
Total viewership was 3.75 million for Wednesday. 1.3 is the 18-49 group which is a percent of the total viewship, so 18-49 group was 48,750 viewers.

'Arrow' Star Explains Why Oliver Queen Is A Killer

"The central character of all the great shows on television, and I don't list these names to draw comparisons, but as an example – Tony Soprano, Walter White, Don Draper – these are all incredibly flawed people that do regrettable things, terrible things, unforgivable things. But as long as they're pursuing an overall goal, and as long as they engage the audience, that's why those shows resonate. I've always wanted to play somebody who was unflinching, who set up for something and followed through with it. That's why we have to kill people on the show, because he's trying to clean up the city. To think that there wouldn't be collateral damage, that would be farcical."


Arrow Casts Fringe's Seth Gabel For Villainous Role

I am enjoying the series. I like how Queen has a new recruit to help shift the suspicion away from him. The only drag here is that I am always a day or so behind in watching since the local CW is a standard def highly compressed subchannel. I buy from Amazon and watch in HD the next day.
Im actually getting to watch live tonight, wife is gone.

My CW here was one of the best OTA channels Ive seen, until they added a sub channel last year and it went to poo-poo.
I watched on long enough delay to skip through commercials. Great episode. 2 week withdrawal. IMO this is the only really good new show this year. Last year, there were quite a few: Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Elementary, etc.

Elementary? :)

I agree, its my Fav this year. I find myself looking forward to only a few every week, the others are just time fillers.

Sons of Anarchy
Boardwalk Empire
Person of Interst
Walking Dead
Next Episode: Season 1, Episode 7

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Muse of Fire": Oliver meets a mysterious woman with dangerous secrets; following an unfortunate turn of events, Tommy seeks Laurel's support.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Muse of Fire": Oliver meets a mysterious woman with dangerous secrets; following an unfortunate turn of events, Tommy seeks Laurel's support.


I am enjoying this show and looks good and they are following the comice version for the most part :)
Next Episode: Season 1, EPisode 8

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Vendetta": As Oliver trains Helena to be his ally, the two grow closer; Diggle worries that Helena can't be trusted.

That should be interesting where this story goes and with Deathstroke the Terminator coming in more and more and Manu Bennett playing him should be interesting rest of season :)
Another fun episode. Jessica DeGouw is a hottie as the Huntress


I was doing some reading on Stephen, because I was curious about his abilities. He actually has a strenuous workout routine that he was doing before Arrow. They decided to do the "ladder" exercise in the first episode after the crew found out he really did that as part of his workout. The comment from folks that tried it is it's a lot harder than it looks. I think its pretty badass, and is called a Salmon Pullup.

No wires

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