Arrow News and Spoilers

Who's in the box? Gambling odds on which 'Arrow' character buys the farm this week
Arrow" has made a habit of bait-and-switch cliffhangers during its four-season run as the anchor of the CW's superhero slate.Episode after episode has ended with Felicity in an archer's crosshairs or suffering from an acute case of bullet poisoning, Thea bleeding out from a sword wound, or in one case, Oliver Queen himself plummeting off a cliff, his body slack and definitely, definitely dead.But Star City heroes are difficult to kill. Both Thea and Sara Lance managed to avoid their Game Over screens by way of Ra's al Ghul's Lazarus Pit, Felicity seems to deflect bullets thanks to the protective plot shielding, and Oliver Queen is simply a bad, bad man who has no time for puny stab wounds, blood clots or robot bees traipsing around his respiratory system.When "Arrow" actually does deliver on a main character death, the show rarely forecasts it. But that's all set to change during Wednesday's episode, "Eleven Fifty-Nine," when the series finally reveals the long-teased identity of the mysterious cast member in the coffin. Very soon the audience will find out whose funeral Oliver is attending in the flash-forward scenes.The show ruled out one prime candidate for mortality already when Felicity was shown to be alive and well in a separate flash-forward scene, but what are the odds of survival for the rest of Team Arrow?

'Arrow' Season 4 Dies In Episode 18 'Eleven-Fifty-Nine'
**SPOILER**STOP READING THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!** SPOILER**...In the episode, "Broken Hearts," Laurel Lance put a huge target on her back after she goes to court and prosecutes Damien Darhk. Not to mention, her father betrayed Darhk after working undercover for H.I.V.E. Anyone who predicted Laurel dug her own grave is correct. Leaked photos from the DC's Legends of Tomorrow & Arrow sets prove Laurel Lance, aka Black Canary, is dead. A picture of the headstone, and a picture of Sara Lance and Quentin Lance putting flowers by her grave back up the initial evidence.Another set photo leak shows Dinah Lance (Alex Kingston), Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law) and actress Madison McLaughlin (who will play a character named 'Rebecca' according to TV Line ) dressed in all black attending the funeral. Stephen Amell announced McLaughlin would join the cast via Tweet back in February. Rebecca is described as "smart," "snarky," and an "escapee of a dangerous cult."Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn have officially teamed up according to the episode synopsis. More photos from reveal Malcolm Merlyn gets a bionic arm, and Damien Darhk has the same idol Reiter has in Oliver's flashbacks.Bleeding Cool reported these rumors on April Fools Day, but it was thought to be a joke. As it turns out, their predictions were spot on if these photos are the truth. The site also said that another woman will pick up where Black Canary left off.Another interesting tidbit in the form of a video leak shows Katie Cassidy's Black Canary become a supervillain on The Flash. TV Line reports the Earth-2 version of Laurel Lance takes on the name DC Comics' Black Siren later this season. It has also been confirmed that Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) has been promoted to a series regular for Season 5.
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ARROW: "ELEVEN-FIFTY-NINE" REVIEW..Damien Darkh lets slip the dogs of war.
All that being said, her death was a huge emotional moment. Her final conversation with Ollie was easily one of Katie Cassidy's finest moments on the series. Needless to say, that scene offered a fitting and moving farewell for her character. All the actors were in top form as they gathered around Laurel's hospital bed in celebration, only to return in grief and dismay a few moments later. Quentin's reaction was particularly devastating. This is a guy who's had to deal with losing a daughter twice already. Paul Blackthorne's performance made it clear that the hat trick might just destroy Quentin for good. As much as I want to see Diggle's reactions to this week's event, I also very much look forward to what's next for Quentin.Given the nature of the show and the fact that so many supernatural and metahuman elements are now in play, it's fair to question whether Laurel will actually stay dead for long. There's certainly an element of mystery to her death given that she had a private, unseen conversation with Ollie right beforehand. Did she ask Ollie to perform some sort of assisted suicide? Did he help her fake her death? Both seem like plausible theories, though both have already been debunked by Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim. The series finally answered one nagging mystery, only to replace it with something even bigger. Kudos............The Verdict--Arrow has had its ups and downs lately, but "Eleven-Fifty-Nine" helped the show

