Arrow News and Spoilers

Should 'Arrow' and 'The Flash' Take a Break From Crossovers?
Over the course of both Arrow and The Flash's runs on the CW together, crossover events have become a time-honored tradition. The first season of The Flash featured a two-night event, putting both our titular heroes in the other's show, making for one of the highest rated weeks the CW has ever had. This last year saw a similar strategy employed. It was of course met with a similar level of enthusiasm, and for all intents and purposes, it was a rousing success. With rumors circulating around a second crossover event though, it's hard not to ask one question: When will it be too much?To clarify, there's absolutely nothing wrong with both shows emphasizing their shared universe. It's part of what's made DC's TV lineup so appealing to fans, and you can hardly blame the network for playing their trump card as often as they possibly can. But there's a marked difference between "playing to your strengths" and "doing something so often it's not fun anymore." If the Green Arrow calls in his friendly neighborhood speedster every time there's a problem, it stops feeling like an occasion, and more like an unnecessary distraction.

In "Blood Debts," the midseason premiere of "Arrow," Oliver is on a hunt for vengeance against Damien Darhk for what he did to Felicity -- but it looks like Darhk won't be the only villain Team Arrow encounters in the episode.Executive producer Marc Guggenheim Tweeted a comic preview for "Arrow's" impending return, which teases the return of Anarky (Alexander Calvert). Anarky first appeared in Darhk's employ, only to be released when he proved to be too volatile, and he may or may not be looking to exact a little revenge of his own.According to the episode's official description, "Oliver (Stephen Amell) must deal with the devastating consequences of Darhk's (guest star Neal McDonough) last attack. Seeking revenge, Oliver goes on a brutal manhunt looking for Dahrk."
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Arrow Preview: Is There Anyone to Stop Oliver From Seeking Darhk Revenge?
Arrow is pointed in a very dark direction when the CW series resumes Season 4 this Wednesday at 8/7c. Who if anyone will be able or willing to stop him from CROSSINGlines in the name of revenge?When last we tuned in, Damien Darhk had ordered a brutal attack on the limousine taking Oliver and his fiancee Felicity away from a campaign event. Oliver escaped unscathed, but Felicity took a lot of fire. With his LOVE in no condition to quell his anger, Oliver's want for revenge is at risk of going unchecked. Or will he receive unexpected counsel from a frenemy?Executive producer Wendy Mericle shared what's ahead for the superhero series.

Caity Lotz on The Differences Between Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, Sara's Love Life, And More
She's battled Deathstroke, been resurrected by John Constantine and now she'll head into the timestream to battle Vandal Savage alongside Rip Hunter and DC's Legends of Tomorrow.She's Caity Lotz -- or rather, her Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow character, Sara Lance. The OG Canary is set to fly again alongside The Atom, Firestorm, Hawkgirl, Hawkman and a pair of The Flash's rogues on board The Waverider, Rip Hunter's timeship.

'Arrow': How a Death Set Season 4 Up for Failure
No show has been more guilty of this than CW's Arrow. Throughout its four seasons, it's made a habit of PLAYING fast and loose with death. Virtually every major character has either actually bit the dust at some point, or at least appeared to. It's a long list, that includes two apparent deaths for Sara Lance, and ONE for each of Thea Queen, Oliver, Malcolm Merlyn, Quentin Lance, Ray Palmer, and Roy Harper. Sometimes it's a magic resurrection pit (Sara, Thea, and possibly Malcolm), other times it's a bait and switch (Oliver, Lance, Ray, Roy). Arrow has used just about every trick in the book to undo death's sweet embrace, and the act is BEGINNING to wear thin.The exact breaking point is easy enough to pinpoint, taking place in the show's midseason finale that just aired. In it, we spend an entire episode reading tea leaves that tell us that Felicity Smoak will be the NEXT to go. Waiting until the moment Oliver gets down on one knee and proposes, the CLOSING moments show Felicity suffering from what appears to be a fatal gunshot wound, followed by a fade to credits. It's a midseason finale that mirrors the apparent death of Oliver last year around this same time, and it's an event that's entirely lost all WEIGHT for us as an audience.

Arrow Trailer Paints a Target on
's Back — Plus: Roy, Nyssa, Goth Felicity and More Return
Everyone from a hospital-ridden Felicity and Thea (!) to a bloody Laurel appear to be potential future residents of that cemetery plot.On the bright side, the preview also offers up a glimpse at some much welcome (Roy! Nyssa!), surprising (Katana!) and truly shocking (Goth Felicity flashback?!) returns....

