But don't you find it a bit telling when you see that 300 in BD is selling about twice as many as the HD-DVD equivalent.
In the first week of release of '300', quite a bit was made out of that the BD version outsold HD DVD 'almost 2 to 1'. This week 300 was the top selling BD - at 25.47 of Knocked Up's sales. The HD DVD 300 had 14.64 of KU. Accordingly, 300 HD DVD were 57.5% of BD - the HD DVD version is actually moving up in its sale ratio to the BD version.

Also, We Are Marshall is in the top 10 in BD, but no HD-DVD. Its those numbers that will really determine how this format war is moving.
No - that's just means Blu-ray owners are more likely to be football fans than HD DVD owners.

Just kidding - actually last week, the 1st week of release for We Are Marshall, the Blu-ray was outsold by the HD DVD version, so, some evening up in the sales mix.

NPD Group claims Best Buy (!?) is the biggest hidef discs seller... by a lot
Best Buy named leading high-def retailer - 10/5/2007 - Video Business
Not clear how they got hold of WalMart sales, but if true this boosts the representativeness of published NPD Group data.
Yes, interesting they got some Wal-Mart numbers. But if HD Media sales are indeed slow, one has to look no further than "Best" Buy being far & away the #1 seller. They are so over priced it's sad. I've bought over 80 HD discs - 1 at Wal-Mart, 1 at Best Buy, and 78 from Amazon, Warner Home Video and eBay.