'Arrow': Character In The Grave Revealed; Actor Talks Exit (SPOILER ALERT)
Katie, as she said, will appear in next week's "Arrow" in flashbacks. She also is set to turn up sometime on "The Flash" as the Earth 2 Laurel Lance. Additionally, producers (Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle) confirmed that Sara, Laurel's sister, who is currently time traveling on "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" will find out about what happened to her sister.While Katie now hangs up her Black Canary jacket and mask, she now hangs them up in the place of her choice. When Access asked if she got to keep anything from set, she revealed they gave her both of those items from her costume as mementos from her timeround the corner and build a huge amount of momentum leading into the final stretch. This episode offered plenty of compelling family drama, a steady stream of action and a showdown with Damien Darkh that promises to change the Team Arrow dynamic forever. It's going to be tough waiting three weeks for the next installment on the show. It's fitting, as when one reporter asked her to reflect on her favorite Laurel memories, she brought up the first time she put the suit on."Obviously, I think at the end of Season 2 going into 3, when I put the jacket on for the first time. I mean that moment was like that something ... I still get a little choked up talking about it because I was so excited and I remember trying on the jacket and it was like I had been waiting for that moment," Katie told reporters.

Arrow Boss Clears the Air on 's 'Vicious' Death and Star's Reaction, Braces for 'Rather Loud' Fan Response
Warning: The following contains major spoilers for Wednesday's Arrow.Damien Dahrk has made his point, in brutal fashion.Speaking 1-on-1 with TVLine, Arrow showrunner Marc Guggenheim says that the eventual decision of who to put in the flash-forward mystery grave was born out of a desire to "move the show forward" in a way that impacts as many characters as possible.So, as Team Arrow set out to thwart Damien Darhk's Malcolm Merlyn-assisted prison break, it was Laurel Lance aka Black Canary — played by original cast member Katie Cassidy — who found herself on the business end of an arrow, with Darhk twisting it into her gut for good measure. Later, at the hospital, the would-be DA succumbed to her wound, though not before bidding Oliver and others an emotional farewell.TVLine spoke with Guggenheim about the decision process that led to Laurel's tragic demise, having that "hard conversation" with original cast member Cassidy, and which team members will be particularly affected by the loss. Plus: Who's the new girl in town?

Arrow Casts Supernatural Huntress in Mystery (Recurring?) Role
Madison McLaughlin — who once fought demons as Supernatural's teen hunter Krissy — now has set her sights on Arrow.Star Stephen Amell announced the actress' casting on Season 4 of the CW series with a cryptic tweet.Stephen Amell ? ?@StephenAmell
Please welcome @MadisonMcLaugh to #Arrow. She plays (redacted) in ep (redacted) & is an expert tailgater in real life. So we're friends now.
1:11 PM - 25 Feb 2016
The CW is mum on details, but McLaughlin seems to match a recent casting breakdown for "Rebecca," a teenage character who appears in Episode 19 — with the potential to recur — and is described as a "smart, snarky" "escapee of a dangerous cult."But again, show reps are confirming no details on the casting.Chicago P.D. viewers may recognize McLaughlin as Olinsky's surprise daughter Michelle. The actress has also appeared on Girl Meets World, Major Crimes and Mad Men (as Sally's friend who famously tried to flirt with Don Draper).

'Arrow' EPs and Stars on That Shocking Grave Reveal and Whether Dead Means Dead
[Be aware that this interview discusses major spoilers for tonight's episode of Arrow.]Losing any long-running character on a TV series is tough, for the viewers and the cast and crew, but losing one as beloved as the one on the most recent episode of The CW series Arrow is a heart-breaking tear-jerker. And even though Arrow deals in death and has since the beginning, knowing it could come at any time doesn't really soften the blow.After a screening of Episode 418, "Eleven-Fifty-Nine," executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle were joined by co-stars Katie Cassidy and Paul Blackthorne to chat with press about the episode and the aftermath of its events. During the Q&A they talked about how they came to the decisions they did in this episode, shooting the death scene, how the death will affect Team Arrow, future appearances, the character's legacy, and handling paparazzi leaks.

How Arrow's Showrunner Is Defending That Shocking Death
Warning: Huge spoilers are ahead for Arrow Episode 18, "Eleven-Fifty-Nine." Don't read on if you haven't watched yet.So, Arrow really did it. They really, actually killed off a major character and there's no way to bring them back. If you saw Episode 18, "Eleven-Fifty-Nine," tonight you finally know who's in that mystery grave that the show has been teasing all season: Laurel Lance. Some of you are likely horrified, while others of you are just glad the suspense is over. Whatever your feelings about her death, killing off a character who was a huge part of the series from the get-go is a big deal. And, showrunner Marc Guggenheim wants the fans to know that Laurel's death was the right thing for the show.

