High Def Disc unit sales - The Digital Bits

I'm not so sure just how "free" those players are considering you're paying Best Buy's or Circuit City's retail price for the TV to get the $400 BD player. If the same TV was bought online, even at a major e-tailer like Amazon, you're paying AT LEAST $300-$400 less for the smallest sized TV eligible for the promotion.

I've been doing some serious price comparison this past month as I am shopping for a new TV, and since I already have a PS3, I'd prefer to save the money and buy online. I think when the "free" BD player is no longer part of the promotion, you'll see the prices of those same TVs begin to drop substantially at BB and CC.
Its not free. Its simple math as you know.
Can someone please tell me what free BD player with HDTV? I just purchased the Samsung Lnt-4081F from BB last night for the bedroom and I could not get a free tv. In fact the salesman told me that there was only one tv a 52" that I could get a free BD player with. So where are all of these free BD standalones with HDTV purchases being done?
Can someone please tell me what free BD player with HDTV? I just purchased the Samsung Lnt-4081F from BB last night for the bedroom and I could not get a free tv. In fact the salesman told me that there was only one tv a 52" that I could get a free BD player with. So where are all of these free BD standalones with HDTV purchases being done?

Thats the thing Joe, when you really look into the "free" player, the deal aint so hot. The $149 A3 is a much better offer and SHOULD have more of an effect on hardware sales.

You cant tell that to some of these guys though.
Can someone please tell me what free BD player with HDTV? I just purchased the Samsung Lnt-4081F from BB last night for the bedroom and I could not get a free tv. In fact the salesman told me that there was only one tv a 52" that I could get a free BD player with. So where are all of these free BD standalones with HDTV purchases being done?

Both Sharp and Panasonic were offering a free BD player with the purchase of one of their TVs 42" and up.
Was the panasonic deal only at Bbuy? Thats all I could find. It was basically $499 off a tv if you bought a BD player too. Which would give you the bd30 for free.

Heres the sharp deal:

Free Blu-ray Player with Select Sharp 1080p LCD HDTV Purchases
Sharp LCD HDTVs from the D64, D82 and D92 series that are purchased between January 6, 2008 and February 2, 2008 will receive a free Sharp BD-HP20U Blu-ray disc player with their TV order. (Shipping charges apply.)
So where are all of these free BD standalones with HDTV purchases being done?
I think this was mentioned before but I'll spare you the time
So what went on the week ending January 12 that led to such high numbers in Blu-ray standalone player sales? Bundling deals with HDTVs, explained Baker.
Sharp Blu-ray players accounted for over 30% of sales, as they were offered free to buyers of the company's LCD televisions.
Sony -- also accounting for one-third of sales -- had a similar $400-off deal for Blu-ray players when buying a Sony HDTV.
Panasonic, like Sharp, offered a free Blu-ray player and made up for the remaining third of units sold.
Samsung Blu-ray sales were almost non-existent, as the company did not offer any special deals to TV buyers.
Three companies offering "free" BD players accounted for practically 100% of sales.
BetaNews | NPD: Free Blu-ray player deals led to boosted sales this month

But you can't tell that to some of the BD guys...

Does that mean all or the majority of those players were free, NO. No way to tell.

Lets see, whats the better deal: Player for $149 or one I have to buy a tv for? Hmmmm.

Yet, heres what you get:

"BR standalones are outselling HD-DVD standalones." "Well, thats because they are being given away :rolleyes: . "

No one ever says:

"Well yeah, but isnt Toshiba darn near giving theirs away too? :rolleyes: " Makes it pretty even odds IMHO and still doesn't change the fact the BD standalones sold MORE.

Plus, lets not forget the fact that a lot of these el cheapo HD-DVD players are making 2nds and 3rds for guys who already own one (just read comments here and AVS). Which in no way helps movie sales. Another reason HD-DVD movie sales are in the pits. This is a good example of why total hardware sales is a moot argument. Software sales are what everyone should really care about.
BTW. I feel we should quit posting hardware data, its from limited sources and you cant draw any real conclusions from it. No sense in everyone getting in an uproar of useless data.

Watch movie sales.
BTW. I feel we should quit posting hardware data, its from limited sources and you cant draw any real conclusions from it. No sense in everyone getting in an uproar of useless data.

Watch movie sales.

The movie sales all last year were Bullsh!t, too.

Open Season was the #2 movie during Thanksgiving week because it was given away free with the purchase of a Playstation 3. However, it was counted as a sale.

Don't even get me started on the buy one get one free sales. Clearly the free one counted as a second unit. :rolleyes: Those seem to have disappeared on the Blu side after the Warner announcement. With Warner cutting off rentals of certain titles to Netflix and Blockbuster Online, I believe we may see some nasty price creep soon. :mad:
TV prices drop all the time so I'm not sure that factors into this conversation. Since when doesn't Amazon have the cheapest prices. I can't remember making a major electronics purchase when the price wasn't cheaper on Amazon. Add the fact there is no tax why wouldn't BB cost more, I'm not sure I respect your point. The only reason I buy from BestBuy is I have their CC, get reward zone points, and no interest on major purchases.

