The power of BOGO's returns. HD DVD has two titles in the top ten! 
Yes, I know HD DVD's dead and buried. However, it posted its highest share since Warner went Blu. Is it HD DVD owners grabbing titles before they're gone? Are Blu fans not trying to support their format anymore? (Doubtful. The top 4 titles were blue.) Bargains always make for happy shoppers!
Nielsen VideoScan High-Def market share for week ending February 17th, 2008 - Engadget HD

Yes, I know HD DVD's dead and buried. However, it posted its highest share since Warner went Blu. Is it HD DVD owners grabbing titles before they're gone? Are Blu fans not trying to support their format anymore? (Doubtful. The top 4 titles were blue.) Bargains always make for happy shoppers!
Nielsen VideoScan High-Def market share for week ending February 17th, 2008 - Engadget HD