'Arrow': Who Will Be the Next Black Canary?
Could Felicity shed her former code name Overwatch to become the new Black Canary? She's no longer paralyzed thanks to Curtis Holt's (Echo Kellum) implantable bio-chip, and she's no longer needed behind the computers in the Arrow lair now that Curtis has proved his worth to Oliver, helping on a mission in Felicity's absence. He even took down a psychotic robot bee fanatic, all while battling the flu. And now that Kellum has been promoted to a series regular for Arrow for next season, it looks like his time on Team Arrow won't be a one-time occurrence.All the pieces are in place to have Curtis take over as the resident IT expert on Team Arrow, freeing up the newly motivated Felicity to channel her grief and anger over a loved one's death to train and become the new Black Canary — just as Laurel did when her sister Sara died. It's all coming full circle.And last but certainly not least, having Felicity, who does not come from any DC Comics character, become the new Black Canary would also solve the problem of Arrow's inability to bring Laurel and Oliver together romantically. While the show did try to tell a Laurel/Oliver love story in season one, it was not well received, with diehards singling out a lack of onscreen chemistry between Amell and Cassidy. Instead, Arrow writers leaned in to the natural chemistry developing between Amell and Rickards, bringing the "Olicity" relationship to life. Since Oliver and Laurel have such a long and iconic romantic history in the comics, having Oliver as the Green Arrow and Felicity as the Black Canary working out their relationship could be the solution Arrow needs to sate the comic book fans.

Arrow: Why Did Need to Die?
"You know, you know we're not immune to the you know, shipping, and we're not immune to the internet controversy, but...when I say immune, we're not blind to it, but you know we've never made decisions on the show creatively because of the Internet, and you know, one of the you know, one of the things we knew people were going to think is, 'Oh well, in the season were Oliver and Felicity get engaged, and Laurel dies, that's clearly making a choice about who's going to end up with who,' and truth be told, we sort of, we told the Laurel, Oliver romance story in Season One," Guggenheim continued. "We told that story. We never really thought about going back to it, so the shipping the was not an element, it was not a factor for us, and we recognize that that upsets a lot of fans, particularly the comic books fans who, in the comics, Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen are in very ... depending on which version of the character you like, are in a romance together in very iterations, and that to some people is considered canonical and iconic, and we respect that, but at the same time we've always you know, made know bones about the fact that we are telling our own version of the Green Arrow mythos and you know, the Green Arrow has had so many different interpretations and blackened areas, and had so many different interpretations over the years that we never felt you know beholden to one particular interpretation, and this is our interpretation, like it or not, and I recognize that there are plenty of people up and down my Twitter feed who do not like it. Totally respect that."Nevertheless, he said, it's a creative decision. That Arrow now exists in a world of time-travel, flashbacks, spinoffs, alternate Earths, and Lazarus Pits makes it a little easier to say good-bye to a beloved character or a fan-favorite cast member...but at the end of the day it's still mostly how a loss affects the rest of the world of the show that determines who gets the ax."It's never been just about one or two different particular fan bases," Guggenheim said. "We make the creative choices, you know, we feel benefit the show as a whole, and the story that we're telling overall."
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A Black Canary Sighting in Arrow: "Canary Cry" Official Synopsis
Well, a synopsis for the next episode of Arrow has just been released, and it begs exactly that question.Below, you can check out the synopsis for "Canary Cry," which will air on April 27.Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz.Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) death, especially Diggle (David Ramsey) who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) had changed. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) to help bring her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn't actually dead.

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for "11:59," last night's episode "Arrow."The CW has released a new synopsis for the April 27 episode of "Arrow," titled "Canary Cry."After "11:59's" killing off of Laurel Lance, it seems Oliver has a glimmer of hope, after sighting Black Canary on the streets of Star City. And Det. Lance isn't so sure Laurel's staying dead either, as he reaches out to Nyssa Al Ghul to bring his daughter back.Check out the synopsis for "Canary Cry" below:ARROW "Canary Cry" — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)??OLIVER, LANCE AND TEAM DEAL WITH LAUREL'S DEATH – Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) death, especially Diggle (David Ramsey) who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) had changed.??Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) to help bring her back.??A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn't actually dead.Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#419).?

