides are on the "one trick pony" express then...I guess you guys are looking for a one-trick poney to ride and that 'I will beat you to the cellar first' by Toshiba has been tossed. Hope this does the trick because if BD continues to hold the lead and continues to bear down on that standalone lead then don't look for anyone else to jump in the back seat of HD-DVD's car cause after showing your skivies there is no where else to drop to.
The PlayStation 3, Sony's flagship game player with a built-in Blu-ray Disc player, is a loss-leader, with money lost on hardware sales and made up on games and movie software.
I think its dribble as long as Paramount sticks to their 190,000 figure which they have. How many different numbers have you regurgitated now as fact? 190,000 115,000, 90,000???? Whats next? You post from any rag you can find. some figures from entertainment weekly? the enquirer magazine? Hey, maybe I should start a blog and you can post some from there? Im surprised you havent posted from, thedigitalbits or beatboys website.Dribble? You refer to Nielson Videoscan, including their first alerts as dribble? That's the source of the figures.
Transformers in HD DVD sold less than 90,000 copies the first week. NOT 190,000 copies as reported by Paramount. And that's a FACT, as reported by an independent company whose business it is to gather such numbers.
Accept it. And quit with the personal attacks.
I think its dribble as long as Paramount sticks to their 190,000 figure which they have. How many different numbers have you regurgitated now as fact? 190,000 115,000, 90,000???? Whats next? You post from any rag you can find. some figures from entertainment weekly? the enquirer magazine? Hey, maybe I should start a blog and you can post some from there? Im surprised you havent posted from, thedigitalbits or beatboys website.
Just imagine what a field day the BD fans will have when their next report (that doesn't account for WalMart sales, by definition) will show again that BD is winning......Nelson Media Research Company, an unbiased company that sole purpose is the measure media...
Just imagine what a field day the BD fans will have when their next report (that doesn't account for WalMart sales, by definition) will show again that BD is winning...
From Home Media Magazine:
Software units sales ratios as of 10/28/07:
Week ending .........Blu-ray 55.......HD-DVD 45
YTD:....................Blu-ray 64.......HD-DVD 36
Since inception:.....Blu-ray 60.......HD-DVD 40
Normalized to make comparison with previous postings easier:
Week ending .........Blu-ray 100.......HD-DVD 82
YTD:....................Blu-ray 100.......HD-DVD 56
Since inception:.....Blu-ray 100.......HD-DVD 67
Just imagine what a field day the BD fans will have when their next report (that doesn't account for WalMart sales, by definition) will show again that BD is winning...