BURBANK -- Word working its way around the Warner Bros. 85th anniversary event on the studio lot Tuesday night was that some electronics retailers are being flooded with returns of HD DVD players.
In fact, so many are being returned that some retailers are in possession of more returned HD DVD players than new stock.
I won't tell you who said what or which retailers we're talking about, but I will tell you that execs from Amazon.com and Best Buy were in attendance.
Yes, but the format is not dying as you've hoped.
Actually, I think the article states an increase of 33%. So it's probably more like 24% overall sales.HD-DVD fanboys CELEBRATING 33% of overall sales is all the proof I need that the format is dying.
Then there's this: Hollywood In Hi-Def
I saw that for myself two weeks ago, looking for a player for my dad - I had to go to three BB's to find an unopened HD-A3. All three stores had plenty of open-box options...
(Somebody trying to hijack my thread and replace me?)
Nope we cant, we will just make do with good upconvert DVD's, they cant make up for the lack of titles coming for the rest of the year.
There has been 2 opened a2's on the shelf in my local wally world for the last two weeks, both with missing upc'sD). They are sitting next to 4 more new ones.