New 'Arrow' trailer sets up HUGE changes in season 4 https://www
During the last few seasons of "Arrow" Oliver has sworn of killing. That vow may change now that the people he loves are being caught in Darhk's crosshairs. If Oliver is willing to kill again, something terrible must happen to trigger that response in him.We know in the season four winter finale that Felicity was shot, and that she may be injured or dead when the season returns. There's been a lot of buzz online about Felicity's fate. Is she in the grave that Oliver visits? Does she suffer an injury that makes her take on the Barbara Gordon/Oracle persona? We also know that Roy Harper and Nyssa are coming back, and Thea is in the hospital in the trailer, does something happen to her? Does Roy come back because Thea dies? It's all speculation at this point, but the trailer sets up some huge scenarios, including a showdown between Oliver and Darhk, Baron Blitz, and Nyssa and Katana.....Arrow Season 4 "The Saga Continues" Trailer (HD)......Watch this midseason sizzle reel as Arrow Season 4 returns with all-new episodes tomorrow on The CW!.....
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'Arrow' Boss Teases Who's in the Grave and Oliver's Quest for Revenge in Midseason Premiere
It's been a long winter break for fans of The CW's "Arrow," after December's midseason finale left Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) on death's door following a brutal attack from Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough). Given that cliffhanger, it should come as no surprise that when the superhero series returns on Wednesday night, we'll see our hero, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), "falling back into some old habits," according to executive producer Wendy Mericle. "[He's] going very fire and brimstone in his attempt to get revenge for Damien's attack on him and Felicity."Mericle promises that episode 410, "Blood Debts," will "pick up in a very dark place" for Team Arrow. "We're really intrigued by the idea of seeing what happens when Oliver has someone he loves as much as he loves Felicity get hurt like that, and we're intrigued by what he would do."Darhk's attack will put him firmly in Oliver's crosshairs, but Mericle teases that even as the vigilante is "dead set on getting Darhk and making sure that he never hurts anyone again, we also get some very interesting human insight into Darhk in this episode. It doesn't necessarily complicate matters as much for Oliver, but it definitely does for the team, and it makes Oliver's task quite a bit harder. We're hoping that will provide some interesting challenges and context as they continue to battle through the rest of the season."With Felicity's life in the balance, the show intends to keep us guessing about the identity of the person in the grave seen in the flashforward from the Season 4 premiere. Mericle says we'll finally learn who dies "towards the end of the season. I can't tell you which episode – you'll have to watch! But it's big stakes and it's going to be a big shock, so we want to make sure that we handle it with as much care as possible, and that means making sure that we are ramping into it in all the right ways, so that pushes it towards the last few episodes of the season."
'Arrow' Boss Talks Felicity's Fate and Damien Darhk's Very Personal Agenda
Spoiler warning: Do not read on unless you've seen the midseason premiere of The CW's "Arrow," titled "Blood Debts."We still may not know who's in the grave that was teased in "Arrow's" Season 4 premiere, but after the flashforward we saw in tonight's midseason return, at least we know who's not: Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), who survived a shootout with Damien Darhk's (Neal McDonough) Ghosts, but may never walk again as a result of her injuries. Still, that bombshell didn't stop Oliver (Stephen Amell) from reaffirming his commitment to his new fiancee, giving her back the engagement ring that the nurses dared to take off while she was in surgery in a heartfelt hospital scene. (A ring that later seemed conspicuously absent from Felicity's finger in the episode's final flashforward.)The show easily could've kept viewers in the dark (no pun intended) about Felicity's ultimate fate, but executive producer Wendy Mericle told Variety, "we wanted to put some questions to bed and raise the stakes about who it could be. We now know for sure that it's not her, but that just shifts the focus to a whole host of other characters. We're lucky to have a big ensemble and it's still a big question mark, so we got a chance to have our cake and eat it too, and we took it."

Arrow postmortem: Felicity's fate revealed! What's next?
Warning: This story contains major spoilers from the midseason premiere of Arrow. Read at your own risk!In the wake of Damien Darhk's (Neal McDonough) Ghosts shooting up Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity's (Emily Bett Rickards) limo in the midseason finale, the Green Arrow's go-to IT gal is now paralyzed. As much as the fans hope this means she'll now be going by the codename Oracle — as was initially hinted toward — Felicity is not taking on that famous DC Comics moniker. What's next, especially after another flash forward revealed that Ollie will be standing over someone's grave (not Felicity's!) in four months? EW spoke with executive producer Wendy Mericle to find out:

Nyssa al Ghul returns to Star City when Katrina Law guest stars in "Arrow's" Feb. 10 episode, "Sins of the Father." The episode description teases that while she's in town, she makes Oliver an OFFER"that is hard to refuse" and has a "heart to heart" talk with Laurel.

