10,000 dead?

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Michael-Berlin said:
oh my god ... well ... ok ... you ignorant guys are realy stupid. That's a real dictatorship here :(

I'm going now.


PS: We Germans are not your house niggers!

.oO(what have I done when I told DrDish about this forum...)

So you disrepect african americans?....you were not anything other than our bitch about 60 years ago.
Frank Jr. said:
Michael Berlin I have spent a lot of time in Germany and Austria being that my mother is from a small town just south of Salzburg. I have better insight than most people in the United States in regards to your region of the world. I don't know it all though. If you ever have the opportunity to live and WORK in the United States you would probably change a lot of your opinions and find out what is really going on. BTW your English is not that bad. I have seen worse from my fellow Americans.

I agree with you Frank Jr. as much as I totally disagree with Madtown HD - if he wants to insult other people, just because of where they come from - this forum certainly should not be the place for racist remarks!
Maybe he belongs to the people, who are being asked before they are born to chose which nationality, color etc he'd like to have.
True, Germany is compared by size to the USA a little spot on the map (about 1/3 of Texas or just about as big as Wisconsin with about 70 Million citizens).
Referring to Germany's history is important and necessary and I don't think that Germany will ever forget. I do honestly think, that the people and the different governments since 1945 have done a lot of things, to prevent, that this will ever happen again. I include the then GDR (German Democratic Republic - East Germany - 1989) as well. It would be way too easy for me just to say, that I was born 1953 - so it's not my business. It is - because I grew up in the aftermath of unexcusable terror, holocaust AND the liberation of Europe including Germany by the Sovietunion and our Allies and now friends. I don't think, that any German - especially the older ones will ever forget this.
True is, that Germany and many other countries never had any disaster comparable to Katrina. Kindly allow me to leave the question open if it was a purely 100% natural one - maybe Global warming is part of it.
Germany did have, lets say an "unexpected" event: The reunification of Germany in 1989. One of the very fortunate and greatest events in my lifetime so far and I don't care, how much money it took already and how much more it will take - It all is worth it - regardless the fact, that around 30% of the former west and east-germans would like to have the wall back - blaming each other - it's the others fault, that cost of living goes up and yada yada yada -> complaining endlessly.
And Germany and other countries are not crying for help - expecting the USA to pay for it. It's doing it's part too!
Living and working here in the USA since 8 + years - I don't like it = > I love it !
Sometimes I do have the impression, that the USA seems to be very isolated from worldwide events - taking the average amount of news content on TV and especially the amount of what is going on beyond each others parish of county proves me right.
The population of the USA is 5% of the whole worlds population.
Vurbano - It really would be interesting to hear your very own opinion, just acting as Carl Rowes bullhorn is just not enough - I go to his website to read the original.
When somebody disagrees with you - it is named "The Blame Game" - while whatever directive comes from Mr Rowe it's called "facts".
Sorry for writing so long.
My hobby is scanning and editing pictures - so instead of more words - here is a scan to "tell" the rest of it.

P.S. Michael in Berlin - if you would NOT always use the generalisation "The Americans" - but instead, that is seems to you, that some do this or not - whatever - you might be surprised how many might agree with your opinion. I am positiv, that you don't like to be blamed for all seemingly wrongs Germans do either:)


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Madtown HD Junkie said:
The american justice system gives people too may many years on death row the way it is and if we can speed it up in any way we should. If you kill someone you should die IMO and if you hurt a child you should die painfully!

You disagree with that Mike?
fully agreed!

