I hope it doesn't require a signature. Mines out for delivery too but I'm working.
It said that it required signature, but it would have mattered for me. My UPS guy will leave anything for me. He and I have discussed previously and my house is not visible from the street so he is cool with it.I hope it doesn't require a signature. Mines out for delivery too but I'm working.
I don't think so.Does the iPhone x support VP9 for 4K videos?
So the 4K videos are being shown at 1080 resolution then. That would explain that.
BTW the Apple TV 4K does not support 4K from YouTube either.
It does not. This came out in the Apple TV 4K discussions.Does the iPhone x support VP9 for 4K videos?
Apple Insider said:Google's YouTube initially partnered with Apple to provide H.264 video content to iOS users. But the company has since tried to advance its own VP8 and VP9 codecs acquired from On2. While it continues to send H.264 video to iOS users, it is not publishing its higher resolution 4K YouTube content in H.264 or the new H.265/HEVC, which makes YouTube 4K unavailable to Safari users on the web.
This has also created the narrative that Apple TV 4K "can't play YouTube 4K content," when in reality it is Google that is refusing to provide the content Apple TV 4K is designed to decode. It remains to be seen how that will work out, and whether Google will also refuse to support 4K on iOS devices going forward.
In that the Apple devices don't feature VP9 support while pretty much every other UHD platform does, I has everything to do with Apple not playing ball.I thought it had to do with the phone.
In that the Apple devices don't feature VP9 support while pretty much every other UHD platform does, I has everything to do with Apple not playing ball.
Fortunately, most other streaming services offer UHD in HEVC.
The deal with VP9 is that it is not encumbered by licensing. HEVC has several licensing situations going on. It also happens that quite a bit of the IP that goes into HEVC is based on Apple patents (39 of them) so it is Apple that is trying to line their pockets versus the royalty free VP9 technology.It's fair to criticize Apple for not always getting on board with the standards everyone else uses. It sounds like Google might be doing the same thing here though if they are using their own codec when everyone else is using a different one.
From past experience, Verizon used Fedex and did require a signature. They even say "adult signature required" but our under-18-year-old daughter signed for phones one time.I ordered mine from Verizon instead of Apple but I can tell you that mine did require a signature.
This is probably an unofficial policy but drivers have told me they can use their own "discretion" when it comes to leaving packages w/o signatures.It said that it required signature, but it would have mattered for me. My UPS guy will leave anything for me. He and I have discussed previously and my house is not visible from the street so he is cool with it.