10,000 dead?

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Michael-Berlin said:
no ... that's to much ... what an ignorant ... watch your FAUX NEWS and believe on it.

It's just a damn shame that you are so mis-informed. We here in the USA get our information from a totaly free press. We hear and read opinions from all sides of just about any issue. That is why we all can have different thoughts and views on so many issues. There are thousands, YES THOUSANDS! of newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, and other venues of opinion and information. We as a nation do not always agree on what the right path may be. However, do not confuse our difference of opinions as weakness. It is in fact our streangh. I have no idea what you may be forming you opinions on, in regard to the present situation. But there is no way in Hell that you can be reading or hearing the truth. Also: on a side note. DO NOT PREACH DOWN TO US! You will find that we (for all our faults) are probably the most patriotic of nations. We know we have problems and by no means are perfect. But we don't like outsiders (especially mis-informed) telling us their opinions. Some and in fact more than some may disagree with me. That's what makes us stronger. Please read all that has been posted here. This is a satellite site, not a political forum. No one here is telling you lies. (as best they know) But don't you sit there being some four thousand miles away, and have the balls to tells us what we are doing wrong!
rockaway1836 said:
It's just a damn shame that you are so mis-informed. We here in the USA get our information from a totaly free press. We hear and read opinions from all sides of just about any issue. That is why we all can have different thoughts and views on so many issues. There are thousands, YES THOUSANDS! of newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, and other venues of opinion and information. We as a nation do not always agree on what the right path may be. However, do not confuse our difference of opinions as weakness. It is in fact our streangh. I have no idea what you may be forming you opinions on, in regard to the present situation. But there is no way in Hell that you can be reading or hearing the truth. Also: on a side note. DO NOT PREACH DOWN TO US! You will find that we (for all our faults) are probably the most patriotic of nations. We know we have problems and by no means are perfect. But we don't like outsiders (especially mis-informed) telling us their opinions. Some and in fact more than some may disagree with me. That's what makes us stronger. Please read all that has been posted here. This is a satellite site, not a political forum. No one here is telling you lies. (as best they know) But don't you sit there being some four thousand miles away, and have the balls to tells us what we are doing wrong!
that's exactly the same what Iraqies and other people are thinking about you :cool:
You guys are too much.... Falling on the sword for Bush no matter what.... What's the best way to attack?? Bring up crap that happened over 60 years ago and blame the poster for it... Real Nice...

Every single politician in N.O. is to blame for not repairing the levee in the past 3 years. The mayor is to blame for not taking this storm seriously. The Gov is to blame. Bush is to blame.

Lets see if everyone can make it right now.
Chado said:
You guys are too much.... Falling on the sword for Bush no matter what.... What's the best way to attack?? Bring up crap that happened over 60 years ago and blame the poster for it... Real Nice...

Every single politician in N.O. is to blame for not repairing the levee in the past 3 years. The mayor is to blame for not taking this storm seriously. The Gov is to blame. Bush is to blame.

Lets see if everyone can make it right now.
Last 3 years? You mean the last 40 years. And the real guilty party are the ones that designed and built this death trap to begin with
vurbano said:
Last 3 years? You mean the last 40 years. And the real guilty party are the ones that designed and built this death trap to begin with

And no one wanted to spend the estimated 14 billion to make it Cat5 proof.
Chado said:
You guys are too much.... Falling on the sword for Bush no matter what.... What's the best way to attack?? Bring up crap that happened over 60 years ago and blame the poster for it... Real Nice...

Every single politician in N.O. is to blame for not repairing the levee in the past 3 years. The mayor is to blame for not taking this storm seriously. The Gov is to blame. Bush is to blame.

Lets see if everyone can make it right now.

I am not falling on any sword for anyone but to say it was the Presidents fault for slow response, for the rapper to say Bush wants to kill blacks, and for Democrats to say what they have been say FOR NOTHING OTHER THAN POLITICAL GAIN WHEN PEOPLE ARE DYING is disgusting...no one is totally blameless. Unfortunately this is the climate in which we live.

As far as the german guy...I am just sick of some Europeans always complaining, complaining, complaining, about the USA and then as I said before when the SHI* hits the fan who is the first one they call. We give Almost 25% of the UN's operating budget ( http://www.globalpolicy.org/finance/tables/reg-budget/assessedlarge04.htm ) and what do we get in return for it? you could take half the 343 million from 2003 -2004 and help our own people. We give because we are a generous people and care about our common man. The problem IMO is others have grown not to appreciate it but expect it. And some Euros...especially Germany (And I am almost 100% German) and to the greatest extent the ingrate French try and block our every move as they pander to their political parties.

Further more...this post was what i was referencing from Micheal...
"PS: We Germans are not your house niggers!"
to which I replied..."you were not anything other than our bitch about 60 years ago." Now how that blames him for something 60 years ago please do tell. It merely points out a historical fact.
"You were our bitch"..................it is an "historical fact"...........

That's hilarious, I'd love to have taken your history courses. :D
Some blame has to be given to the people who stayed in New Orleans also. The President, NOAA and countless others urged them to get out of the city. I live in South Florida, we were hit by Katrina as a Cat 1 and many other hurricanes over the past few years. 13 years ago Andrew devastated South Florida. When evacuations are ordered for coastal areas a lot of people still decide to ride the storms out in fact my brother lives 3 blocks off the beach in Fort Lauderdale and he always refuses to leave. These people need to listen and react to the warnings.