But who said that the "killers" are realy the killers? How often do we heard about "paid cops" or faked proofs? And how many black people are so poor that they haven't enough money for a lawyer? Do you understand what I mean?
Matt said:
I agree with you Frank Jr. as much as I totally disagree with Madtown HD - if he wants to insult other people, just because of where they come from - this forum certainly should not be the place for racist remarks!
Maybe he belongs to the people, who are being asked before they are born to chose which nationality, color etc he'd like to have.
True, Germany is compared by size to the USA a little spot on the map (about 1/3 of Texas or just about as big as Wisconsin with about 70 Million citizens).
Referring to Germany's history is important and necessary and I don't think that Germany will ever forget. I do honestly think, that the people and the different governments since 1945 have done a lot of things, to prevent, that this will ever happen again. I include the then GDR (German Democratic Republic - East Germany - 1989) as well. It would be way too easy for me just to say, that I was born 1953 - so it's not my business. It is - because I grew up in the aftermath of unexcusable terror, holocaust AND the liberation of Europe including Germany by the Sovietunion and our Allies and now friends. I don't think, that any German - especially the older ones will ever forget this.
True is, that Germany and many other countries never had any disaster comparable to Katrina. Kindly allow me to leave the question open if it was a purely 100% natural one - maybe Global warming is part of it.
Germany did have, lets say an "unexpected" event: The reunification of Germany in 1989. One of the very fortunate and greatest events in my lifetime so far and I don't care, how much money it took already and how much more it will take - It all is worth it - regardless the fact, that around 30% of the former west and east-germans would like to have the wall back - blaming each other - it's the others fault, that cost of living goes up and yada yada yada -> complaining endlessly.
And Germany and other countries are not crying for help - expecting the USA to pay for it. It's doing it's part too!
Living and working here in the USA since 8 + years - I don't like it = > I love it !
Sometimes I do have the impression, that the USA seems to be very isolated from worldwide events - taking the average amount of news content on TV and especially the amount of what is going on beyond each others parish of county proves me right.
The population of the USA is 5% of the whole worlds population.
Vurbano - It really would be interesting to hear your very own opinion, just acting as Carl Rowes bullhorn is just not enough - I go to his website to read the original.
When somebody disagrees with you - it is named "The Blame Game" - while whatever directive comes from Mr Rowe it's called "facts".
Sorry for writing so long.
My hobby is scanning and editing pictures - so instead of more words - here is a scan to "tell" the rest of it.

P.S. Michael in Berlin - if you would NOT always use the generalisation "The Americans" - but instead, that is seems to you, that some do this or not - whatever - you might be surprised how many might agree with your opinion. I am positiv, that you don't like to be blamed for all seemingly wrongs Germans do either:)

He uses the N word and I call the nazi the USA's bitch and I am the racist? You drink the kool-aid too? and it is Rove......not Rowe
vurbano said:
I tried to talk to you without the insults only using the word "ignorant" giving you the opportunity to admit that you just didnt understand what you were talking about. Come back when you grow up and can discuss things in an Adult manner.

While I was writing and writing and trying my best, I didn't see what happened "behind my back".
I never thought, I will agree with vurbano -
I have no problem to agree with him 100% at that point !
Michael-Berlin said:
fully agreed!

But who said that the "killers" are realy the killers? How often do we heard about "paid cops" or faked proofs? And how many black people are so poor that they haven't enough money for a lawyer? Do you understand what I mean?

i agree there are mistakes in every justice system, however, if we had a system in the US that carried out the sentence instead of giving them endless appeals it would deter more crime and thus the instances of false inprisonment.
Matt said:
P.S. Michael in Berlin - if you would NOT always use the generalisation "The Americans" - but instead, that is seems to you, that some do this or not - whatever - you might be surprised how many might agree with your opinion. I am positiv, that you don't like to be blamed for all seemingly wrongs Germans do either:)
Hi Matt!

You're right :)

I'm sorry for my bad words :( SORRY @ ALL!

My hobby is Sat-DX and it was my fault to write here in an internal american topic :(
Michael-Berlin said:
fully agreed!

But who said that the "killers" are realy the killers? How often do we heard about "paid cops" or faked proofs? And how many black people are so poor that they haven't enough money for a lawyer? Do you understand what I mean?

What about poor white people ? Why are you such a racist?

You not only make no sense, but you generalize everything. "Paid Cops", "faked proofs" ??? Do you propose we release all our criminals?
No, you shouldn't be a racist. But you are.

I suppose that is our fault as well.

Your idea of diversity is a redhead.
Madtown HD Junkie said:
He uses the N word and I call the nazi the USA's bitch and I am the racist? You drink the kool-aid too? and it is Rove......not Rowe

I didn't call you a racist, I called your remarks as being racist by cussing at people of different origin.

Thank you for correcting me - it's Rove - you are right.
Since when are Germans a different race? And even if they were, since when does calling any individual an idiot become racist?
Matt said:
Vurbano - It really would be interesting to hear your very own opinion, just acting as Carl Rowes bullhorn is just not enough - I go to his website to read the original.
When somebody disagrees with you - it is named "The Blame Game" - while whatever directive comes from Mr Rowe it's called "facts".

Ive never read Carl Rove's website. I resent being called his bullhorn. He may share many of my views. But he does NOT influence ME. Only I influence ME. And if you are reffering to the presidents advisor its KARL ROVE not Carl Rove. Lets at least spell it right.

My View is as follows: The mayor should be put on trial for murder and the governor impeached. If ever there was a situation that called for a law allowing for immediate federal control due to gross local negligence this is IT! But then the liberal left wing would scream Stasi! Stasi!
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