'Arrow' Bosses and Star Discuss That Shocking Death: 'We Knew That It Would Enrage a Lot of People'
Warning: This post contains spoilers for "Arrow" Season 4, Episode 18, titled "Eleven-Fifty-Nine." Do not read on unless you've watched the April 6 episode.After almost an entire season of build-up, tonight's "Arrow" finally revealed which team member dies and ends up in the grave that was introduced in the Season 4 premiere: Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), aka Black Canary — a character that many comic book fans likely thought was safe, given Black Canary's iconic status in the DC Comics universe.Executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle, along with Cassidy and her co-star Paul Blackthorne (who plays Laurel's father, Quentin Lance), sat down with reporters earlier this week to discuss the shocking events of the episode, which saw a newly escaped Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), stab Laurel as payback for her father's earlier betrayal. After it seemed like doctors had managed to stabilize Laurel at the hospital, she shared a heartfelt scene with the other members of Team Arrow, and confided something in Oliver (Stephen Amell), before she began coding and ultimately died. Below, the producers explain how they came to this decision, and Cassidy recalls her emotions while filming her final scenes, and what she hopes her character's legacy will be.

What Did Laurel Whisper On Arrow? Here's When We'll Find Out
When Arrow Season 4 premiered last October, a mysterious death was foreshadowed via a flash forward of Oliver Queen standing in front of a grave. Time finally caught up to the protagonists last night in "Eleven-Fifty-Nine," as Laurel Lance, a.k.a. the Black Canary, was mortally wounded at the hands of Damien Darhk. Before dying, Laurel whispered something to Oliver that fans couldn't hear, and if you were hoping to learn what that was later this season, bad news: it won't be revealed until this fall.During a press screening of "Eleven-Fifty-Nine" on Monday (via, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim was asked when the show would reveal what Laurel said to Oliver. This was his vague response:You'll know in season five........During Team Arrow's attempt to stop Damien Darhk from escaping prison, Laurel was stabbed by the Season 4 main baddie, who telekinetically controlled some of Green Arrow's arrows and was exacting revenge for Quentin Lance's betrayal towards him. Although the doctor at the hospital originally said she would be fine, the leather-clad vigilante soon succumbed to her wounds. Before that, Laurel and Oliver had one, final personal moment together, and during that conversation, she asked him to promise her something. Unfortunately, the camera moved away just as she started talking, and once it was back in the room, that's when the death that's been teased for six months finally happened.Some fans wondered if Laurel asked Oliver to help her fake her death (after all, the same thing happened with Roy Harper last season), but Guggenheim ruled that out, so don't expect any revelations concerning her final words until Arrow Season 5 unfolds. Right now, the only major development on that front is that Echo Kellum, who plays Curtis Holt, has been added as a series regular, so unless one of the story announcements during the summer hints at something Laurel-related, October is the earliest we'll find out what she whispered.
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Arrow's Stephen Amell Reveals His Best On-Screen Kiss As Oliver Queen
When Green Arrow isn't busy brooding, shooting arrows at criminals, or flashing back to his time trapped on a hellish island, then he's usually getting some smooches. Actor Stephen Amell has gotten to date quite a few women as Oliver Queen on CW's Arrow. While I'm sure that each of them were pretty good, someone finally got the courage to ask Amell who was his best on-screen kiss partner.Stephen Amell spoke with ET on the red carpet of the MTV Movie Awards – he'll be presenting the Best Kiss award – where he was asked who his best onscreen kiss was with. After first saying jokingly "Will Arnett," the Arrow actor said:
Arrow season 4 episode 19 will not air on 13 April: Is Laurel Lance aka Black Canary alive?
