Many people will "defend" this non-standard resolution after the fact with a comment like, "well, I don't really use my phone to watch videos anyway, so it's not a big deal to me".
Hard-core Apple fan-boys do it all the time, like....
"I never have had to charge my phone at the same time I wanted to use my headphones"
"Is it really a big deal if it takes a few seconds longer or more than one try to use FaceID when people are waiting in line behind me while I try and use Apple Pay ?"
Okay but that's not what I'm doing. I have given my reasons for liking the iPhone X screen several times in this thread. Plus it's not like this is just Apple doing this. Many of the most popular android phones do the exact same thing. Maybe a tall phone that isn't super wide is just something people want....
For the record I was critical of Apple removing the headphone port on this site too. I was also openly critical of how often TouchID didn't work on my iPhone 6. I don't just automatically approve of everything Apple does. I don't see the issue with FaceID though. So far it has been much more reliable than TouchID ever was for me.