Among the decisions Oliver made was to cut the psychopathic Anarky loose in order to do their dirty work. Ultimately, however, he was unable to fully stoop to either villain's level. When Darhk's family was placed in danger due to Anarky's deadly machinations, Green Arrow saved them. Meanwhile, though Felicity survived her emergency surgery, it was revealed that she is now permanently paralyzed."Arrow" Executive Producer Wendy Mericle spoke with CBR News about where Team Arrow finds itself in the wake of their all-out assault on Darhk. Oliver reverted back to his old habits, after all, and that's going to put additional pressure on his already strained relationships. Plus, Diggle will continue to learn more about his estranged brother Andy --and he may not like what he discovers), Felicity and Oliver will struggle with her new condition, Darhk's wife wishes Oliver was dead, and the team remains unaware of the death that looms in their future.

'Arrow' First Look: Vixen Makes Her Live-Action Debut
"Arrow's" Stephen Amell and "The Flash" star Grant Gustin have both lent their voices to the animated series, and "Vixen" is executive produced by the team behind those two hit shows (and their midseason spinoff "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," premiering Jan. 21), Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg.Originally from Africa, Mari's parents were killed by local greed, corruption, and wanton violence. But the orphaned Mari refuses to succumb to the terrors surrounding her. Inheriting her family's Tantu Totem, Mari can access the powers of animals — anything from the super-strength of a gorilla to the speed of a cheetah. As Vixen, she fights to PROTECT the world from the threats like those that claimed her family.
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Arrow returns with some serious "Blood Debts" to pay
*SPOILERS FOLLOW*Those of you who got a chance to read my review earlier this week for The Flash's "Potential Energy" probably have a pretty good idea of how I feel about Arrow's mid-season premiere. The similarities between both installments are written on the wall: No more in-house setup for Legends of Tomorrow, main story arcs get thrust back in motion at a warp speed, and the main protagonists are challenged with shocking developments they'll have forged into their conscious for the foreseeable future. In addition, this parallel in direction lends itself to methods of execution that go almost completely against the type of shows both of them are. I critically expressed my disappointment in "Potential Energy" for trying too hard to stuff arbitrary nonsense down our throats, and striving too far away from the series' usual handling of characters and storylines. With "Blood Debts", I'm calling out Arrow for doing the same thing.The worst part is realizing that terrifyingly tense start wound up being nothing more than a waste of time. No other reaction to last month's fatal end was more fitting than the juxtaposition of Oliver heartlessly murdering H.I.V.E. members in the search for Darhk, while Felicity's critical state had her being rushed to the nearest emergency hospital bed. After waiting all this time to see how Ollie would respond to his rival's bloodthirsty advancements against his loved ones, we got to experience a plump showing of angst and rage, culminating in some of the darkest, most gripping scenes of the entire season.
'Legends of Tomorrow' Producer Previews 'Arrow'-'Flash' Spinoff: 'This Group Is Insane'
After "Arrow" successfully spun off "The Flash," it was only a matter of time that a third show popped up in The CW's DC comic BOOK universe."Legends of Tomorrow" takes existing supporting characters from both "Arrow" and "The Flash" and sends them on a new mission, with some new friends and foes in tow.So why this show?"We'd been talking about doing a third show. And there's no point in doing a third show unless it's different from 'Arrow' and 'Flash,'" executive producer Marc Guggenheim told TheWrap. "While we were having our own internal discussions, discussions were being had at the network. And the conclusion we each independently came to was, you know what we've never done before? We've never done a team show."

Arrow Season 4: First Look Image of Megalyn E.K. as Vixen Released
The animated series introduced Mari McCabe, aka the titular Vixen, to the growing CW universe. The character was voiced by Damien actress Megalyn E.K. and the series' five episodes included guest appearances from the Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), the Flash (Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes).Vixen proved to be a successful project for the network, earning itself a second season. More importantly for Arrow fans, the character was popular enough to make the transition into live action, a transition many hoped was inevitable. The CW recently confirmed that Megalyn E.K. would be reprising her role as Vixen in the upcoming fifteenth episode of Arrow season 4.Hitfix released the first image of E.K. as Vixen (below), showcasing the newest hero's costume. The character's look isn't an exact replica of the costume she dons in the animated series, but the aesthetic clearly fits with Arrow's more realistic costumes. The display of the character's powers mirrors what was previously shown in animation, but it's unknown if they'll make the transition to live action.