Arrow season 4 has gone on a brief hiatus following the heartbreaking death of Laurel Lance, aka Black Canary (played by Katie Cassidy), in episode 18. The show will return with a new episode on 27 April (Wednesday) at 8pm EST on The CW.In the 19th episode of Arrow season 4 titled Canary Cry, the team will learn about a possible Black Canary sighting in Star City. The synopsis reads as follows:Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) death, especially Diggle (David Ramsey) who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) had changed. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) to help bring her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn't actually dead.The upcoming episode will pick up immediately after the major revelation that Laurel had succumbed to her injuries following a deadly blow by Damien Darhk. Fans were unhappy to learn that Laurel's character had been written off the show but with the new Black Canary sighting, there is hope for Katie to return to the Arrow universe again.However, executive producer Marc Guggenheim has turned down the fake death theory. He told Collider: "No. We've done that. We've done a fake death before. We're always trying to figure out the next way to do this. That fake-out where she was okay, and then she wasn't, was our attempt to do a death that we haven't done before."We've had people killed right in front of Oliver. We've faked a death. We've had someone be fatally injured, and then Oliver arrives on the scene. The Walking Dead has this problem, too. I shouldn't say problem, but creative challenge. Game of Thrones has it, also. I don't know what's going to happen with Jon Snow, but that is also probably going to change things. It's the nature of having a long-running show that deals, with death as a major component of it," Guggenheim added.Is Laurel alive? If not, who is the new Black Canary in Star City? To know more we have to wait till 27 April.
The Big Change Arrow's Recent Death Will Put Felicity Through
Lest we get too excited about the prospect of Felicity resuming ALL of her previous duties on the show in Episode 19, Guggenheim's co-executive producer Wendy Mericle was quick to disclaim that, saying Felicity doesn't have to be both tech guru and girlfriend to be back in the action.One does not mean the other is going to happen. She could come back to the team and that does not mean that she's back together with Oliver.Given the way that Arrow has built up the Oliver/Felicity relationship in Season 4, and considering that big Olicity moments tend to come in situations when emotions run high, a reunion between the Green Arrow and his best gal wouldn't be inconceivable in Episode 19. On the whole, however, Felicity really needs to come back to the team before she entertains the thought of rekindling a relationship with Oliver. They did break up for very real reasons, and getting back together out of grief wouldn't do anything to resolve those issues. One break-up is enough. We don't need to see another one, and there are bigger concerns than romance right now.Besides, Felicity is really the one person that Team Arrow has always needed when the going gets tough. Even with the loss of Laurel, the team is practically overflowing with muscle, and Oliver, Digg, and Thea can't exactly get answers out of a computer by punching it. Oliver is great at shooting bad guys with arrows, but he needs Felicity to work her techno magic to tell him where to aim. Hopefully, Arrow will bring Felicity back into the fold as Overwatch before teasing the possibility of Felicity back as Oliver's girlfriend.
Will Arrow & The Flash Fans Ever Get a TV Justice League?
Regardless of critic reviews or a fandom tearing itself apart over Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice's many artistic choices, we'll soon be getting a full-fledged Justice League movie. Two of them, in fact. Short of a meteor hitting DC headquarters, there's no stopping it at this stage; we've seen artwork, been introduced to each of the members, and denying us the chance to see Jason Mamoa's Aquaman at this stage would be criminal. He looks like a beast.And yet, groundwork is arguably being laid for another Justice League, in DC's alternate-universe world of TV. Shows like The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow might have smaller budgets, but they've been mostly well-received by fans and they've made far greater strides in establishing a shared universe than their super-friends over in movie world (not to be confused with Movie World, the Australian theme park). Better still, hints continue to be dropped as to the future of the TV universe. In a few years' time, is it possible that we'll be getting two Justice Leagues, on both the big and small screens?
The CW has released a synopsis for the May 11 episode of "Arrow," titled "Monument Point."In the episode, Team Arrow discovers Damien Darhk's (Neal McDonough) next move, and realize they need to enlist the help of Felicity's father, Noah Kuttler (guest star Tom Amandes). What ensues is a "heart to heart" between Oliver and Kuttler that leaves Oliver "rattled."Check out the synopsis for "Monument Point" below:

