Well yes UNC did beat VT - Do you not see that the outcome of the GT game being different could have lifted the hopes and perhaps changed the outcome of the UNC game? UNC also winning this game wouldn't have hurt VT's chance at winning the coastal and playing for the ACC championship. VT also scored more points against Alabama (National champs) than even Florida or another team they played last year which says alot for VT. Yes, you are correct pre-season hype is high once again this year.. and I blame ESPN for their pushing the upcoming Boise St game to be the first played when it was originally set for Oct - giving both teams more time to prepare but once again ratings and money will trump all.
But lets be real here, yes I'm a fan of VT - I go to all the home games and some away games, Do I wish they win them all? Yes I do! Do I know they have a chance of getting beat? Yeah each and every game they have that chance. Do I think they will beat Boise St? HELL YEAH! Do I think they stand a good chance at playing this year undefeated - Yeah I think they will and could very well go on to play for the National Championship.
If they don't then ohh well I still pull for my team and support them no matter what. The ACC has several teams that just slug it out year after year, many of which are on the same caliber of even high ranked SEC teams.
The problem with any of the ACC's teams is just that, they are constantly beating the piss out of each other and hurting the week to week rankings of the other. You won't see any one of them roll over for the other to sling shot to the top - each one will fight tooth and nail... we've seen that in years past.
Last year 2009, VT had the #7 in final strength of Schedule ratings.. by comparison Alabama had #6. To look at a few other teams to compare - OSU was #23rd, Florida #13 and Miami Fl #21.
Phil Steele
As for this year VT comes in at #47 based on Phil Steele's list, Duke #9 for God's sake.. they have a insane schedule that I don't even see them winning one of those games.
You can process the rest on your own but its so mixed from even teams like USC who is #45 that it just boggles the mind. What hurts VT's strength of schedule this year is playing a FBS team unlike last year when we didn't. Boise St comes in at #87 just as typical as every season that's why they go undefeated.. had they not been playing VT this year they would be near 100 most likely. Nope, I see Boise St losing against VT and then winning every single other game they play.