10,000 dead?

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Bruno said:
Help me understand how people were dying in two or three days when i had to watch Foxnews every day for 3-4 weeks to watch that shovio woman Die. I know she was not getting any food or water and it took her a long time to leave this world.

Now i can understand maybe they missed a few meals but falling over dead in a few days??

Give it a shot and reply back in a few days....
vurbano said:
:D Senator Lieberman is Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Does that make a liberal democrat leader of the Stasi??

In fairness Senator Lieberman is widely regarded as a moderate democrat, and he's often voted with Republicans on a hot-potato issues, including the confirmations of Alberto Gonzales and Condoleezza Rice. He was one of the Senate Democrats to forge the judicial filibuster compromise.

Lieberman, a senator since 1988, supports the War in Iraq; favors the death penalty, even for minors; and is pro gun-ownership.

The term "liberal" probably isn't appropriate, but I appreciate the irony. :)

Chado said:
Keep reinforcing his point Night... Time to give up on the attacks..

He did not attack him. He said, "ill informed baseless lies". That is calling the ideas of the person into question-not attacking the individual. If he wants to post here he should be able to defend those ideas. So far he has not been able to. Having said that, I will say that part of the problem is English is not his native language so that should be considered here too.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
He did not attack him. He said, "ill informed baseless lies". That is calling the ideas of the person into question-not attacking the individual. If he wants to post here he should be able to defend those ideas. So far he has not been able to. Having said that, I will say that part of the problem is English is not his native language so that should be considered here too.

How can saying Bush sucks be anything but an opinion. He sides with the Mayor as well, another opinion. He should be able to defend his opinion without having 2 World Wars and Genocide thrown in his face. And admitting it was a low blow doesn't condone it.
I don't actually think he's a racist - latching on to some of his comments and amplifying them regardless of the direction of the actual conversation or addressing any response is my way of delivering the same mindless babble some spew forth on these forums.

It's no different than posting "Bush is evil because....." then in answer to someone debating the reasons for that conclusion, the same idiot responds with "Bush hates black people......" These are not people interested in discussing or debating any issue - just in throwing out mindless, baseless insults. Reciprocating that attitude is the only way to shut them up.

Anyone not holding the mayor and governor responsible for their dismal handling of Katrina, is either ignorant of the process, or so blindly political that they'd rather get a mindless shot in at Bush than they are concerned about preventing 1000's more Americans from getting killed next time. Michael-Berlin could obviously not care less about future Americans getting killed - but I expect more from Americans.

Making this a race issue is just as asinine. It is a poverty issue, and those that did not have the means were abandoned by their elected officials - contrary to their own published plans.
Chado said:
How can saying Bush sucks be anything but an opinion. He sides with the Mayor as well, another opinion. He should be able to defend his opinion without having 2 World Wars and Genocide thrown in his face. And admitting it was a low blow doesn't condone it.

Reminding the Germans is ALWAYS appropriate, they should be reminded of it every single day, especially when one thinks he has some kind of right to the moral high ground, and no, I never stated we did.

Frankly, I could care less whether you think it's fair or not.

Chado said:
How can saying Bush sucks be anything but an opinion. He sides with the Mayor as well, another opinion. He should be able to defend his opinion without having 2 World Wars and Genocide thrown in his face. And admitting it was a low blow doesn't condone it.

Thank you very much Chado!
First of all - yes, I do think, that Michael appeared "like a bull in a china store". (Wie ein Elefant im Porzellan-laden - the german version of this proverb)
If it possible, that we keep on discussing, without insulting each other, or in a way which makes it very clear, that each one of us still can knock at the other ones door and is welcomed - that I'd love.
For my part, each one would be very welcome - seriously - except I don't drink, so you might have to bring your own beverage :D
Matt said:
Thank you very much Chado!
First of all - yes, I do think, that Michael appeared "like a bull in a china store". (Wie ein Elefant im Porzellan-laden - the german version of this proverb)
If it possible, that we keep on discussing, without insulting each other, or in a way which makes it very clear, that each one of us still can knock at the other ones door and is welcomed - that I'd love.
For my part, each one would be very welcome - seriously - except I don't drink, so you might have to bring your own beverage :D

Just make sure there is room in your fridge. Hahahaha!!!
I definitely question the wisdom of nominating a lawyer/Arabian Horse judge as director of FEMA. I also believe that a good leader in that position would be better at thinking on his feet as unexpected things unfold. But we need to keep it in the perspective that it would have been of value during this disaster because it would have possibly reduced the harm caused by the gross ineptitude of the state and local officials who screwed up.

