'Arrow' Star David Ramsey Teases Who's in the Grave https://www.yahoo.com/tv/dccs-fan-days-arrow-star-180219735.html
Arrow Exclusive: Oliver Prepares to Take Down Damien Darhk's Wife http://www.tvguide.com/news/arrow-video-oliver-queen-ruve-adams-mayoral-debate/
Now for the spoilers we're all hoping to get our eyes on! During Stephen Amell's panel, the leading actor promised he and his castmates had no knowledge about who is in the grave. However, David Ramsey revealed that he had JUST found out. So, Stephen wasn't necessarily lying, it looks like the top-secret info had just been revealed!David Ramsey did a good job with his poker face and careful responses in the Q&A. All he said was that, "Man…it's sad. You're all going to be so sad."
Arrow Exclusive: Oliver Prepares to Take Down Damien Darhk's Wife http://www.tvguide.com/news/arrow-video-oliver-queen-ruve-adams-mayoral-debate/
On Wednesday's Arrow, it's up to Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) to take down Damien Darhk's (Neal McDonough) wife, Ruve Adams (Janet Kidder) - politically, of course.The two mayoral candidates come face-to-face during debate prep in this exclusive sneak peek, in which they exchange subtle barbs with murderous grins plastered upon their faces. If their small talk is this tense, we can only imagine how epic the actual debate is going to be.Watch Oliver and Ruve's first encounter - plus, a little Olicity wedding planning.
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