Who's in the box? Gambling odds on which 'Arrow' character buys the farm this week http://www.latimes.com/entertainmen...onna-die-preview-20160401-snap-htmlstory.html
'Arrow' Season 4 Dies In Episode 18 'Eleven-Fifty-Nine' http://www.idigitaltimes.com/arrow-season-4-spoiler-dies-episode-18-eleven-fifty-nine-524725
Arrow" has made a habit of bait-and-switch cliffhangers during its four-season run as the anchor of the CW's superhero slate.Episode after episode has ended with Felicity in an archer's crosshairs or suffering from an acute case of bullet poisoning, Thea bleeding out from a sword wound, or in one case, Oliver Queen himself plummeting off a cliff, his body slack and definitely, definitely dead.But Star City heroes are difficult to kill. Both Thea and Sara Lance managed to avoid their Game Over screens by way of Ra's al Ghul's Lazarus Pit, Felicity seems to deflect bullets thanks to the protective plot shielding, and Oliver Queen is simply a bad, bad man who has no time for puny stab wounds, blood clots or robot bees traipsing around his respiratory system.When "Arrow" actually does deliver on a main character death, the show rarely forecasts it. But that's all set to change during Wednesday's episode, "Eleven Fifty-Nine," when the series finally reveals the long-teased identity of the mysterious cast member in the coffin. Very soon the audience will find out whose funeral Oliver is attending in the flash-forward scenes.The show ruled out one prime candidate for mortality already when Felicity was shown to be alive and well in a separate flash-forward scene, but what are the odds of survival for the rest of Team Arrow?
'Arrow' Season 4 Dies In Episode 18 'Eleven-Fifty-Nine' http://www.idigitaltimes.com/arrow-season-4-spoiler-dies-episode-18-eleven-fifty-nine-524725
**SPOILER**STOP READING THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!** SPOILER**...In the episode, "Broken Hearts," Laurel Lance put a huge target on her back after she goes to court and prosecutes Damien Darhk. Not to mention, her father betrayed Darhk after working undercover for H.I.V.E. Anyone who predicted Laurel dug her own grave is correct. Leaked photos from the DC's Legends of Tomorrow & Arrow sets prove Laurel Lance, aka Black Canary, is dead. A picture of the headstone, and a picture of Sara Lance and Quentin Lance putting flowers by her grave back up the initial evidence.Another set photo leak shows Dinah Lance (Alex Kingston), Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law) and actress Madison McLaughlin (who will play a character named 'Rebecca' according to TV Line ) dressed in all black attending the funeral. Stephen Amell announced McLaughlin would join the cast via Tweet back in February. Rebecca is described as "smart," "snarky," and an "escapee of a dangerous cult."Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn have officially teamed up according to the episode synopsis. More photos from ComingSoon.net reveal Malcolm Merlyn gets a bionic arm, and Damien Darhk has the same idol Reiter has in Oliver's flashbacks.Bleeding Cool reported these rumors on April Fools Day, but it was thought to be a joke. As it turns out, their predictions were spot on if these photos are the truth. The site also said that another woman will pick up where Black Canary left off.Another interesting tidbit in the form of a video leak shows Katie Cassidy's Black Canary become a supervillain on The Flash. TV Line reports the Earth-2 version of Laurel Lance takes on the name DC Comics' Black Siren later this season. It has also been confirmed that Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) has been promoted to a series regular for Season 5.
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