Arrow, Flash & Legends Synopses: Returning Villains & Reunited Heroes
Between Arrow, The Flash, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow, The CW has built a roster of superheroes worthy of a League of their own. The shows have steadily built their fan base over multiple seasons, with elder sibling Arrow in its fourth and The Flash in its second, having being joined this year by the first season of Legends.The pressure is on to keep fans engaged with the shows, by addressing occasional issues like some not-so-stellar flashback sequences, and to reach new viewers by bridging the gap with other notable DC-based shows. So, what's in store for the trio of shows in the weeks to come?CBM offers a look into the near-future by providing synopses of the three shows for the week of May 9. The week will kick off big with notable Bat-fan Kevin Smith taking over the director's chair for an episode of The Flash featuring the return of a past villain:

Synopses For Upcoming Episodes Of Arrow And Legends Of Tomorrow Released
Before you know it, our favorite DC TV shows will have wrapped for the season and we will be left with a summer of repeats to hold us over. Luckily for us, we still have a few weeks left of superhero goodness and The CW has now revealed a glimpse into the future with these official descriptions of upcoming episodes of Arrow and DC's Legends of Tomorrow.Let us first take a look at the twenty-first episode of Arrow's fourth season, which is titled "Monument Point." Directed by Kevin Tancharoen and written by Speed Weed & Jenny Lynn, this installment will see the return of The Calculator and air on May 11.
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'Arrow's' Emily Bett Rickards Joins Sci-Fi Thriller 'Slumber' http://spinoff.comicbookresources.c...-bett-rickards-joins-sci-fi-thriller-slumber/
Emily Bett Rickards — Felicity Smoak on The CW's "Arrow" — has just been cast in a new sci-fi thriller from Diablo Entertainment.The film titled "Slumber," will follow the journey of a woman who attempts to piece her life back together after waking up from an extended coma. Darrell Wheat will direct the film, and Diablo Entertainment's Eric B. Fleischman and Sean Tabibian will produce.This news comes via Variety, who also reports that Rickards will be joined by "Scandal's" Darby Stanchfield, "Being Human's" Meaghan Rath, "Whiplash's" Chris Mulkey, "The 100's" Richard Harmon, "Shadowhunters'" Isaiah Mustafa, and "Ouija 2's" Lulu Wilson.Rickards can currently be seen on "Arrow," which is currently wrapping up its fourth season on The CW. Rickards can also be seen in the Academy Award nominated film "Brooklyn," which is now available for home release.
First Look Promo And Images From Next Week's Episode Of Arrow Released
The CW has released a first look promo alongside a full gallery of images from the next instalment of Arrow, and it appears as if things in Star City are about to really heat up as we approach the finale. A lot of fans are still mad about the decision to kill off the Black Canary of course, but the ramifications from that will clearly continue to be felt in the series – at least, based on what we see here.For more details on what to expect from this episode of Arrow – titled "Genesis" – here's the official synopsis:

Why Arrow's Funeral Scene Could Mean Big Trouble For Oliver
The Arrow interpretation of law and order has never exactly been realistic, and I'm certainly no lawyer, but an assistant district attorney who was secretly a law-breaking vigilante who liked to pound on criminals with blunt objects should cause a lot of problems for Star City. Oliver may have wanted to pay respects the only way he knew how, but criminals who were put away by Laurel's prosecution probably don't have the same level of altruism. H.I.V.E. might not be the only batch of bad guys troubling Oliver and Co. in the near future.The good thing about Laurel being publicly credited as the Black Canary is that the show does seem to have closed the book on her life. From Quentin's failure to find a way to resurrect Laurel due to Nyssa awesomely taking out the Lazarus Pit to the characters seeing Laurel's body for themselves to Laurel being buried beneath a headstone identifying her as the Black Canary, it's safe to say that Arrow has gone the extra mile in settling the question of whether or not she is coming back. Oliver telling the world that Laurel was the Black Canary could mean big trouble for him and the rest of Team Arrow, but it was good for the audience to see her character quite definitively laid to rest. That, my friends, is what they call "closure."Only time will tell if the funeral admission will spell disaster for Oliver and the rest of the good guys of Star City. Arrow airs on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. Don't forget to check out our schedule of summer TV premiere dates to see when some of your favorite shows will return to the airwaves.
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Arrow Season 5 Is Getting A New Big Villain, Here's What We Know
Oliver Queen currently has his hands entirely too full, with Star City currently at the mercy of the black magic of Damien Darhk (and the white teeth of actor Neal McDonough), but the show's producers are already beginning the process of bringing another big bad to Green Arrow's world for Season 5. Things are still in the early stages, but there is currently a casting call out for next season's antagonist, and he sounds like he might not be all evil. Just largely evil.The current code name for the Season 5 villain is "James," and that can't actually be anything close to the actual name, but at least some of these characteristics are bound to be legitimate. He is said to be a contemporary of Oliver's that is dedicated to his own agenda, and he's extremely charming and charismatic in the process. Anyone going out for the part needs to be able to convincingly portray someone who will be someone's best friend in one second and his or her killer in the next, without offering any sign of his intentions. And it's just fine with him whichever way it goes.As you might expect, "James" isn't someone whose life has been the easiest. His purpose when he's introduced will be one of vengeance, as he experienced a violent and tragic loss in his distant past, and he wants payback in some fashion. That means he probably won't have a happy family kept in secret, as his family will probably be part of that tragic loss. Arrow knows a lot about familial loss, so I imagine whatever this guy experienced was inexcusably awful in some way.Actors wanting to audition don't need to be any particular ethnicity, according to TVLine, but they do need to be in their 20s-30s and also have a physique that appears imposing. So if you're a 55-year-old and you don't think you could take Stephen Amell in a street fight, you might want to just skip this one.

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