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from "Blood Debts," the midseason premiere of "Arrow."The "Arrow" midseason finale offered a few more clues for the season finale.The final moments of the "Arrow" Season Four premiere made one thing abundantly clear: someone is going to die before the year is out. Since then, fans of The CW hit have scrambled to figure out just who is going to bite the bullet by the end of the season. Following "Blood Debts," the midseason premiere, at least one character has been ruled out -- and her presence in that final scene offers a few more clues into who that doomed character may be.Damien Darhk's latest attack on Oliver Queen landed Felicity Smoak in the hospital, where they learned the damage to her spinal cord was so severe she would never walk again, but she made it through the ordeal alive. "Arrow" took this a step further with another flash forward to the gravesite -- only this time, the camera followed Oliver into a limo, where Felicity sat waiting for him.
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New Arrow Villain The Calculator Has a Connection to Felicity Smoak
The fate of Felicity, who was shot during the attack, was a major cliffhanger of midseason finale and, thanks to an Australian promo for the winter premiere, reinvigorated theories that Arrow's resident tech wiz would become DC Comics character Oracle. Executive producer Wendy Mericle recently shot down that theory, and now she's commented on another fan theory.EW asked Mericle about the speculation that upcoming Arrow villain Noah Kuttler a.k.a. The Calculator (Tom Amandes) is Felicity's father. She didn't completely shoot down the theory – unlike in the case of Felicity becoming Oracle – but she only confirmed that Calculator will have a connection to Felicity.

Stephen Amell Thinks Arrow is 'Missing Something' Without Deathstroke
Arrow season 4 has done well with mystical villain Damien Darhk, bringing the magical world of DC Comics to the show that previously centered around the "realism" within the DC Universe. Arrow has evolved since its inception, but one fan-favorite aspect of the early show has been missing for two seasons now: the character of Deathstroke (as played by Manu Bennett).Slade Wilson, or Deathstroke, is a popular mercenary within the DC Universe, often associated with Batman but used in this case as a villain for Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow. In the show he is played by Manu Bennett (The Hobbit films, Spartacus). Bennett had a recurring role in season 1, with a regular role in season 2, where he appeared as the primary villain for the season. But since then he only appeared once, in a season 3 episode "The Return", when we learned that Deathstroke is imprisoned in an A.R.G.U.S. facility on the island Lian Yu. His role has met with critical and popular acclaim, and many fans would like to see Manu Bennett return to the role of Deathstroke.Now it seems that actor Stephen Amell, who plays Oliver Queen in Arrow, also wants Manu Bennett to return. captured the above video clip from Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in New Jersey, where Amell expressed his desire to see Deathstroke again. Here's a notable quote from the clip:
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Katie Cassidy On Laurel's Future, Getting Back With Oliver, And The Grave
Katie Cassidy has been an essential PART of Team Arrow since the earliest days of the show. Her Laurel Lance has not only dated the Arrow himself but she has risen to show off her own form of heroics and mentored her sister down a similar path.In preparation for her appearance at Heroes & Villains Fan Fest this past weekend, had a chance to catch up with the actress burdened with bringing Laurel to life on our TV screens. First, we took a few questions from Twitter and talked about Legends of Tomorrow, but the larger portion of the interview was spent discussing things to come on Arrow. Check it out below.

Find out how Felicity deals with being in a wheelchair
During Wednesday's episode of Arrow, Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) has a very interesting way of dealing with the fact that she's now in a wheelchair."The wheelchair is the beginning of Felicity's story this year, not the end of it," executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells EW. "I read online people saying, 'Oh, lighter season my ass.' I would argue that for Arrow, this is lighter. What's particularly lighter is Felicity's reaction to her injury and the way she handles it."

Why David Ramsey Is Worried Diggle May Be in the Grave
The identity of the person in the grave has been hanging over this season of Arrow, but it's also haunting for members of cast, who have been left just as much in the dark as the fans regarding the unknown victim. spoke to star David Ramsey about who he thinks is in the grave, who he thinks is safe and Wednesday's episode, which puts the spotlight on Diggle's tumultuous relationship with his brother Andy (Eugene Byrd) and their connection to the clandestine organization Shadowspire. Check out everything Ramsey revealed below.

