Here what I see and could be totally wrong but just my thoughts is all right now I think they will be fine that is MS, Nokia, HTC ect. But I agree with Gates they got off to a slow start which makes you think there might be some changes in house due to its which some of their head guys I think have moved on. But I think people tend to forget Nokia not the new player here in mobile hardware they been doing it for a long time. Yes what hurt them was when smart phones came on the scene they tried their own OS and it stunk. So now that they team up with MS and to me they chose one of the best hardware manufactures out there for mobile devices they are starting to get back into the new game. So MS did good going with Nokia and I really like what HTC has made the last year or two they came up with some nice looking device for MS and Android as well.
It's easy to see that both MS, Nokia, and even HTC to me have been more innovated than Samsung due to now Samsung has showed their hand on how they are going to do things. Samsung is the new Apple they will stay with their hardware and remake the same thing and just call it the S4,S5,S6 so forth it's really funny because the same ads that they make fun of Apple in how folks have to wait to get that feature on the I-Phone 5s or I-Phone 6 or 7 so forth. Now Samsung doing the same thing now with their Galaxy Series devices as what Apple does which is fine but nothing new.
Instead of coming out with many different types of devices that gives users who do not want too big of a screen or really a mid range device but just different options to choose from which Nokia and HTC do. What Samsung doing now is taking a play from Apple and they just milk the same thing over and over so forth. Hey guess what it's the Galaxy S4 with this new feature everyone been wanting. What's that oh sorry we will add that feature with the S5 next year but like I said this was their ad against Apple but now they are doing the same thing.
What would be real funny is now Apple needs to run the same ad with Samsung users in lines to get the S4 with them saying hey the S4 can do this now and we get this feature so forth. Have the Apple people walk by and say oh we can do that already with the I-Phone 5s or 6 whichever is their latest device etc. So either way I think Samsung makes good stuff but to me they get some of their ideas from others in the industry that have done really anything different . But now look like they have started up the propaganda machine like some others due to where some have chosen not too.
So in the end to me this should do nothing but help MS, Nokia, HTC and Apple as well Samsung doing this I think they might have light the fire on some bridges that at some point they might want to go back and put out. This could hurt them in the near future more than help so I really think the others will benefit from this once more see the light.
Overall I like Samsung so don't get me wrong not saying their stuff not any good or any of that but I get a kick at how they are doing things now. I would say at this point it's not Apple that has the pie on their face to me its kind like Apple has thrown the Apple Pie back at Samsung. Anyway sorry for the novel here just my 2 cents in what I see going on at the end of the day it will either work for them or cost them. I think all of these guys that are making some of this decision need to listen to some of us Satellite Guys. ?