Also I defered over $600 no interest on my $2000 TV purchase on my BB card by paying it off in the alloted time. I think that more then makes up for the cost of a throw in BD player.

But the fact remains, people opted for a higher priced TV at a major retailer that included a BD player (They WANTED a BD player, and that was the best deal for those who were also looking for a TV.) They could've just as easily bought a less expensive Phillips, Toshiba, or Samsung that didn't include a BD player. Instead, they got the fully retail priced, higher-end brand TV to get a BD player... thereby, in a sense, paying (one way or another) for the BD player. It was brilliant marketing that clearly trumped Toshiba's firesale prices.
The movie sales all last year were Bullsh!t, too.

Open Season was the #2 movie during Thanksgiving week because it was given away free with the purchase of a Playstation 3. However, it was counted as a sale.

Don't even get me started on the buy one get one free sales. Clearly the free one counted as a second unit. :rolleyes: Those seem to have disappeared on the Blu side after the Warner announcement. With Warner cutting off rentals of certain titles to Netflix and Blockbuster Online, I believe we may see some nasty price creep soon. :mad:

I understand both your point and your anger.
The movie sales all last year were Bullsh!t, too.

Open Season was the #2 movie during Thanksgiving week because it was given away free with the purchase of a Playstation 3. However, it was counted as a sale.

Don't even get me started on the buy one get one free sales. Clearly the free one counted as a second unit. :rolleyes: Those seem to have disappeared on the Blu side after the Warner announcement. With Warner cutting off rentals of certain titles to Netflix and Blockbuster Online, I believe we may see some nasty price creep soon. :mad:

There were 2 strategies involved, one appears to have been the better one. One was cheap hardware will lead to more HD-DVD sales, the other was cheaper software will lead to more BD sales (BOGO is just a way to have a sale). PS3 people appeared to be lured into buying BDs since they had the player anyways. Everyone keeps saying HD-DVD hardware was so much cheaper, but in reality you could view it as every PS3 bought for gaming was a free BD player.
But the fact remains, people opted for a higher priced TV at a major retailer that included a BD player (They WANTED a BD player, and that was the best deal for those who were also looking for a TV.) They could've just as easily bought a less expensive Phillips, Toshiba, or Samsung that didn't include a BD player. Instead, they got the fully retail priced, higher-end brand TV to get a BD player... thereby, in a sense, paying (one way or another) for the BD player. It was brilliant marketing that clearly trumped Toshiba's firesale prices.

I agree, very savvy marketing. Buy large panel television and get FREE Blu Ray player, a couple of weeks before the Super Bowl? Brilliant!
It's a tri-fecta, they sell two pieces of hardware and probably some software at some point.
I agree, very savvy marketing. Buy large panel television and get FREE Blu Ray player, a couple of weeks before the Super Bowl? Brilliant!
It's a tri-fecta, they sell two pieces of hardware and probably some software at some point.

Exactly... the razor blade giveaway lured Warner... now put HD DVD in its grave by giving away the razors. Hell, even I don't blame the BDA for playing dirty. Some stuff is just business.
But the fact remains, people opted for a higher priced TV at a major retailer that included a BD player (They WANTED a BD player, and that was the best deal for those who were also looking for a TV.)

If your theory that people will buy online because prices are cheaper was true then BB and CC would be out of business. Since clearly they are not out of business I think my point is correct when I say it is a free BD player throw in. People are going to buy in stores because they like to see it, touch it, smell it. Let us not the forget that the majority of the population that doesn't/won't shop online.

But They could've just as easily bought a less expensive Phillips, Toshiba, or Samsung that didn't include a BD player. Instead, they got the fully retail priced, higher-end brand TV to get a BD player... thereby, in a sense, paying (one way or another) for the BD player. It was brilliant marketing that clearly trumped Toshiba's firesale prices.

I have yet to see how consumers are paying for the BD throw in player. Those TV's with the throw in BD player usually cost more then other TV's and people know this when selecting them. By the way I don't see Sony, Panasonic, and Sharp's TV divisions going out of business. I guarantee you after all the throw-a BD players with a TV deals are long over, TV's at stores will still cost more then on the internet, and those "fully retail priced, higher-end brand TVs" will cost more then too. There is no reason to believe that consumers won't buy those higher priced TV's thus its no reason to believe its not a throw in and should be count as such.

Another point to push it over the top, the major retailer have routinely offered no interest on major purchases at their stores. I personally saved over $600 on my deferred interest, that would definitely cover the cost of a throw in BD player with a few hundred left over. So stop feeling bad for those who paid for the "fully retail priced, higher-end brand TVs" because when you get past the competitive banter within the war zone and look closely you'll see its not a bad deal on many levels.
I understand vinyl records have had an uptick in sales recently. That format is not dead, either! ;)

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