'Arrow': David Ramsey Drops Big Hint About Oliver's Secret Son, Talks Felicity's Paralysis
John Diggle's relationship with his brother Andy is taking center stage on Arrow.On tonight's brand-new installment, titled "A.W.O.L.," Arrow dives deep into Diggle and Andy's relationship before things went downhill, flashing back to their time in Afghanistan and shedding light on why Diggle revered his younger brother. It's a stark 180 from their ice-cold relationship in present-day Star City, one, we'll come to find out, that just may be salvageable. After all, blood is thicker than water.Ahead of the big episode, Arrow star DAVID RAMSEY jumped on the phone with ETonline to talk all things Diggle, the significance of Felicity's injury on the team (spoiler: it won't be pretty!), the looming secret of Oliver's son and going up against King Shark in Central City.

David Ramsey on 'Arrow' Season 4 and the Next Crossover With 'The Flash'
On the NEXT episode of The CW series Arrow, called "A.W.O.L.," John Diggle (David Ramsey) must find a way to trust his brother Andy (Eugene Byrd) when an enemy of their wartime past, an agent of the criminal organization Shadowspire, pays a visit to Star City. Diggle learns MORE than he bargained for about their shared time at war, and is reminded of not only how different they are in the paths that they've chosen, but also how similar they are at their core.During this exclusive phone interview with Collider, actor David Ramsey talked about Diggle's ever-evolving helmet, why he likes GETTING to explore the personal dynamic between Diggle and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson), how Diggle and Lyla's RELATIONSHIP compares to Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity's (Emily Bett Rickards), what viewers can expect to learn about John and Andy's past, how Diggle feels about what Felicity is GOING through, and how cool his upcoming cross-over on The Flash will be, as he gets to help Barry Allen ( GRANTGustin) defeat King Shark. Be aware that there are some minor spoilers.

'Arrow': How a Death Set Season 4 Up for Failure
So that's the first issue: The show set up a major character death, with no plan in place for how they'd actually get there. The second problem concerns the impossible situation the whole graveyard scene presents. If Felicity was the one who ends up dying, then they'll have spent a whole season playing coy about something we all saw a mile away. Now that the midseason premiere has told us it's someone else (or more likely, no one at all), we have yet another case of Arrow playing the bait-and-switch game. Whatever the final answer ends up being, it sets the stage for a predictable end to the season, which in and of itself would be a tragedy given Neal McDonough's terrific work as our main villain.Now if Arrow ends up delivering a third outcome we're not expecting, then we'll happily eat crow and bow down to a feat of superior storytelling. Past behaviors have taught us this isn't likely though; what we're more likely to see is much, much worse. While a fan-favorite character in Felicity Smoak didn't end up being shuffled away from the show forever, Arrow has once again taken away all sense of consequence by having her survive. It's a dilemma Arrow wrote itself into from the very beginning, and it doesn't give us much hope for the second half of Season 4.
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'Arrow' A Death Few Will Mourn
Warning: This recap for the "A.W.O.L." episode of Arrow contains spoilers.It looks like the Diggle family has gained a brother and lost a… what would you call Amanda Waller? A nemesis? A frenemy? Just another Boss from Hell? Whatever she was, she is no more — a victim of a hostile takeover by yet another secret criminal ORGANIZATION.

The Plot

Arrow's Diggle Is Getting A Helmet Upgrade From Team Flash
When David Ramsey's John Diggle and his wife Layla head to Central City to help out Team Flash, it sounds like the folks at S.T.A.R. Labs will be helping out Dig again, too."Central City will be working on an upgrade to Diggle's helmet," Ramsey told IGN. "That is yet to come, and we will be seeing some of that come out of Central City. As the first iteration came out of Central City, we will see and upgrade also come out."It sounds like the upgrade may be designed specifically to help Diggle combat Damien Dahrk, and his unique brand of power. Ramsey says they may be able to "help with technology to help us combat the magic," though "that has yet to be seen."Ramsey hasn't seen the new helmet yet, and it's giving him some level of worry.
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Arrow's Stephen Amell to Play Older, One-Armed Oliver on DC's Legends
The Green Arrow is coming to DC's Legends of Tomorrow — but he won't look like the costumed hero CW viewers have grown to know.Arrow leading man Stephen Amell will guest-star in Episode 6 of the spinoff series as Oliver Queen circa 2046, TVLine has confirmed.In a nod to the character's appearance in the Dark Knight Returns comics, future Oliver "is missing his left arm and will be sporting a goatee," Legends executive producer Marc Guggenheim said in a statement.The INSTALLMENT will also introduce "our version of Connor Hawke" — son to Oliver and the second Green Arrow in the comics — "to our universe," Guggenheim added.