I know that the Mayor of N.O. promised buses to get some of the people out but dropped the ball. We can now see the buses underwater. I am still sure that a large portion of those people still would have stayed to ride out the storm even if they had the bus service. Putting people in the Superdome was there only choice, it is a shelter but there were too many people there and obviously things got out of hand.

Bottom line we get so many hurricanes and most turn out to be nothing so people get complacent. They get tired of running every time there is a warning and this time they paid the ultimate price.
Here's a quote from the 8/27/05 New Orleans press release highlighting the reliance on local and state government as the primary means of dealing (and preparing for) a disaster:

Mayor Nagin is working with Gov. Kathleen Blanco and other City, local and State officials are watching the storm's path and working together to make decisions that affect citizens. Gov. Blanco has declared a state of emergency in Louisiana, which provides city government with additional authority and improved access to resources needed when responding to elevated threats, such as natural disasters.

Details of the LA State Plan are here: http://www.loep.state.la.us/plans/EOPSheltersupplement.pdf

Including these snippets:

A. Governor:
1. Proclaim a State of Emergency.
2. Issue supplementary declarations and orders, as the situation requires.
3. Authorize and direct the use of State Government personnel and other resources to deal with the emergency.
4. Authorize and direct the authorities of Host Area Parishes to coordinate the opening and operation of shelters with DSS in conjunction with ARC, and lend all possible assistance to the evacuation and shelter effort.
5. Request Federal/State Government assistance as needed.

C. Adjutant General/Director, Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness

1. Serve as the Governor's executive agent and lead agency for the management of emergency and disaster operations.
2. Coordinate State operations.
3. Prepare and coordinate requests for assistance to other States/Parishes and Federal/State government.
4. Keep the Governor and the Legislature informed of progress and problems in dealing with the emergency or disaster.


D. The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. However, school and municipal buses and, where available, specialized vehicles will be used to transport those hurricane evacuees who do not have transportation.
and more:


B. Planning Considerations:
1. Individual Evacuee
Most evacuees are expected to relocate using their personal vehicles. Local governments of the two Hurricane Task Forces (Southeast and Southwest) are expected to assist in evacuating those residents who do
not own vehicles. Evacuating parishes plan to transport these people to reception areas in Sector C of the Shelter Area parishes using school and municipal buses, and special purpose vehicles.

and regarding Special Needs (SN) people (defined as hospitals, Nursing Homes, Home-bound residents or anyone described as "They cannot evacuate from a risk area that is threatened by an emergency or disaster by themselves, cannot provide or arrange for their own transportation, and cannot arrange for their own sheltering.")

8. In an emergency, Parish and State government authorities will call for the evacuation of SN patients well before calling for mandatory evacuation of the general population.


1. The Nursing Homes, Home Health agencies, hospitals, and other organizations or agencies which provide care to SN people, but do not have enough transportation for all patients for all emergencies, will arrange for supplemental transportation. If their prearrangements fail, so that they cannot arrange for transportation, the agencies will report their shortfalls to the parish OEP in the parish in which the
SN people are located.
2. The Parish OEP will take in, collate, and report transportation needs in excess of their community capacity to LOEP.
3. LOEP will consolidate transportation needs and report them to the state agency responsible for transportation, the Louisiana National Guard (LANG). The LANG will compare the lists of transportation needs with organic assets, and, if the needs exceed assets, the LANG will arrange for supplemental transportation assistance from other state agencies, the Federal Government, private businesses, other organizations, and volunteer groups.
Madtown HD Junkie said:
Further more...this post was what i was referencing from Micheal...
"PS: We Germans are not your house niggers!"
to which I replied..."you were not anything other than our bitch about 60 years ago." Now how that blames him for something 60 years ago please do tell. It merely points out a historical fact.

Read the entire thread. I wasn't referring to your post. I was referring to the slander by NightRyder before your post. CPanther has really added some educational posts as well. Then as soon as he made his post about being a House Nigger, oh my how we were quick to judge him as a racist where in my opinion he was making more of a point than anything. I think most of you helped him make it. Well done.

Get a grip guys... He has a right to his opinion or is it the newfound, you are either with us or against us mentality??

It also may help our education to listed to the views of a person from another country, hmm we may just figure out another point of view, god forbid.
The liberals must be here :rolleyes: The foreigner spews forth ill informed baseless lies about our country and president but I get accused of slander for pointing out facts about recent German history. How typical :yes

:D Senator Lieberman is Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Does that make a liberal democrat leader of the Stasi??
Keep putting words in his mouth.... You guys are cracking me up... Can't wait for another pithy post from Panther.... Wait wait wait, lemme guess.... Yep he was our bitch right??

Attacks attacks attacks...
Help me understand how people were dying in two or three days when i had to watch Foxnews every day for 3-4 weeks to watch that shovio woman Die. I know she was not getting any food or water and it took her a long time to leave this world.

Now i can understand maybe they missed a few meals but falling over dead in a few days??
John Walsh said:
Bottom line we get so many hurricanes and most turn out to be nothing so people get complacent. They get tired of running every time there is a warning and this time they paid the ultimate price.

I think you have made an important point here that I have thought about but not heard mentioned much. They "cry wolf" so much that people don't listen. Agree with the rest of your post too.
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