X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

It's about time. The first episode came out November 25th. They were getting close to putting 4 months between episodes. It's a real bummer too because that first episode was probably the most fun I have had playing any of the Tell Tale episodes. I loved TWD and TWAU but it was nice to play a Tell Tale game that was just fun instead of dark and depressing.

This delay also makes me feel better about my decision to wait on Game of Thrones. Their delays between episodes are getting ridiculous and I'd rather pick them up at a big discount around the time the 4th episode comes out from now on.
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Xbox Live on Windows 10 won't charge for online multiplayer


Because PC gamers wouldn't deal with that. Steam doesn't charge to play games that use Steamworks for online multiplayer, EA doesn't charge to play games that use Origin for online multiplayer, and Ubisoft doesn't charge to play games that use uPlay for online multiplayer.Same goes for Battlenet and all the MOBAs and other free to play games that run their own online service.

I actually can't believe that Microsoft is trying to bring Xbox Live to PC again after Games For Windows Live failed so hard that they recently shut it down. I don't see Xbox Live on PC gaining much traction unless Microsoft does something crazy and starts putting their first party exclusives out on PC. That would really make me regret my Xbox One purchase.

I understand that monopolies are usually bad for consumers but the part of me that loves convenience just wishes that every game would use Steamworks for online multiplayer. The fact that Far Cry 3 and 4 use uPlay means I have never played co-op in either of them even though I would have liked to. Battlefield (and Star Wars Battlefront in the future) using Origin means I only get to play with strangers online. Then there are the things like Diablo 3 on Battlenet and Smite using it's own online service.

All of this means that PC gamers need to add their friends on like 8 different online services if they want to play different games with them. For me, I only have friends on my Steam account because that's what most games use. I don't even both trying on the rest of them because I would usually only be adding friends for 1 or 2 games.
So....apparently there's a petition going out to tell Activision to remake Modern Warfare 2. Not the original (and FAR SUPERIOR) CoD4, but MW2. Their logic is that multiplayer is overridden by hackers and such. I don't see how a full blown remake is the correct solution, especially since they could make more money just keeping the status quo and pumping out a new game every year.

If anything, I would go for a remake of MW1. After all, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who liked MW2 more than MW1 (except maybe with multiplayer but I can't speak to that as I didn't play a lot of MW1 to compare it to 2) and that's really the game that turned CoD into (for better or worse) the massive juggernaut it has become.

Dragon Age Inquisition is currently free for Xbox Live Gold subscribers


The promotion for Dragon Age Inquisition started last night, and if you own an Xbox One and are a Live Gold Subscriber you can play the game for free for almost a whole week. The last day of availability is the 16th but everything you do in game will get saved, including achievements, in case you decide to continue and purchase the full title.
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So....apparently there's a petition going out to tell Activision to remake Modern Warfare 2. Not the original (and FAR SUPERIOR) CoD4, but MW2. Their logic is that multiplayer is overridden by hackers and such. I don't see how a full blown remake is the correct solution, especially since they could make more money just keeping the status quo and pumping out a new game every year.

If anything, I would go for a remake of MW1. After all, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who liked MW2 more than MW1 (except maybe with multiplayer but I can't speak to that as I didn't play a lot of MW1 to compare it to 2) and that's really the game that turned CoD into (for better or worse) the massive juggernaut it has become.


I play all the new Call of Duty games when they come out with friends but I have never felt the need to play any of them again as a remake.

Just to clarify (in case you're too lazy to read), this is only for the Xbox One version, and it's not like you get the game for free forever like with "Games with Gold." You get to play it for a week for free. And apparently this deal went live yesterday, but you can be forgiven for not knowing about it since a good portion of Xbox Live was down yesterday.
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I play all the new Call of Duty games when they come out with friends but I have never felt the need to play any of them again as a remake.

The only one I'd do that for is Black Ops. That is BY FAR my favorite CoD of all time. I've debated buying a used copy of it just to delve into it again, even multiplayer. The best part about the game was that it had bots you could play against. I LOVED that because it got me to learn the maps and weapons in a nice controlled setting and not out in the field where I could be massacred at the same time. I also really liked the Single Player campaign. Granted, it wasn't exactly "realistic" but it was it was quite original and I really enjoyed the twist of the main character. Also it let you play Zork!
I agree that it was time to remove Tiger's name but I'm not sure why they felt the need to keep a golfer's name attached to the title. What's wrong with just calling it PGA 15? It's not Lebron James NBA Live 15 or Mike Trout MLB the Show.

By the same token, I don't see anything wrong with keeping Tiger Woods's name. It's not like Madden was still coaching all those years that his name was attached to the NFL game -- or was even the most popular or entertaining broadcaster. It's just a brand. If anything, the time to dump Tiger Woods for marketing reasons was when the scandal about his affairs came out in 2009.
By the same token, I don't see anything wrong with keeping Tiger Woods's name. It's not like Madden was still coaching all those years that his name was attached to the NFL game -- or was even the most popular or entertaining broadcaster. It's just a brand. If anything, the time to dump Tiger Woods for marketing reasons was when the scandal about his affairs came out in 2009.
I think at this point, Tiger really hasn't been relevant in the PGA Tour for so long that it didn't make sense to have a mediocre player attached to the franchise. Yeah he still has name recognition, but hell, even when I was following sports the only times I'd see his name in the news would be "Tiger Woods Pulls out of X Championship because of bad score and/or injury." I think it makes more sense to just call it PGA Tour. Hell, it's not like there's any other competing licensed golf games.
I think people who care enough about golf to want a golf video game would know that PGA Tour is the licensed game without a name like Tiger Woods attached to it.

In some sense I agree with Zookster though. It made more sense to leave it with the Tiger Woods brand name if they absolutely had to have a golfer's name attached to it. I would argue that Rory Mcilroy doesn't really have any major name recognition with people who aren't hardcore golf fans the way Tiger Woods did. Even though he is irrelevant now Tiger still has name recognition with pretty much everyone.

I still think just calling it PGA Tour 15 makes more sense than using either of their names at this point though. They could have used Rory Mcilroy as their cover athlete every year if they wanted without actually naming the game after him. The problem with doing it this way is that they are going to have to keep renaming their franchise to stay with a relevant golfer. They should have either left it with Tiger Woods forever (like Madden) or not use a player's name for the title.
I think originally they were going to go with Lee Carvallo...

On a final note, it was mentioned that this game is not numbered, so this may not be a yearly franchise, and it would allow them to change spokespersons whenever they wanted.I also find it amusing that they're using the Frostbyte engine (the Battlefield Engine) to power this. Maybe one day we'll see these various courses integrated into BF DLC. ;p
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I think originally they were going to go with Lee Carvallo...

On a final note, it was mentioned that this game is not numbered, so this may not be a yearly franchise, and it would allow them to change spokespersons whenever they wanted.I also find it amusing that they're using the Frostbyte engine (the Battlefield Engine) to power this. Maybe one day we'll see these various courses integrated into BF DLC. ;p

I thought I remembered EA announcing that they were going to start using Frostbite for all of their games going forward. I did a quick google search and I came across this article from Engadget . If you are the kind of person who actually cares what engine a game is running on it's kind of an interesting read.


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