Donna Smoak and Paul Blackthorne's Det. Lance reach a crossroads in their growing relationship, according to the just-released episode synopsis for "Code of Silence," the Feb. 17 episode of "Arrow." Meanwhile Oliver begins to think that before he and Felicity get married, he he should tell her about his son.
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Arrow Season 4 Images: Arsenal Returns & The Calculator Arrives
The jury is still out on whether Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice can successfully launch a DC Extended Universe to rival Marvel's, but on network TV there's no question: The CW's "Arrowverse" series are a force to be reckoned with in the current age of superhero entertainment. Arrow has consistently defied expectations by turning archer/vigilante Oliver Queen into a household name, and continues to expand its cast of DC Comics heroes and rogues across new stories and an ever-growing mythos.The upcoming episode of season 4, 'Unchained,' looks to take the Arrow story in surprising new directions, as Roy Harper returns and the enigmatic villain The Calculator makes his move on Star City and the rest of Team Arrow. All eyes will be on this new villain, as it was hinted at recently that he would have ties to Star City's own Felicity Smoak. Now, a new cache of stills from the episode have been released, featuring the costumed heroes of Team Arrow gearing up to take on threats new and old. This time, though, the team will be set against the more high-tech crimes set to be unleashed by The Calculator, a thoroughly-modern nemesis who works his menace from behind a keyboard rather than weapons or fisticuffs.Take a look at the images below (via CBR):
In addition to classic DC Comics villain the Calculator making his debut on this week's episode of "Arrow," Arsenal makes his return to Star City as well. The question is, does it have anything to do with Thea Queen, or is there some darker reason for Roy Harper's return?
'Arrow' Recap: "Unchained" – My Roy Friend's Back and There's Gonna Be Trouble
But that's not all, friends! While Felicity finds the confidence to unveil Palmer Technologies' new super-battery / power-cell to the shareholders, it seems she's attracted the attention of The Calculator himself. Though Oliver and Felicity are unaware that this is the man they spent the previous night battling against, Felicity knows him by another name: Dad! Rarely do network TV shows catch me off guard, but this was one of those times. Hopefully this opens up a whole new line of awkward family gatherings for future episodes.Speaking of family, Thea goes from bad to worse as she ends up in a somewhat cliche coma by episode's end. While I hate that Willa Holland has to essentially sit on the sidelines after becoming such a badass as Speedy this season, her condition does tie Nyssa back into the proceedings. She shows up in the hospital room out of the shadows, as the League of Assassins members tend to do, and offers Oliver the healing powers of the lotus, on one condition: he must kill Ra's al Ghul.I'l concede that yet another battle between Oliver and Malcolm feels like we're retreading the same old ground again, which means the writers are probably looking for a little bit of breathing room in this season. Keep in mind that the identity of the person in the grave has yet to be decided (except that it's not Oliver or Felicity or Barry), so this new conflict will further complicate things. Will it be decided for sure on next week's episode?

Arrow Boss Shares the Story Behind Big Reveal, Previews the Reactions to Come: 'Felicity Is Really Conflicted'
This week on the CW series, former team member Roy "Arsenal" Harper (played by Colton Haynes) was blackmailed by a hacktivist known as The Calculator to pinch some Palmer Tech toys. After Roy was rescued from his forced servitude, The Calculator (Everwood's Tom Amandes) faced off against Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), over the computer wires and thus never laying eyes on each other. Ms. Smoak would emerge the victor in that clash of keyboards, but her business with the mysterious menace was far from over. Because after giving a rousing presentation to the Palmer Tech board, she came face-to-face with The Calculator's public persona, Noah Cutler. Or as she knows him, "Dad?!"With that reveal capping the episode, TVLine turned to showrunner Wendy Mericle for exclusive insight on the awaited introduction of Papa Smoak, how chilly a welcome he will receive and for how long he might stick around.

