I waited about 45 minutes and didn't get a response, so went back up and did some things on my own.
I kept thinking about the best signal I had previously was when I didn't have any washers installed for declination. So I took out 1 washer from each bolt, which left one washer installed for extra declination.
Combining that with the movement of the whole assembly I had done earlier is what did it.
I think I am done!! Unless someone can think of something else for me to try, I have it tuned.
Here is the SQ that I have now:
129W G27 White Springs is at 92%
123W G10 11720V is at 76%
95W G3 CCCTV is at 99%
93W G26 Doc Scott is at 60%
91W G11 my TS satellite 12060V is at 90%
87W AMC3 12144H Montana PBS is at 75%
12178V PBS is at 75%
74W SBS6 ONN is at 90+%
72W AMC6 12060V is at 90%
30W Hispasat 12052V is at 75%
The problem I am experiencing is now limited to 5 or 6 satellites at the center of the arc. G11, G26, G3, and AMC3. The channels at the ends of the arc don't do that. For instance, I can move to Hispasat and it hits the same thing every time. There is nothing further East to go to.

But I can move to AMC6 from the West and get the 90%, and then move to Hispasat, and come back to AMC6 and get 90% again.
Same is true with G10 and White Springs. I can move from G11 to G10 and get 76%, then move to White Springs, get my 92%, then move back to G10, and get 76% again.
That doesn't hold true for the birds in the center. I can move back to G11 from G10, and get the 90%, move to AMC3, and get the 75% on MtPBS, move to SBS6, and move back to MtPBS and the SQ is at 30%. Then move back to G11 from AMC3 and the SQ is about 45%. It is very strange.
I haven't messed with skew on any satellite. All are set with the default 45/45.
The only thing I can say is that I have gotten Ku readings that I have never seen as high on any other dish that I own. The Primestars or the Winegard. That is with holes just a little bit smaller than a #2 pencil.
If you are going to look for a dish and want the best, IMHO try and find a Birdview. They are definitely the Cadillac of dishes.