Just another update as I am about to fall asleep.
The welder came by this morning about 7:30. We had a couple of things to tack together around the house and he wanted to come early.
I got the guy from the local scrap yard to bring his monster lift down and set the dish which I had placed on a pallet, the mount on a pallet, and 3 pallets of concrete blocks on the edge of the roof. He saved us a ton of work. Can you imagine taking 72 concrete blocks up two ladders. Whew!!
I don't even want to think about the mount. That thing is heavy!!!
My son and I started working on the mast to get it all plumbed up. Once I had it laid out like I wanted, we put 36 blocks on the out-riggers to hold everything in place.
Got the wife, my oldest daughter and my son to help me put the mount on the mast. That thing is really heavy!!!
Tightened the mount down, and while they were still up there, we put the dish on the mount. Got everything secured temporarily. Adjustments will have to be made I'm sure.
Ran into the same problem that George had even though there is only 3/16" on each side between the pipe and the cap. I decided to try and cure it by adding another row of bolts near the top of the cap. Had to drop everything, run to Lowe's, buy a bit and tap for 1/2" holes. Got back and realized that I would need to run the dish to center in order to drill all the holes.
Stepped back and thought, I might as well put on the co-rotor and lnbs first so I could start peaking once I was in the center. The dish is currently all the way West. It was easier to put on that way.
Contrary to what has been said, my Co-Rotor would not slide into the scaler ring on this dish. Pulled the scaler ring off, and took it to a buddy's house who runs a machine shop about 5 miles away. He milled .030" out all the way around. He is a great guy, but so picky. He wasn't content until the clearance was down to about 2 thousands of an inch. Then he polished it and the co-rotor. Drilled and tapped two holes for set screws in the scaler ring for me. He said this way it wouldn't cock and always be straight. Took an hour and a half for his pains-taking work.
By the time I got back there was only about an hour left of daylight, so I hung it up for the night, took a shower and am headed to bed.
More tomorrow.