Arrow's Katrina Law Dishes on Nyssa's Plot Against Malcolm, Possible Future with Sara
Wednesday's episode of Arrow is going to be jam-packed with action. Not only will Team Arrow face off against The Calculator - who may potentially be Felicity's (Emily Bett Rickards) father - but it will also feature the returns of Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) and Nyssa (Katrina Law).The latter will be arriving in Star City in order to finally enact her plot to overthrow Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) and reclaim her birthright of being Ra's al Ghul. spoke with Law about how Team Arrow will become involved in Nyssa's revenge plan, her plans for the League of Assassins and what - if any - hope there is for a Nyssa and Sara (Caity Lotz) happily ever after.
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Arrow: How Oliver's Big Opportunity Could Change Everything
Her appearance really couldn't have been more timely. If Thea had been jumping around rooftops as Speedy, Nyssa's pitch to Oliver wouldn't have carried much weight. Since Thea began to succumb to the latest set of Lazarus Pit side effects in the beginning of "Unchained," Oliver was in a perfectly desperate state of mind by the end of the hour to ponder Nyssa's proposal.Taking the life of a murdering supervillain to save the life of Star City's cutest vigilante normally wouldn't take too much deliberation, but Oliver loses about half of his IQ points whenever he tries to make decisions involving Malcolm and Thea. Add in the fact Arrow has been trying to sell Oliver and Malcolm more as frenemies than nemeses lately, and we can almost certainly expect Oliver to agonize over his decision next week.If Arrow goes the bold route and actually allows Oliver to kill Malcolm to save his sister, the entire rest of the series could be changed for the better. Malcolm was Oliver's first supervillain, and his path of destruction can be traced throughout all of the show that has aired so far. Putting an end to Malcolm would definitely work to show that stakes are starting to rise higher than ever before for Team Arrow and Star City. Besides, as wonderfully enthusiastic as John Barrowman has been in the role of Malcolm Merlyn, the character has outlasted his organic place in the series. Oliver killing Malcolm would be dark, but it would also be awesome and show that Arrow isn't messing around anymore.
Another Arrow Character Wants Their Own Suit
Once upon a time on Arrow, there was one hero in one leather suit, as archer extraordinaire Oliver Queen returned to Starling City to clean up the streets on a show named after his weapon of choice. In the years since, Arrow has accumulated more and more characters with suits and masks and tragic backstories to validate them. Season 3 saw Laurel and Thea don gear as masked marauders, and Season 4 has seen Diggle finally get the identity concealment that he deserves. Now, according to actress Emily Bett Rickards, it's Felicity's turn for a suit.

The Future Comes to Green Arrow in Synopsis For Legends of Tomorrow's "Star City 2046"
The CW has released the official synopsis for "Star City 2046," the February 25 episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow which guest-stars Arrow star Stephen Amell.As we've previously been told, the episode will feature a version of Oliver reminiscent of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, in which he had one arm. He'll also sport the Van Dyke beard for which Green Arrow is known in the comics.THE TEAM ENCOUNTERS A VERY DIFFERENT OLIVER QUEEN – When a malfunction sends the Waverider crashing into 2046 Star City, our heroes face a startling version of their own future where they never stop Savage (guest star Casper Crump) and never return home. The city is in ruins and overrun by criminals, which thrills Rory (Dominic Purcell). Sara (Caity Lotz) is despondent over the destruction of her home and stunned when she learns what happened to her old friend, Oliver Queen (guest star Stephen Amell).

Nyssa al Ghul faces Malcolm Merlyn for control over the League of Assassins in a new batch of "Arrow" photos for next week's episode, "Sins of the Father."Meanwhile, Felicity attempts to make sense of her new family dynamic in scenes with both her mother and newly-discovered father, the Calculator.Starring Stephen Amell, Neal McDonough, David Ramsey and Emily Bett Rickards, "Arrow" airs on The CW on Wednesdays at 8/7C.
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"Arrow" Promises 'The Sins of the Fathers' Will Be Revealed
If you've watched "Arrow" at just about any point in its four seasons, the fact that Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman has done some very bad things is no secret. Still, the a promotional image released on Twitter for this week's new episode, "Sins of the Father," states, "The sins of the fathers are revealed," along with an image of Merlyn and his biological daughter, Thea (Willa Holland), in mortal peril as of last week's episode. It's worth noting the text reads "fathers," plural.

Arrow Wants To Bring Back One Of Its More Popular Characters
As the longest-running superhero comic show currently airing on primetime television, The CW's Arrow has accumulated quite a cache of side characters that can be brought back at any time, and Seasons 3 and 4 have seen the show taking advantage of plenty of them. In fact, the most recent episode brought back Roy Harper, Nyssa al Ghul, and Tatsu Yamashiro all at once. According to executive producer Marc Guggenheim, there's one popular character in particular that he wants to bring back: Jessica Du Gouw's Huntress.

