Just because you lose a game doesn't mean the other team is better... the whole regular season showed that based on numbers/stats etc... VT getting beat in that game is exactly that - no need to beat a dead horse.
3 loses is bad, the circumstances of at least one of them is even worse, getting beat by the soon to be national champs while putting more points against them than any other team the whole season isn't that bad either. Alabama won - awesome team last year, VT did out score all other teams against them including Florida, UNC won - good team as well they really held on and got a nice pick from the ONLY fumble ever lost by Freshman running back Ryan Williams, GT - good team but cheated that whole damn game and others as well, it was reported several times to Paul J that GT was getting away left and right with illegal chop blocks (or what Paul calls a "Scope/Gap" LOL WTF!?) to make their Option Offense work. I've never seen Frank Beamer complain about anything even after any loss except for that one and rightfully so.
Did VT lose 3 games - yes, did they recover good and play great up to the end - YES they sure did and retained a 10 win season which is again far better than many other teams out there and still ended up dominating Tenn in the bowl game.
They got called on several during the wake game after all the fussing over it came out from various games..
YouTube- What Paul Johnson thinks of chop blocks
I mean wow..this is what they did the whole game when they played VT!! Amazing!
YouTube- Illegal chop block? You be the judge.
Don't forget about this too... pretty much costed VT the game, clearly GT short by inches on a very very important drive yet the refs (same ones "missing" chop blocks"all night) move the ball up after CLEARLY shown on video that it was short...wow
YouTube- Ref moves ball after measuring to give GT first down over VT
Anyone here can argue what I've said...but there isn't one thing anyone can argue about those video's...