No FEMA plan or leader will ever effectively offset the lack of a plan (or the failure to implement the plan) by local/state authorities. If your local fire dept. took 5 minutes longer than they should have to respond to a house fire - deal with it and improve the response. But do you blame them for a death in your family when you failed to replace a battery in your smoke detector a few months ago? Or call them racists?
Matt said:
Referring to Germany's history is important and necessary and I don't think that Germany will ever forget. I do honestly think, that the people and the different governments since 1945 have done a lot of things, to prevent, that this will ever happen again. I include the then GDR (German Democratic Republic - East Germany - 1989) as well. It would be way too easy for me just to say, that I was born 1953 - so it's not my business. It is - because I grew up in the aftermath of unexcusable terror, holocaust AND the liberation of Europe including Germany by the Sovietunion and our Allies and now friends. I don't think, that any German - especially the older ones will ever forget this.

Sorry missed this before. Wise words.

CPanther95 said:
If your local fire dept. took 5 minutes longer than they should have to respond to a house fire - deal with it and improve the response. But do you blame them for a death in your family when you failed to replace a battery in your smoke detector a few months ago? Or call them racists?

Also, can't the media finger pointing wait until all the facts are in and people are safe and out of harms way?

Chado said:
How can saying Bush sucks be anything but an opinion. He sides with the Mayor as well, another opinion. He should be able to defend his opinion without having 2 World Wars and Genocide thrown in his face. And admitting it was a low blow doesn't condone it.

Nice try, but he wasn't defending his opinion-he was on the attack. In post # 14 he said, "btw ... our people don't have guns and they don't kill any other!" It was only after that that nightryder reminded him that maybe a German shouldn't talk about killing.
OK...this tops them all... The Mayor annouces earlier that they will remove the the residents of NO, for their own safety, by the most minimal force needed. Now the Gov. goes on tv and said they won't do that becasue she does not want to put any more people though more hardship. She says she has the authority to do this. She want to test the water to see if it is really bad.....News Flash......CNN, MSNBC, and Fox all report the EPA says it is at least 10x acceptable levels. So she wants to keep the people in the filth to save the from more hardship.

I am dumbfounded at this one.....just heard her on XM as i was driving home in her own words. :confused:

updated link here http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,168644,00.html

A long time ago, Britain and France were at war. During one battle, the
French captured an English major. Taking the Major to their headquarters,
the French General began to question him.

The French General asked, "Why do your English officers all wear red coats?
Don't you know the red material makes you easier targets for us to shoot
at?" exclaimed the French General.

In his bland English way, the Major informed the General that the reason
English officers wear red coats is so that if they are shot, the blood
won't show and the men they are leading won't panic.

This little-known historical fact clearly explains why, from that day until
now, all French Army Officers wear brown pants.
I am the farthest thing from a Bush fan, but I cannot and will not hold him responsible for this, although I wouldn't label every negative comment towards Bush as liberal.

I think this issue may bring to light some lack of funding that the Bush administration has budgeted, but again, you cannot blame that on this tragedy. Nobody can truly say that the levees would have held even if they were improved. I heard somewhere that the Corp of Engineers weren't even expecting a breach, rather an overflow.

This issue also brings to light the levels of bureaucracy that exist from the City, State & Federal Governments. They exist for a reason and should exist. The only problem is that the heads of the local and state gov't failed their citizens. With that said, any citizen that stayed behind that could have left, took their life into their own hands. That doesn't mean they shouldn't have had backup from the city or state once the flooding started.
Chado said:
I am the farthest thing from a Bush fan, but I cannot and will not hold him responsible for this, although I wouldn't label every negative comment towards Bush as liberal.

... I heard somewhere that the Corp of Engineers weren't even expecting a breach, rather an overflow.

This issue also brings to light the levels of bureaucracy that exist from the City, State & Federal Governments. They exist for a reason and should exist. The only problem is that the heads of the local and state gov't failed their citizens. With that said, any citizen that stayed behind that could have left, took their life into their own hands. That doesn't mean they shouldn't have had backup from the city or state once the flooding started.

you might be very right. I just read, that in June this year Alaska issued a tsunami warning for California - which fortunately didn't happen - but it showed, that nobody at any level was prepared . Fortunately, hopefully learning from this desaster, there will be more alertness in the future.
However, I am afraid, that most politicians - regardless what party (!!!) love to promise us "milk and honey" on one side but forget about the necessary cows and bees.
The amount of security, which all of us envision, might be just too expensive.

"Mayor Nagin, there WAS a young man in New Orleans with the gumption to act. A student apparently without a license, he nevertheless commandeered a school bus and drove about eighty people from New Orleans to Houston, a very hospitable place.

Why didn't YOU order the rest of the school buses and the municipal buses to be used to evacuate?"
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