Arrow Season 4 Poster Hints at Thea's Fate
The women in Oliver Queen's (Stephen Amell) life have been having a rough time on Arrow this season. After only being engaged for a few hours, his newly minted fiancée Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) was shot by Damien Darhk's men, paralyzing her from the waist down. Meanwhile, his sister Thea Queen (Willa Holland) has been struggling for months against the effects of her resurrection, and the intense blood lust it causes.A byproduct of the Lazarus Pit, Thea is now driven by the need to kill and the only thing thought to cure it was to continue killing. Thea had been working on her self control, forcing herself to fight the urge to kill that arises whenever she went into combat, but the Pit demanded blood – and now she's comatose, having chosen to die rather than kill others to live. Now, a new poster hints at Thea's fate and how it is tied to her duplicitous father, Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman).The CW has released a new poster (via Twitter) for this weeks upcoming episode 'Sins of the Father' that shows Thea in her full Speedy attire, hood drawn down and eyes shut. Behind her is her father Malcolm dressed as the new Ra's al Ghul holding what looks like a knife. The episode tagline reads: The sins of the father are revealed.
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Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so it's an exceptionally appropriate time to share this news: CBR can exclusively report that Amy Gumenick will reprise her role as Cupid on episode 16 of the currently unfolding fourth season of "Arrow," which will air in March. No further details on her return were available at press time.Gumenick, a CW veteran who played the young Mary Winchester on "Supernatural," made her first full appearance as Cupid/Carrie Cutter in season three episode "Draw Back Your Bow," before returning later that season as part of the Suicide Squad on "Suicidal Tendencies." The character was created by "Arrow" executive producer Andrew Kreisberg and artist David Baron and debuted in "Green Arrow/Black Canary" #15, released in 2009 by DC Comics.
Warning: This recap for the "Sins of the Father" episode of Arrow contains spoilers.Tonight's episode of Deadbeat Dads — er, Arrow — features awful choices made by Thea and Felicity's dad, consequences of awful choices made by Nyssa's dad, and foreshadows tragedy for the wishy-washy choices of William's dad. Wait, who? Oh, right: Oliver's been much too busy to remember he's got a secret family in another city — and now his enemies know, too.

Arrow Makes a New Enemy Out of an Old One
In between setting up Legends of Tomorrow, sharing time with The Flash, and attempting to service both Oliver's mayoral campaign and the tragic events that recently befell Felicity, the series has been trying to keep so many different plates spinning it hasn't delivered much in the way of complete, fulfilling installments – beyond a handful of episodes to kick the season off, anyway. So for Arrow to utilize the question of whether or not people can actually change to bring Thea's bloodlust subplot to a close, reestablish Malcolm as a major antagonist, and offer Felicity her own plot, which sees her acknowledge and resolve a very personal conflict with her estranged father, it sets a bar for the season moving forward. 'Sins of the Father' might not be one of the show's best offerings – it does feel a little like The Calculator was given short shrift considering everything going on with Malcolm and Nyssa – but it was certainly one of the most focused, and that level of concentration paid off in the sense that the hour had a clear beginning, middle, and end.It shouldn't be such a rarity for shows like Arrow to offer its viewers complete episodes, but with the responsibility of such an expansive, overarching narrative and the need to fill 20-plus hours every season, something is inevitably going to give. It shouldn't, but it does. 'Sins of the Father' offered one shocking, violent moment to make it stand out from a crowd of lesser episodes of late. And while a major character suffering an abrupt amputation is memorable, the hour should be recognized more for the thematic connections that, although admittedly facile, delivered a complete, satisfying episode from start to finish.

New Teaser Hints At More Tragedy for Team Arrow
Damien Darhk's newly hired "demolition team" has Oliver and company in its sights. And if the teaser for next week's "Arrow" is any indication, Darhk's newest minions may bring mean tragedy for one -- or more -- of Star City's heroes.

Onto Felicity's family drama. She listens as Noah tries to explain why he left all those years ago. He says that he knew he'd have to keep running, and he didn't want a life on the lam for his family. Too bad Felicity already called the police on him. Quentin and Co. enter Palmer Technologies, then cart Noah away. "I'm nothing like you," she says. There are many reasons why Felicity is one of the strongest female characters on television, but now I have a new favorite: She turned her own father over to the cops.Back at the loft with Oliver, Felicity feels a bit unsure about her actions, wondering if it will "haunt" her for the rest of her life. Oliver remembers that he is her fiancé and finally talks to her about what's going on with her dad. (Thankfully, he also switched coats.) During their chat, Oliver gets dreamy-eyed and tells Felicity he wants to get married sooner than later. She agrees, and suggests a small ceremony with close friends.I'm guessing Malcolm won't be on the guest list, though. Craving revenge against Oliver, he calls a meeting with Damien Darhk, then informs Darhk that Oliver has a son.
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