
Next Episode: Season 1, Episode 18

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Salvation": An angry resident of The Glades embarks on a killing and kidnapping spree and announces that the Arrow's vigilantism was his inspiration; Malcolm asks Moira to find the person responsible for his attempted murder.

Colton Haynes (Roy Harper, the kid in the red hoodie on the bad side of town) is going full time next season. Roy Harper in the comics is Green Arrow's teenage sidekick "Speedy".

Colton Haynes left Teen Wolf (MTV) to join this series.
Colton Haynes (Roy Harper, the kid in the red hoodie on the bad side of town) is going full time next season. Roy Harper in the comics is Green Arrow's teenage sidekick "Speedy".

Colton Haynes left Teen Wolf (MTV) to join this series.

Should be interesting after him saving Arrow sister the other night :)
Next Episode: Season 1, Episode 19

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Unfinished Business": After partying and taking a drug, a woman dies violently; the count escapes from the mental institution; Oliver remembers lessons taught to him by Slade and Shado.

Another good Arrow tonight with him after the Vertigo guy again and him remembering more from his time on the Island that Computer woman is hot that works for Arrow d should be good with Deadshot getting into the picture now ;) :)
Good episode. Unforunately off for a few weeks.


The interruptions on these shows so much is get crazy ;) :)

A lot of shows seem to be taking off for a few weeks,but,me living in the Augusta,GA metro area,the Masters Golf Tournament is next week,& a lot of people will be renting out their houses & being on vacation. I can't speak for the rest of the nation,but Masters Week is our Spring vacation time.
A lot of shows seem to be taking off for a few weeks,but,me living in the Augusta,GA metro area,the Masters Golf Tournament is next week,& a lot of people will be renting out their houses & being on vacation. I can't speak for the rest of the nation,but Masters Week is our Spring vacation time.

Yes but there is too many disruptions in the shows last few years and I lived down you way in Augusta when I was in the Military in Army in the 80's at Fort Gordon and lived in August after I got out and then moved to Atlanta and last time I was down there was for the Rams win in the Super Bowl over the Titans in 2000 and yes Augusta is busy this time of year for the Masters is a big deal for the city :)
Deadshot back this week and should be great rest of season and curious how they will end it and could it be trouble better Oliver and Tommy coming with Tommy's father the cause of it ;) :)
Next Episode: Season 1, Episode 20

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Home Invasion": When Deadshot returns to Starling City, Diggle intends to kill him -- with or without Oliver's help; Laurel's attempts to protect a young witness increase friction between Oliver and Tommy.

Exclusive Arrow First Look: 'Secret Weapon' Felicity Braves Her First (Red-Hot) Field Op May 1st Episode ...I agree with what they said about her.......Of course, while Ms. Smoake may be a whiz with the keyboard and capable enough at reconnaissance, her verbal skills are prone to the occasional b.... :D (Those who follow EP Marc Guggenheim on Twitter already are privy to an epic– Freudian? — slip she makes during this episode.) In fact, closer to the May 15 finale, Kreisberg shares, "We have a line where she says, 'Why does my brain think of the worst way to say things?! :D :)
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I agree Felicity is hot and gives everyone a B.... ;) :) Very Interesting article above and becomes a regular next year and gets more field work after that episode :)

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